Is it a new disease or its CFS ?


Senior Member
Given the inverted ratio, a PCR RNA test for HIV is recommended. Western Blot is senseless and would be a waste of money because it looks for antibodies, and you already had several Elisas (which are way more sensitive than Western Blots)

my new ratio is good and my CD4,CD8 number are good too

Westren blot looks to all HIV proteins and that what am looking for too, some people have some of those proteins and that would not show on PCR or antibody
Dimchik, your story is exactly the same than most of us, an exactly the same symptoms. Maybe we will be looking for our problem for long before have an answer, cause we are people from all over the world and nobody has been able to find something, using the technologies and knoledge that everyone have in their country wich is basically the same in this globalized world. Thats why some of us are hoping to hear news from those who have specialized labs near their home... I just can say, be pacient! and keep in touch
my new ratio is good and my CD4,CD8 number are good too

Westren blot looks to all HIV proteins and that what am looking for too, some people have some of those proteins and that would not show on PCR or antibody

can you share your new CD4/CD8 numbers?

Extremely rare cases of HIV seronegative infection were found always with tests that directly detect the virus (unlike a 3rd Generaton Elisa or WB):

"Twenty-five cases were identified that described patients with evidence of seronegative HIV-1 infection. All were confirmed to have seronegative HIV-1 infection by a combination of consistently negative results on two or more HIV-1 screening ELISA assays, and virologic evidence for HIV-1 infection by plasma HIV-1 RNA, p24 antigen assays, positive DNA PCR, recovery of virus from culture or all"

Therefore, a PCR RNA test is more reliable in case if unexaplained symtpoms and negative antibody results.
Well, at this time I thing everybody has confirmed that this is not about hiv... To me is easy to distrust in docs and health authorities reading so many articules about conspiracies, biological wars, etc, etc, ... but it's what we have.... to have expectation and still thinking in hiv it's doesnt help... well, curiously maybe it's a hope at this point
Dimchik, your story is exactly the same than most of us, an exactly the same symptoms. Maybe we will be looking for our problem for long before have an answer, cause we are people from all over the world and nobody has been able to find something, using the technologies and knoledge that everyone have in their country wich is basically the same in this globalized world. Thats why some of us are hoping to hear news from those who have specialized labs near their home... I just can say, be pacient! and keep in touch

At us in Russia on a site it is a lot of people with similar symptoms and negative HIV analyses.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
Hi guys, i havent forgotten about you, but i have been kind of busy these days.

I'm working on my adrenal fatigue, with some herbs, trying to get rid of the candida, and working on improving my sleep quality. I'm glad to say that i lower my sleep medicine dosis (seroquel) to half and it's working fine. Instead i take a very powerful tea, with chamomile, tila and valeriana before going to bed.

In my case, after reading a lot and consulting to many doctors, apparently the problem is in my adrenals. Low cortisol in the morning, and high in the night, which affects my circadian rithm. So, since no doctor will give me corticoids, i'm trying with some herbs like siberian ginseng and ashwaghanda.

Hope you guys are doing fine.
It might seem counterintuitive but when I stick to a strict diet one meal 4 hours after I get up or around 12pm, and another six hours later or around 6 PM. Going to bed at 12 o'clock I'm pretty hungry but I sleep the whole night through or at least almost until it's time to get up. No waking up at 3am and twiddling thumbs to about 6 AM. Instead I usually wake up around 6 AM and drag myself out of bed around seven 730. Funny thing is I go to bed hungrier than I wake up So the 4hr stretch till my first meal isn't all that bad. Helps me control my weight too. My theory is my body starts consuming fat at night while I'm asleep so when I wake up I don't feel hungry. I've never been much of a breakfast person though.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
My symptoms now:
White tongue coating
Swollen lymph nodes in the
Poor sleep. Night sweats.
Might want to check your blood pressure at times when you feel good and it times when you feel bad along with your heart rate.
Usually find my heart rate is high and my BP is low after meals along with extreme fatigue and stomach upset And/or bloat. Since I been off the gluten haven't had much bloating. And you'll find when you feel better heart rate will be lower and your bp will be slightly higher. Typical bad reading for me would be around 89/60 90bpm (taken during or just after "after meal nap"). Conversely a good reading would be 105/70 70bpm. (usually these readings can be had sometime before a meal). I've gotten markedly better since I switched to distilled water If I were going to guess I would say I was having some type of toxic reaction to all the minerals in the water here in Southwest New Mexico.
It might seem counterintuitive but when I stick to a strict diet one meal 4 hours after I get up or around 12pm, and another six hours later or around 6 PM. Going to bed at 12 o'clock I'm pretty hungry but I sleep the whole night through or at least almost until it's time to get up. No waking up at 3am and twiddling thumbs to about 6 AM. Instead I usually wake up around 6 AM and drag myself out of bed around seven 730. Funny thing is I go to bed hungrier than I wake up So the 4hr stretch till my first meal isn't all that bad. Helps me control my weight too. My theory is my body starts consuming fat at night while I'm asleep so when I wake up I don't feel hungry. I've never been much of a breakfast person though.

