jarrow- did it change???

Enzymatic therapy is 1000 mcg, 1/5th of the Jarrow 5000 mcg, so 1 per day may not make that much difference if you don't have a significant B-12 deficiency. You might try adding one more per day, say 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening, and see how it goes. I used to cut the 1000 pills because I couldn't handle a whole one early on. Potassium apparently can make a difference in reducing side effects. Are you taking any? I drink coconut water. I don't want to take yet another supplement, but probably will eventually get tired of drinking these bottles every day. But yeah, insomnia is a real problem to deal with. I do research on PTSD and some of the vets we tested were living on 4 hrs of sleep per night for years. It's amazing to think anyone can actually do that, but they do.
i take between 5-20000 jarow per day so idk how et would help. I wish they had 5000 milogram dosages


Senior Member
I wrote Jarrow yesterday and got this back today (below). Let me gather a response and maybe they'll do something...

"Thank you for taking the time to contact us. I am sorry to hear that you are disappointed in our recent batches of Methyl B12. As a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified company, our products are 3rd party tested to ensure quality and full potency. Can you please provide the number and expiration date on your bottle of Methyl B12? I will consult with my colleagues in the Quality Control Department.

Additionally, can you please elaborate on your comment regarding reduced potency? Can you tell us a little more about your experience? Thank you.

Best Regards,
The Jarrow Team

If you guys can provide the number and expiration dates of any bottles you have. I'll try to gather some info from this thread. Maybe a link to this thread might help if they read it?


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi Sregan,

It would be nice if it worked that way. However, it appears to be 100% of all bottles and batches since about a year ago. The first post here was June 27 last year on this line and by then I had already begun to question for several months. Further this is NOTHING an outside lab can provide quality testing for determining. This has to do with in vivo human CNS healing response which they are not testing and has no protocol for testing. A person sufficiently sensitive to the differences can notice the differences in days. It is hypothesized to have something to do with unresearched variations in the MeCbl molecule by perhaps different bacteria. In any case the difference is distinctive. Further as a vitamin doesn't have to pass effectiveness tests who knows what their response is. I'm available to them for consulting in this process. There have been no good bottles that I know of since then. The actual change was months earlier. So any 2 year old product is like excellent and the current product is not excellent by the particular qualitative aspect under consideration. I will write them a detailed letter.


Senior Member
southeast US
Man, that would be great if we could get the old Jarrow's formulation back, always thought it was even better than EZ T.


Senior Member
They said they have not changed the formula so maybe the past year`s stock has had light exposure during the maufacturing process? They need an investigation.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
My Jarrow is current stock. When I switched to Enzymatic Therapies, I experienced a significant difference: much brighter, more energetic w/ ET. Unfortunately ET uses fructose. C'mon Jarrow, give us back a superior product! Thank you Sregan for pursuing this!!!


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I have sent them a detailed email describing the problem in depth. I made sure to tell them a short version of the whole story. Last time I talked (on phone) they went back to "Our independent testing blah blah blah.. and basically denied the possibility of what I described. I also mentioned the folic acid problem with B-Right, again. By their response, the change in b-right formulation, they didn't understand that either the last time.

I think maybe 100 emails telling them that the current product is a fail, and a change from what was a great product. A flood of separate emails might get the point across.


Senior Member
Maybe a petition? They have got to be interested if this is costing them sales. I would almost bet they found a "cheaper" way to make (so they thought) the same thing and it happened about a year ago. It may be good enough to just pinpoint the date of the change and they should know what changed in the mfg process.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Maybe a petition? They have got to be interested if this is costing them sales. I would almost bet they found a "cheaper" way to make (so they thought) the same thing and it happened about a year ago. It may be good enough to just pinpoint the date of the change and they should know what changed in the mfg process.

Hi Sregan,

I don't think that they did a thing. I believe it is a change in the crystal itself. Maybe the company supplying crystal changed the brew slightly, or different culture or processing. Maybe they ran out of their previous multi kilo order. The Jarrow MeCbl has been excellent for 9 years and then all of a sudden it changes. It's not an extreme change but then it was too much. It's not a change that will show up in a chemical purity test. The pharmacy here also has independent purity and sterility tests run on their injectable. The purity is always within excellent limits regardless of this qualitative aspect. I think it is important to pin down the date it all changed and has remained changed since then. I had been wondering about it since several months earlier than the June origin, when people started asking me in private messages or emails. I had noticed a change as well. I just wasn't paying attention. I dismissed it as unlikely and figured something else must be going on and ignored it. Then in mid August last summer it hit me hard. I'd love to know when it actually changed to allow me to gauge the rate of change.


Senior Member
It was a bottle I purchased in August that hit me. Not so hard I noticed right away, but over time built into a problem as pain level went up. What the inception date of that bottle was I do not know since I tossed it.


Senior Member


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Freddd, I send U a pm on this. I guess you didn't see it http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/b12-high-serum-level.22551/#post-345263 Dfox talk about taking it on the above thread
http://www.thenaturalonline.com/vit...bs-methylcobalamin-60-sublingual-tablets.html is just one of the places that carries it. It is 5,000mcg. Have U had experience with this one by Klaire labs. Hope your feet are still feeling the carpet and maybe now even dancing Hugs C


I haven't tried yet on the Klaire. I'm a little gun-shy on this one. I'll give it a try soon. Just giving it some time to pick up some more pieces of my feet. In my skin I have almost normal feeling in the whole sole of the foot and in the other I can now feel about 90% of the sole, up from 15% or so 6 months ago. The muscles are slower, different nerves, to regain feeling. It is still happening, but slowly.


Senior Member
I'm about to abandon AOR brand. I've been taking 7.5-15 mgs. daily for 4mths. now, and I'm regressing. My orthostatic intolerance is returning, as well as vertigo. ( I feel dizzy just turning over in bed. )
Shingles outbreaks, fatigue, decreased concentration, etc. are returning.

I'm going straight to the Enzymatic Therapy, but I did order the Webber Naturals brand that pela suggested.

pela, I'm hesitant to switch, but I'd really like to have a choice. Since it comes in higher dosages, fair price, not too difficult to find, I hope it's effective. Please keep us posted about it. ( I'm a member of Costco, and it can be ordered online from them.)

I'm still pissed off at jarrows-
I used Solgar for several months while initially working up the MB12 dosage. My best guess is that it was maybe a 4 in strength but am not sure. I mixed it with ET for awhile as well. I've not gone on to do any comparisons as I have switched totally to injected. If I was going to experiment, I'd try the Webber that Pela is suggesting.


Senior Member
Did anyone try Solgar or Life Extension brand?
Hi Adreno
I took my first Life Extension today 3 1/4 mg as opposed to 3 of Enzymatic Therapy. I will keep U posted on the results. If I understand it correctly, I should see some sort of difference in 3 days, right? I plan on taking it for a couple of weeks and will have the Enzymatic Therapy to back me up if I have any issues. I would hate to loose ground ATT.
@East West I too will be trying Webber that Pela is suggesting down the road too. "One Day at a Time" xo C


PR activist
I will keep U posted on the results. If I understand it correctly, I should see some sort of difference in 3 days, right? I plan on taking it for a couple of weeks and will have the Enzymatic Therapy to back me up if I have any issues. I would hate to loose ground ATT.
Thanks. I use Solgar and find it okay.