Hi all. I'm one of the unlucky ones too. Started a year ago with a sexual experience, progressed within a week to burning/tingling in the groin and anus, then tongue problems, severe dehydration, allergies, night sweats, groin pain, rashes, chest pains - I could write a book on what happened. Now, a bit further down the line I have joint problems/cracking joints, ulcers, muscle twitching, sore eyes and more. Sound familiar?
I have spent months dealing with infectious disease experts and microbiologists, with some interesting theories. It's quite clearly the same virus as the mysterious Chinese one and is yet to be identified. But apparently people are close, so we have to hold in there.
I had a long chat with Judy Mikovits - she stands by her gammaretrovirus theory - she says it's not XMRV, but something similar and a retrovirus, for sure. If you Google FeLV or check out the symptoms of XMRV in animals, there seems to be a similar disease progression.
Also, two people I have been in touch with who had similar problems and have been diagnosed with HPV-16. It's worth you all getting tested for this as it can wreak havoc on your body and your mucus membranes.
I have some questions if you don't mind?
- Has anyone tried ARV's? Dr M recommended Fenofovir and says some have experienced success with this.
- Have people here have been getting better after a couple of years?
- The one issue that's concerning me most are the problems with my joints and the cracking/crunching all over my body. Does this improve?
- Did anyone else have the telltale burning/tingling in the testicles/groin/anus?
- And Omar - how did your trial with GcMAF go?
I am seeing more specialists soon who have taken an interest in my case, so will keep you posted of course.