Thank you for your input. Unfortunaly for me i HAVE to have breakfast. If i take my 20 morning pills without food, i get a huge vomiting and fainting crisis. But i will take your advice about the dinner. I need to lose some weight i have put on in the last weeks. Maybe is the thyroid, i don't know yet.


Senior Member
I had PPD skin test for TB and the result was 9 mm and as i readin

small reaction (5 mm of firm swelling at the site) is considered to be positive in people:
  • Who have HIV
  • Who have received an organ transplant
  • Who have a suppressed immune system or are taking steroid therapy (about 15 mg of prednisone per day for 1 month)
  • Who have been in close contact with a person who has active TB
  • Who have changes on a chest x-ray that look like past TB
Larger reactions (greater than or equal to 10 mm) are considered positive in:
  • People with a known negative test in the past 2 years
  • People with diabetes, kidney failure, or other conditions that increase their chance of getting active TB
  • Health care workers
  • Injection drug users
  • Immigrants who have moved from a country with a high TB rate in the past 5 years
  • Children under age 4
  • Infants, children, or adolescents who are exposed to high-risk adults
  • Students and employees of certain group living settings, such as prisons, nursing homes, and homeless shelters
In people with no known risks of TB, 15 mm or more of firm swelling at the site indicates a positive reaction.
But my doctor is considering me a healthy person and i should have 15 mm reaction !! Am having chest troubles and feeling like something is eating me inside and a sore throat since 3 months nearly and my culture, chlamydia and mycoplasma tests are negative so nth else except Mycobaterium infection and fungal !!
Any one was ever tested by PPD or had positive results please a help.
I had PPD skin test for TB and the result was 9 mm and as i readin

small reaction (5 mm of firm swelling at the site) is considered to be positive in people:
  • Who have HIV
  • Who have received an organ transplant
  • Who have a suppressed immune system or are taking steroid therapy (about 15 mg of prednisone per day for 1 month)
  • Who have been in close contact with a person who has active TB
  • Who have changes on a chest x-ray that look like past TB
Larger reactions (greater than or equal to 10 mm) are considered positive in:
  • People with a known negative test in the past 2 years
  • People with diabetes, kidney failure, or other conditions that increase their chance of getting active TB
  • Health care workers
  • Injection drug users
  • Immigrants who have moved from a country with a high TB rate in the past 5 years
  • Children under age 4
  • Infants, children, or adolescents who are exposed to high-risk adults
  • Students and employees of certain group living settings, such as prisons, nursing homes, and homeless shelters
In people with no known risks of TB, 15 mm or more of firm swelling at the site indicates a positive reaction.
But my doctor is considering me a healthy person and i should have 15 mm reaction !! Am having chest troubles and feeling like something is eating me inside and a sore throat since 3 months nearly and my culture, chlamydia and mycoplasma tests are negative so nth else except Mycobaterium infection and fungal !!
Any one was ever tested by PPD or had positive results please a help.

Is your doctor willing to treat you with antibiotics for the TB?

I suggested to my doctor that i could have TB and she laughed at me. She said that i was not in the risk groups (whatever they are) and in the case i had TB i would be dead by now.

According to my doctors, i'm the healthiest person in the world, but i have severe menthal issues. Sigh.


Senior Member
Is your doctor willing to treat you with antibiotics for the TB?

I suggested to my doctor that i could have TB and she laughed at me. She said that i was not in the risk groups (whatever they are) and in the case i had TB i would be dead by now.

According to my doctors, i'm the healthiest person in the world, but i have severe menthal issues. Sigh.

The TB issue is new for me because i had the test before and it was negative but now it might be !!

