Is it a new disease or its CFS ?


Senior Member
rt pcr me made in Argentina, a famous virologist of my country! but this test is not approved for diagnosis, but he told me that is laws cdc, but the test is totally effective! eh not paid because I have family in medicine and they've got me all free, thank God! Omar, I think it may be a virus that bothers a while and body delete it, eh I did not infected anyone around me at all, and in my country had a drink that is shared among many people and drunk through a tube ! with my wife and we have had sex many times and failed 3 times ah condom and she presented no symptoms! I today I feel much better and have energy, but depressed, that's what it costs me more! big greetings!

omar this company sell this kit to 360 dollars, if you get a virologist confidence may be carried out by!!

maybe its something different and maybe not but even people who I think I infected did not have my symptoms specially woman they deal with it fast and don't have symptoms, I think this because women immune system is more strong than men.

you might be dealing good with it better than me, wish the best for you and your wife
maybe its something different and maybe not but even people who I think I infected did not have my symptoms specially woman they deal with it fast and don't have symptoms, I think this because women immune system is more strong than men.

you might be dealing good with it better than me, wish the best for you and your wife

omar thanks for your wishes, I would recommend you two things that have helped me a lot, one is the anthroposophical medicine, and the other perhaps will seem absurd, but a great shaman visit well known and done much good to me, and do not believe this is caused by a physical virus, but a spiritual virus, you will believe that I'm crazy, but what he said I have a lot of logic, and knew all about the symptoms and the woman that I've been! for people of logical reasoning, this sounds crazy, and it seemed to me, but since this man began to treat my physical symptoms disappeared, I get emotional and mental symptoms, (and flies on the vision white periods tongue, is not candid or geographical, is reflux of the stomach) and fetch energy and back to the gym! be careful with these people because there are many liars, but are also those who know a lot about it, and this man to see my uncle, knew he had hiv! so then I wanted to go see him, to know he was telling me! I think if you are European my story will seem crazy, and I doubt find qualified shamans in Europe, you wonder as I wondered as a spiritual virus spread? and the thing is that in the same way that a physical one (anyway they are called spiritual parasites) and there are susceptible people and people who do not, the woman with whom I had my meeting is African and told me many times as his parents delivered to the rites of Macumba! Omar I think in all, things refuse to gain nothing, and if you think I'm crazy do not take into account my message and believe that perhaps there may be a part of logic and find healing for all the roads, not expect the answers to all things science! tremendous and I wish with all my heart your absolute and final recovery greeting, and anything that helps me I will share with you what it seem the strangest method! a greeting


Senior Member
omar thanks for your wishes, I would recommend you two things that have helped me a lot, one is the anthroposophical medicine, and the other perhaps will seem absurd, but a great shaman visit well known and done much good to me, and do not believe this is caused by a physical virus, but a spiritual virus, you will believe that I'm crazy, but what he said I have a lot of logic, and knew all about the symptoms and the woman that I've been! for people of logical reasoning, this sounds crazy, and it seemed to me, but since this man began to treat my physical symptoms disappeared, I get emotional and mental symptoms, (and flies on the vision white periods tongue, is not candid or geographical, is reflux of the stomach) and fetch energy and back to the gym! be careful with these people because there are many liars, but are also those who know a lot about it, and this man to see my uncle, knew he had hiv! so then I wanted to go see him, to know he was telling me! I think if you are European my story will seem crazy, and I doubt find qualified shamans in Europe, you wonder as I wondered as a spiritual virus spread? and the thing is that in the same way that a physical one (anyway they are called spiritual parasites) and there are susceptible people and people who do not, the woman with whom I had my meeting is African and told me many times as his parents delivered to the rites of Macumba! Omar I think in all, things refuse to gain nothing, and if you think I'm crazy do not take into account my message and believe that perhaps there may be a part of logic and find healing for all the roads, not expect the answers to all things science! tremendous and I wish with all my heart your absolute and final recovery greeting, and anything that helps me I will share with you what it seem the strangest method! a greeting

we are not in the same page bro, what am dealing with is an infection that hurt me a lot and I saw symptoms in people around me even who I didn't tell them about my illness !

wish you all the best
we are not in the same page bro, what am dealing with is an infection that hurt me a lot and I saw symptoms in people around me even who I didn't tell them about my illness !

wish you all the best

omar, I think we're not the same, but do not close the door on any chance, you are not in Germany? alli the anthroposophical medicine is the best in the world, try to see some anthroposophical doctor! and secondly, your erythro sedimentation as this? a hug


Senior Member
omar, I think we're not the same, but do not close the door on any chance, you are not in Germany? alli the anthroposophical medicine is the best in the world, try to see some anthroposophical doctor! and secondly, your erythro sedimentation as this? a hug

no i dont live there, am in the middle east and we dont have such stuff !
Hi all. I'm one of the unlucky ones too. Started a year ago with a sexual experience, progressed within a week to burning/tingling in the groin and anus, then tongue problems, severe dehydration, allergies, night sweats, groin pain, rashes, chest pains - I could write a book on what happened. Now, a bit further down the line I have joint problems/cracking joints, ulcers, muscle twitching, sore eyes and more. Sound familiar?

