jarrow- did it change???


Senior Member
Yes,you are right. But sadly this is the one of the three mb12 options available to me here in India to experiment with. Hence I asked. Folic acid is not recommended at all, I've even changed my b-complex because of this.


Senior Member
arx are you the one who was asking about the Now brand? I can't remember. I wanted to post earlier, but haven't had a chance. I started with that brand. I was taking the 1000mcg tablets. I could only get them to last about 15 minutes, but even in that short time I felt that "brightening" that Freddd talks about. That's why when I got my order for Jarrow I was so disappointed. I was expecting them to be so much stronger, but taking 2 (5,000 mcg) at a time didn't seem to be as affective as the two Now brand (1,000mcg) sublinguals I was taking before.

I've started taking the AOR brand 5,000mcg sublinguals. I have a question for those taking this one. How do you get it to last? I can't seem to make it last longer than 20 minutes, sometimes 25 minutes, but that's if I don't move. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Senior Member
Hi Phred;

My guess is that if there is alot of saliva and salivary enzymes in the mouth, the lozenge may dissolve more quickly. But I think that as long as the B12 is contacting tissues, it will absorb well. It seems to me that it could still be absorbed farther down the GI tract as well, if there aren't any interferences. ( food, pathogens (?)

But I'm also not sure if there are more receptors in the mouth.


Senior Member
Hi again, Phred;

It looks like one difference between Jarrow's and AOR brand is that Jarrow's uses cellulose as a binder. Cellulose probably slows the time it takes for the lozenge to dissolve.


Senior Member
arx are you the one who was asking about the Now brand? I can't remember. I wanted to post earlier, but haven't had a chance. I started with that brand. I was taking the 1000mcg tablets. I could only get them to last about 15 minutes, but even in that short time I felt that "brightening" that Freddd talks about. That's why when I got my order for Jarrow I was so disappointed. I was expecting them to be so much stronger, but taking 2 (5,000 mcg) at a time didn't seem to be as affective as the two Now brand (1,000mcg) sublinguals I was taking before.

I've started taking the AOR brand 5,000mcg sublinguals. I have a question for those taking this one. How do you get it to last? I can't seem to make it last longer than 20 minutes, sometimes 25 minutes, but that's if I don't move. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, I was the one mentioning the NOW brand. I am also taking the 1000 mcg sublinguals. I bought Jarrow 1000mcg also after reading about it here that it is the best, but I had a really bad experience. I did not experience the neurological "brightening" or immediate startup effects of whatsoever you may call it. So from my experience I derived that NOW is better for me and I am continuing it.

The NOW sublingual definitely lasts less than the Jarrow one. It is smaller in size, and when there is a lot of saliva, it gets dissolved easily. I try to make it last for half an hour. I keep it between my lower/upper lip and gum and do not interfere with it. I just allow it to be there and it does its work and then surprisingly lasts for a very long time!

I do not have access to the AOR brand where I live,but if I do get a chance, I will definitely try it out.

If you have a link for the AOR product,please share.

Also,please let me know your opinion on AOR as compared to NOW. Thanks.


Senior Member
Hi Crux,

Here in India there are only a limited options of mb12 sublinguals to choose from, and I am glad too that the NOW brand at least seems to be working. I wish I could compare with other brands, such as Solgar, ET, and others that are mentioned to be great.I do not have access to these brands,unless I go for international shipping from iherb, which can turn out to be a stressful and expensive thing to do. Only a comparative experience can tell which brand is superior.

What all brands have you tried out, and which ones have you found good?

Thanks a lot for the link! :)


Senior Member
Hi Arx;

I'm glad that NOW brand works wll for you. I would like to be able to recommend brands to people that are easy for them to find. With family, friends, and neighbors, it's too complicated to recommend the more obscure brands.

Before 5yrs. ago, I was taking Twin Labs cyanocobalamin subs. It was all I could find in stores. I was uneasy about it even then.

When I began methylcobalamin, close to 5 yrs. ago, I started with Jarrow's,luckily.

About a year ago, I tried to find a type without fillers and flavorings, and tried Bio-Alternatives brand, which contained only methylcobalamin and purified water. I began to tank on it.

I have some Holistic Health brand and Perque brand hydroxycobalamin. I think they are excellent for people who can make the conversion from inactive B12 to active B12. I seem to have trouble converting, so I'm back with the methyl-B12.

