Is it a new disease or its CFS ?

Sherezade, happy to hear that you are ok from a dr's perspective.

I am hovering around an 80 to 90% normal, but recently my new issue appears to be a form of ibs.

I read up- apparently this is normal after a gastroentestinal issue, like an enterovirus. My problem is like everyone - I am negative on everything. My question to the next dr, is how to test for lymphoma and other cancers early. Or even something like crohns

All this inflammation will never be good for us.

Anyone else having ibs type symptoms.

One other small comment - I was very hopeful the media or a dr would take an interest in our issue. But given the limited coverage on the new bird flu that is killing people, I do not have a lot of hope.
Sherezade, happy to hear that you are ok from a dr's perspective.

I am hovering around an 80 to 90% normal, but recently my new issue appears to be a form of ibs.

I read up- apparently this is normal after a gastroentestinal issue, like an enterovirus. My problem is like everyone - I am negative on everything. My question to the next dr, is how to test for lymphoma and other cancers early. Or even something like crohns

All this inflammation will never be good for us.

Anyone else having ibs type symptoms.

One other small comment - I was very hopeful the media or a dr would take an interest in our issue. But given the limited coverage on the new bird flu that is killing people, I do not have a lot of hope.

I do have ibs symptoms. Im thinking we really have some inmune weakness that make us be sick all the time. And all of this coincides perfectly with CFS (ibs, headaches, fatigue, limph nodes, etc) and I guess some virus caused this in us.
Sherazade, the over production of "adrenaline and cortisol" is one of the variations that the doctors with an interest in burnout, stress and if he has been in business that long maybe Neurasthenia. Would be interesting to hear how he has treated women in the last 55 years.

Have you had a test for these as yet? My cortisol is very low and most PWCFS have low cortisol.

Good luck with this doctor. Would be interested to hear if he does test you to confirm his theory and what your levels are.

Hi UK, actually he didn't test me for cortisol. His conclusions were based in my huge pupils and my fast heart rate, and all the other symptoms. He thinks that since the act that sickened me was very traumatic, i'm suffering from postraumatic stress and most of my sypmtoms are emotionals . Anyway, he said that he wouldn't put me on more medicines, and he recommends yoga, meditation, and any other activity that give me peace. I'm going to try that, and try to forgive to move on. Hope i can ;)
Any of you feel cold and headache all the time? I cant recover easily, got 3 month sick.. and in the end of my summer here!!. but I tired visiting doctors and taking so many tests... Hopefully Im not going to catch some pneumonia and die and nobody going to know my story... I hope Im exagerating

Hi Urraco, i don't know if this would work for you, but my headaches are completely gone since i've been gluten free. Now i rarely have one, and it's such a relief. Besides, my IBS and gastro symptoms are much better without gluten.
did u check your IgE it in normal range ?

Hi Ron, i haven't tested for IGE antibodies, and i don't think i will. My psychiatrist, my last doctor and my family made me promise not to test anymore. They think it's the path to recovery, at least mentally. :(
Sherezade, happy to hear that you are ok from a dr's perspective.

I am hovering around an 80 to 90% normal, but recently my new issue appears to be a form of ibs.

I read up- apparently this is normal after a gastroentestinal issue, like an enterovirus. My problem is like everyone - I am negative on everything. My question to the next dr, is how to test for lymphoma and other cancers early. Or even something like crohns

All this inflammation will never be good for us.

Anyone else having ibs type symptoms.

One other small comment - I was very hopeful the media or a dr would take an interest in our issue. But given the limited coverage on the new bird flu that is killing people, I do not have a lot of hope.

Hello Wyoming, I´m glad that you are 80-90% functioning. For us it's a big deal. About inflammation, i did have some at the beggining of my illness, but in the last test, a week ago, the VSG and Protein C Reactive, which are the two more indicative of inflammation are within normal ranges.

About the IBS, as i said to Urraco, i do have it, but it´s getting better just eliminating gluten from my diet. I feel much better when i don't eat it, and some gastro symptoms like vomits, gases and diarrhea are gone. You could give it a try, just to see how it works for you.

About cancer and lymphoma, please, i beg you not to obsess with that. Trust me, if you had any type of cancer they would already had picked up in your tests.
I got a collegue who resing 2 weeks ago because he couldnt work every day and he feels sick all the time. In other hand today I meet my ex-girlfriend and she told me she feels sick and a sence of fever, neck and back pain, etc. I cant tell her what I suffered caused I dont want to scare her and I dont know (and probably I'll never) if its the same issue... the question is... is the medicine still so unable or blind to find at least a common pattern beetwen us? Why docs are so fools today that they need a positive test for something to declarate you legally sick and cant have a little common sence? Why we need docs today if they repeat everything what machines says? its all about money and undirectly they are protecting health insurance system or even to protect the economy?
I got a collegue who resing 2 weeks ago because he couldnt work every day and he feels sick all the time. In other hand today I meet my ex-girlfriend and she told me she feels sick and a sence of fever, neck and back pain, etc. I cant tell her what I suffered caused I dont want to scare her and I dont know (and probably I'll never) if its the same issue... the question is... is the medicine still so unable or blind to find at least a common pattern beetwen us? Why docs are so fools today that they need a positive test for something to declarate you legally sick and cant have a little common sence? Why we need docs today if they repeat everything what machines says? its all about money and undirectly they are protecting health insurance system or even to protect the economy?