I have spent months dealing with infectious disease experts and microbiologists, with some interesting theories. It's quite clearly the same virus as the mysterious Chinese one and is yet to be identified. But apparently people are close, so we have to hold in there.

I had a long chat with Judy Mikovits - she stands by her gammaretrovirus theory - she says it's not XMRV, but something similar and a retrovirus, for sure. If you Google FeLV or check out the symptoms of XMRV in animals, there seems to be a similar disease progression.

Also, two people I have been in touch with who had similar problems and have been diagnosed with HPV-16. It's worth you all getting tested for this as it can wreak havoc on your body and your mucus membranes.

I have some questions if you don't mind?

- Has anyone tried ARV's? Dr M recommended Fenofovir and says some have experienced success with this.
- Have people here have been getting better after a couple of years?
- The one issue that's concerning me most are the problems with my joints and the cracking/crunching all over my body. Does this improve?
- Did anyone else have the telltale burning/tingling in the testicles/groin/anus?
- And Omar - how did your trial with GcMAF go?

I am seeing more specialists soon who have taken an interest in my case, so will keep you posted of course.
I would welcome those people who think they caught the above virus to post here: wwwDOTunknownstdDOTfreeforumsDOTnet.

This is so we have a central ‘meeting place’, rather than heaps of different health forums, to share stories and form a plan of action.

Here’s a recap:

Early symptoms (usually within a couple of days of exposure):

- Burning genitals
- Problems with urination – inability to keep urine in
- Severe anxiety and depression
- Tongue problems: teeth marks around it, red dots, white tongue
- Stomach pains and acid reflux
- Tinnitus
- Skin in mouth wiping away and mouth sores
- Yellow and foamy urine
- Flank pain
- Tenderness in groin area
- Swollen lymph nodes: groin and neck in particular
- Pain in penis/anal area
- Red and burning eyes
- Dry mouth and feelings of dehydration
- Body rashes
- Night sweats
- Skin tingling

Long lasting symptoms:

- White tongue
- Mouth ulcers
- Joints that crack and click on every movement
- Muscle spasms
- Peeling hands and feet, plus dry skin
- Chest pains
- Frequent urination

If you believe you caught the same disease please please do get in touch and post.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
No...I put the DOT in because sometimes moderators block links to websites. It's this site:

The reason the clickable links are dicey is that we usually have 15 - 25 robots here copying data and the only way to protect a link is to type it as you did--with dots instead of a workable link. If you look at the forums page under Members Online Now, you will see that, at this moment, there are 26 robots here.



Senior Member
At me the same symptoms!
No...I put the DOT in because sometimes moderators block links to websites. It's this site:

am sorry for what is happening with you guys but i want to tell you this symptoms will take a long time with some people and others will clear it up in weeks or days its up to your immune system, just wait take multi vitamins and try your best to find some ways to boost your immune system

if you need anything inbox me
have anyone here been tested with the PERT assay, a generic test for all retroviruses?

details of the assay here
the NRC in Zurich has it but maybe it can be ordered in another cities in Europe or the US? not sure if somewhere else.


Senior Member
have anyone here been tested with the PERT assay, a generic test for all retroviruses?

details of the assay here
the NRC in Zurich has it but maybe it can be ordered in another cities in Europe or the US? not sure if somewhere else.
Hi Ashler,

I had years back an intense contact with Prof. Schüpbach and another Prof. here in Belgium who knows Prof. Schüpbach very well. Both are specialists in retroviruses. But, from what I understood, from the Prof. here in Belgium is that the PERT-assay is not sensitive enough. I don't know how sensitive it is now.

Prof. Schüpbach invited me to Zürich, to get tested, preferably together with my wife. My wife is not informed about what happened to me, so that was not an option. I had the feeling that Prof. Schüpbach was not that much interested in testing me alone. I guess it gives perhaps some clue how sensitive the PERT is.

In stead, the Prof. here performed another specific test, something she's using in research area specifically on HTLV. This test was negative. According to her, the test she used was more sensitive than the PERT.

Again, I don't know how sensitive the PERT at this very moment is, and Prof. Schüpbach is a very nice man. At this moment, I'm considering to pay him a visit. I'm pretty sure I'm infected with a retrovirus. I'm experiencing immune deficiency, that's clear. My symptoms are much less, but I'm catching everyting there is. So, there's an ongoing factor contributing to this deficiency.

Best wishes,