Am sorry to hear your story with the doctors and they not believing you but if this will make it easier my dad believed my doctors when they said that my case is not a big deal and it will go by it self and it might be nothing ! and if i focus in my work and study it will go as my mind is making the worst part of it :)

But enough is enough i will sell my car and go to meet KDM ! weird stuff symptoms happened with my family members and to me in the last 6 months and i cant wait any more, i will sell my car and try to get extra money from friends or family members and do what he see i need too :)

I need your prayers guys for me and my family
with the doctors and they not believing you
Doctors never believes people, who talks about this desease, with this symptoms. They think its not real problem, its not real pathogen, and trying to explain it by our mistrust or not controlled using of drugs. I ran into this too.

Its called willful blindness. See this video about it:


Senior Member
Project at Columbia University Center for Immunology and Infection to Identify the Chinese "HIV-Like" Virus

Kevin, a Chinese student studying in the USA who has the Chinese "HIV-like" virus, is starting a crowdfunding project to raise $50,000 via contributions from patients with this Chinese virus, in order to get molecular sequencing performed on the Chinese virus at Columbia University Center for Immunology and Infection (this is where the famous virus hunter Dr Ian Lipkin works). Molecular sequencing will "fingerprint" the genetic code of the virus, which will then identify it.

The university have agreed to this project, provided the money can be raised.

If you want to contact Kevin, and pledge to donate some money to the project, his email is:

If we can find a 1000 patients each willing to contribute just $50, that will be enough to raise the necessary $50,000.

Some more info can be found in this post on my website.
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good to all, first of all sorry to have to use a translator to communicate, not writing in English! I'm sorry, maybe it's incomprehensible, I see you! I risk my relationship was with a friend desprotejido by about 9 times, the ninth infected me! it all started with a burning in the glans a week, then 20 days electricity liver and total lack of appetite, loose stools for a week, and urine charged month dry mouth and white tongue 45 days floaters, fatigue and extreme depression and anxiety, some pain in the legs and stomach sounds! Today 10 months later I get floaters, a little fatigue, white tongue and skin a little yellow! here I give you my analysis,
Well I have done all, only missed cut in half and see what I got!

MRI with gadolinium-all standard

Normal EEG-all

LCR(lumbar puncture) no bacteria normally precione, not viruses or altered proteins

Complement C3-131 mg / dl
Complement C4-30 mg / dl

IGG-1022 mg / dl
IGA-188 mg / dl
IGM-213 mg / dl

Peripheral blood immunophenotype

RTO.Linfocitario 2434
HLA-DR 18% (immunology told me that is was the most important if chronic infection)
NK (CD16-CD56) 9%
all within the ranges!

The hematology is all within the ranges, do not put all that much and it costs you concentrasce

The erythrocyte sedimentation 8 mm

General Biochemistry (total protein, albumin, bilirubin D, T bilirubin, cholesterol, creatine, urea)
All within the ranges

Aspartame aminotransferase 23 IU / l
Alanimo aminotransferase 23 IU / l
Haze phosphatase 84 iu / l
Lactic dehydrogenase 379 IU / l
Creatinfofoquinasa 136 IU / l
Under normal ranges

Sodium 137
Potassium 4,5 mg / dl
Chlorine 97
Under normal ranges

CRP 0.05 mg / dL

Total Protein 7.14 g / dl
Alpha1 globulin 0.16
Alpha-2 globulin 0.84
Beta 1 globulin 0.61
Beta 2 globulin 0.81

Under normal ranges

no Syphilis
No vhs 1-2
Plasma xmrv test- Negative
Blood xmrv test- Negative
Urine xmrv test-Negative

No bacteria in urine or urethral swab!

FAN / negative AAN
AMA negative
Positive ASMA 1/40 this is the smooth muscle, says what is very low but maiby autoimmune liver problem in the future! Mi doctor sink its a stress diseasse!

All in normal ranges no bacteria!

my only been anthroposophic medicine, and Bach flowers and magnesium chloride, present no problems sleeping and as of today I do an hour of cycling every day and walk another hour, eh noticed that exercise feels good, but the weights cost me about 2 days to recover the muscle, maybe until I get used! the virologist my country made me the test is very professional, and believes that these are viruses that enter the body and the immune system go unnoticed (I had no swollen glands) and destroy the immune system and then die, but the body plays long time to recover, I do not think that, but I feel much better than before, but not 100%
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I also want you to know those who believe they may have an undetectable know of hiv, this is not so, that I have a family member with hiv for 30 years and cd4 and cd8 are perfect, but its erythrocyte sedimentation is always above 40 mm, that is an infallible marker!