Did that collegue worked with you? Did he tell you what he has? When did he get sick, before or after your risk?
Since when is "giving up" a path to anything, other than to admit failure? Just do what you think is right for you and tell others to bugger off and mind their own business!

Unfortunaly dear, they think that i'm chasing ghosts, and with all my tests being normal and negative, i cant prove anything. Tell me, what else can i do?
With your symptoms (dilated pupils, fast heart rate) I can think of Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis and pheochromocytoma. What thyroid tests have you done? Are you taking medication for PTSD?

I've tested for thyroids four times in a year, every three months and no test has show anything wrong. My last results are:

TSH: 3,401 (0,380-4,700)
T3: 1,12 (0,59-1,74)
T4: 6,85. (4,50-12,0)
Antibodies antiperoxidasa tiroidea: 17 (0-34) negative
Antibodies antitiriglobulina: 23 (0-115) negative

Checked by electroquimioluminiscencia

What is PTSD? I'm not taking any meds for thyroids.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've tested for thyroids four times in a year, every three months and no test has show anything wrong. My last results are:

TSH: 3,401 (0,380-4,700)
T3: 1,12 (0,59-1,74)
T4: 6,85. (4,50-12,0)
Antibodies antiperoxidasa tiroidea: 17 (0-34) negative
Antibodies antitiriglobulina: 23 (0-115) negative

Checked by electroquimioluminiscencia

What is PTSD? I'm not taking any meds for thyroids.

Some doctors would say that your TSH is too high. Mine wanted mine lower than your test shows. Note: the range for TSH has changed in recent years. My US lab shows it as: .358 - 3.740




Senior Member
Virginia, USA
TSH: 3,401 (0,380-4,700)
T3: 1,12 (0,59-1,74)
T4: 6,85. (4,50-12,0)

Your thyroid function is a little bit hypo. That is the opposite of what I would expect if the cause of dilated pupils and fast heart rate were the thyroid. That still leaves the pheochromocytoma as a possibility.

Antibodies antiperoxidasa tiroidea: 17 (0-34) negative
Antibodies antitiriglobulina: 23 (0-115) negative

No Hashimoto's here.
Did that collegue worked with you? Did he tell you what he has? When did he get sick, before or after your risk?

Yes, he worked with me, but not closely, but in my country we usually handshake everyday, dont know if this is enough to transmit something like this. He became ill after me. He told me that he felt fatigue and back pain and I noticed that he had always cold like me. Thats it, then my boss told me that he resign, after being in bed one week. Dont know if its a coincidence or not, he wasnt my friend and I dont have his number, but basically that his story and Im almost sure that he resign because of his illness. He is like 30? Too young to be resigning because of some flu isnt?. Maybe Im getting paranoid and we are more alert in this sort of thing
Yes, he worked with me, but not closely, but in my country we usually handshake everyday, dont know if this is enough to transmit something like this. He became ill after me. He told me that he felt fatigue and back pain and I noticed that he had always cold like me. Thats it, then my boss told me that he resign, after being in bed one week. Dont know if its a coincidence or not, he wasnt my friend and I dont have his number, but basically that his story and Im almost sure that he resign because of his illness. He is like 30? Too young to be resigning because of some flu isnt?. Maybe Im getting paranoid and we are more alert in this sort of thing

Ay Urraco, welcome to the paranoid club. After i got sick i started to see symptoms in my collegues at the office. There were three diagnoses of fybromialgia between them! And we are talking about three young and otherwise healthy women, including me.

It was so hard for me to see that and feel so guilty, that i quitted my job. Since january i'm not working anymore. Now, what should we think? Is it a concidence? Maybe, but since we are so concerned about our health, we pay more attention to their health?

This is a mistery.
Thank you for your comments Sushi and Nanonug.

I was reading about Pheochromocytoma but it doesn't sound like what i have.

Hypothiroidism sounds more familiar, since my mom has it, and it runs in the family. Maybe i will buy some thyroids meds and take it. In my country you can buy any meds without recipe, what do you think i should take? My mom takes eutirox 25 mg i think.

About PTSD i'm taking Cymbalta and Seroquel.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thank you for your comments Sushi and Nanonug.

I was reading about Pheochromocytoma but it doesn't sound like what i have.

Hypothiroidism sounds more familiar, since my mom has it, and it runs in the family. Maybe i will buy some thyroids meds and take it. In my country you can buy any meds without recipe, what do you think i should take? My mom takes eutirox 25 mg i think.

About PTSD i'm taking Cymbalta and Seroquel.

Hmmm. Even though you can get this without a prescription I'd think getting a doctor's input would be an important safety factor, both for dosing and the type of medication. Looks like this is a synthetic form of T4. Other choices might be Armour thyroid: Armour Thyroid is a natural, porcine-derived thyroid hormone replacement containing both T4and T3.

Personally I would want a knowledgeable doctor's opinion before deciding on whether to treat this and if so, how.