I have some ET brand, and I believe it works well. My husband combines it with the AOR brand. Even though he doesn't have CFS, he has realized that he has some milder neuropathy and other symptoms that are relieved by taking B12. ( He discovered this when the Jarrow's changed.)

Thanks for letting us know that the NOW brand is also effective, Arx.


Senior Member
Hi Crux,

Thanks for the info. I guess Jarrow should make it official now that they have changed. :D

Out of Jarrow and NOW, NOW seems better to me because I experienced startup effects(worsening of symptoms) from it and not Jarrow. This is the irony which we consider to be a success,right?

Maybe ET and AOR are much more superior to NOW, but of the two which I have compared(Jarrow and NOW), I found NOW more potent. I will be continuing with NOW until I can get my hands on ET or AOR.

There should be a poll or something on these forums about effective mb12 brands.Will help the members a lot.


Senior Member
Dear All,

In my recent discussions with Fredd, he attributes part of his set back to a change in the Jarrow Methyl B12. I have been cautioning people that if they notice that they are not doing as well and they are on the Jarrow Methyl B12, to try Enzymatic Methyl B12 to make sure they do not have a bad batch of Jarrow B12. Hope this helps.


Senior Member
Thanks, Idie ;

I surely hope Freddd is improving. It can take some months to recover, I've found. The set backs can creep in without notice. This has been confusing for me. I'm going to try to be more aware, but I think the brain fog is an early symptom.

Thanks for keeping us informed, I hope you are feeling well.


Senior Member
Jarrow and Now both do not work for me. Jarrow used to . Now I am using AOR brand. I do wish they would make them in 1000mg.


Senior Member
Dear All,

In my recent discussions with Fredd, he attributes part of his set back to a change in the Jarrow Methyl B12. I have been cautioning people that if they notice that they are not doing as well and they are on the Jarrow Methyl B12, to try Enzymatic Methyl B12 to make sure they do not have a bad batch of Jarrow B12. Hope this helps.

Thanks for informing,Idie. I really hope Freddd gets well soon.

Jarrow and Now both do not work for me. Jarrow used to . Now I am using AOR brand. I do wish they would make them in 1000mg.

Hi freshveggies,

Have you tried the Enzymatic Therapy brand?


Senior Member
I have. I kind of put it aside, but maybe should be taking 1 of those a day like I used to. Thanks for the reminder
Hi all. This is my first post on the forum, but I've been reading for a little while. I'm slowly working my way through Freddd's behemoth thread. I haven't been diagnosed with CFS, but I've been struggling with fatigue, brain fog, difficulty with concentration and memory, and poor recovery from even light exercise for about 16 months. I'm desperately trying to get my life back despite little help from the 5 doctors I've seen so far. I'm grateful for all the help and experiences you all share here. I've seen some big improvements with the b-vitamin protocol, though it has been up and down.

This thread is a lifesaver: I burst into tears reading it. I've been making zero progress cognitively for about 5 weeks and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I've been making good progress on my energy levels with the adenosyl-B12 (I could finally exercise again: so amazing), but no progress cognitively with the methyl-B12. It happened about when I switched to a new bottle of Jarrow B12 (though I'm not positive on the exact timing... something new I'll need to start tracking).

The lot number and date for the Jarrow methyl B12 5mg that has been ineffective for me is:
47847H12 08/2014

I just ordered some AOR methyl-b12. Hopefully that gets me back on track. Thanks so much you all for posting about this.


Senior Member
Dear All,

My daughter has been on the Jarrow's for over a year. She mentioned that she wasn't feeling quite right and I told her about the Jarrow's problems. She tried the Enzymatic B12 and had start-up which signals that the Jarrow's was not as effective as it once was. She has been on the Enzymatic for a couple of days and a can definitely tell the difference.



Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I have been on 30mg of ENZY a day for 6 weeks now and am recovering from my crash. Jarrow is not any good any more for neurological purposes. Also I needed the adb12 too as I had startup all over again to CNS doses of adb12. An effective mb12 is needed for that to be properly in place.


Senior Member
I'm glad you are recovering, although sorry to hear you had a crash.

I've been taking Solgar mb12 and it seems good, although I've been having illness after illness lately.