Senior Member
good to all, first of all sorry to have to use a translator to communicate, not writing in English! I'm sorry, maybe it's incomprehensible, I see you! I risk my relationship was with a friend desprotejido by about 9 times, the ninth infected me! it all started with a burning in the glans a week, then 20 days electricity liver and total lack of appetite, loose stools for a week, and urine charged month dry mouth and white tongue 45 days floaters, fatigue and extreme depression and anxiety, some pain in the legs and stomach sounds! Today 10 months later I get floaters, a little fatigue, white tongue and skin a little yellow! here I give you my analysis,
Well I have done all, only missed cut in half and see what I got!

MRI with gadolinium-all standard

Normal EEG-all

LCR(lumbar puncture) no bacteria normally precione, not viruses or altered proteins

Complement C3-131 mg / dl
Complement C4-30 mg / dl

IGG-1022 mg / dl
IGA-188 mg / dl
IGM-213 mg / dl

Peripheral blood immunophenotype

RTO.Linfocitario 2434
HLA-DR 18% (immunology told me that is was the most important if chronic infection)
NK (CD16-CD56) 9%
all within the ranges!

The hematology is all within the ranges, do not put all that much and it costs you concentrasce

The erythrocyte sedimentation 8 mm

General Biochemistry (total protein, albumin, bilirubin D, T bilirubin, cholesterol, creatine, urea)
All within the ranges

Aspartame aminotransferase 23 IU / l
Alanimo aminotransferase 23 IU / l
Haze phosphatase 84 iu / l
Lactic dehydrogenase 379 IU / l
Creatinfofoquinasa 136 IU / l
Under normal ranges

Sodium 137
Potassium 4,5 mg / dl
Chlorine 97
Under normal ranges

CRP 0.05 mg / dL

Total Protein 7.14 g / dl
Alpha1 globulin 0.16
Alpha-2 globulin 0.84
Beta 1 globulin 0.61
Beta 2 globulin 0.81

Under normal ranges

no Syphilis
No vhs 1-2
Plasma xmrv test- Negative
Blood xmrv test- Negative
Urine xmrv test-Negative

No bacteria in urine or urethral swab!

FAN / negative AAN
AMA negative
Positive ASMA 1/40 this is the smooth muscle, says what is very low but maiby autoimmune liver problem in the future! Mi doctor sink its a stress diseasse!

All in normal ranges no bacteria!

my only been anthroposophic medicine, and Bach flowers and magnesium chloride, present no problems sleeping and as of today I do an hour of cycling every day and walk another hour, eh noticed that exercise feels good, but the weights cost me about 2 days to recover the muscle, maybe until I get used! the virologist my country made me the test is very professional, and believes that these are viruses that enter the body and the immune system go unnoticed (I had no swollen glands) and destroy the immune system and then die, but the body plays long time to recover, I do not think that, but I feel much better than before, but not 100%

yes its not HIV its something else, really good tests I did most of them except the LCR and the XMRV and I should ask where did you test for it ?? and how much did it cost ?

its mostly a virus, bad one that play with the immune system in a way or another you will feel better but am not sure if u will get the health you had before until a treatment is been given.
yes its not HIV its something else, really good tests I did most of them except the LCR and the XMRV and I should ask where did you test for it ?? and how much did it cost ?

its mostly a virus, bad one that play with the immune system in a way or another you will feel better but am not sure if u will get the health you had before until a treatment is been given.

rt pcr me made in Argentina, a famous virologist of my country! but this test is not approved for diagnosis, but he told me that is laws cdc, but the test is totally effective! eh not paid because I have family in medicine and they've got me all free, thank God! Omar, I think it may be a virus that bothers a while and body delete it, eh I did not infected anyone around me at all, and in my country had a drink that is shared among many people and drunk through a tube ! with my wife and we have had sex many times and failed 3 times ah condom and she presented no symptoms! I today I feel much better and have energy, but depressed, that's what it costs me more! big greetings!

omar this company sell this kit to 360 dollars, if you get a virologist confidence may be carried out by!!