Is it a new disease or its CFS ?


Senior Member
A new study has just been published on the "HIV-like" disease in China:

Epidemiological investigation of cases with complained AIDS-related complex (HIV negative)

This new study concludes that:

Finally something new with my disease !!

May god make it happen and they find the cause ,,,

I have emailed 3 or 4 professors of those that there names are on the new research and they told me to wait for some new data and here it is !!

I will be waiting for the next step and pray for it ,,,

My health with my treatment with the low dose (900mg) Valcyte on the 4th week of my AV trial is bad like am not taking anything and every thing went back like before :)


Senior Member
It's probably worth emailing, and explaining to Dr Garth Nicolson there that this new Chinese disease exists. At least he will become aware of it. Send him a good symptoms list, plus a list of research studies, such as found on this website:

Dr Garth Nicolson seems to take personal interest in a lot of mysterious illnesses, like Gulf War Syndrome, and neurodegenerative and neurobehavioral diseases in general, so he'll probably find the new Chinese disease very interesting.

Already talked with him about this but he didnt give much attention than his known thoughts (it could be Mycoplasma) !

I thought he will ask for samples or more stuff but he didnt ask for nothing


Senior Member
I know a little bit about interferon gamma (often abbreviated to IFN-gamma or IFN-γ): it is one of the many cytokines of the immune system. A cytokine is chemical messenger used in order to send communications signals to various parts of the immune system. Cytokines help coordinate the immune attack on a microbe.


Senior Member
Hip have you had any recent follow ups since this last report, or have you heard of any new information about the study and possible cause yet. Thank you for the information


Senior Member
Hip have you had any recent follow ups since this last report, or have you heard of any new information about the study and possible cause yet. Thank you for the information

No new information, but if I come across any, I will of course post it here.


Senior Member
Two important points of interest regarding the study I posted:

Epidemiological investigation of cases with complained AIDS-related complex (HIV negative)

➤ This study found that 37% of Chinese "HIV-like" virus patients had autoantibodies against interferon gamma (IFN-γ). When you have autoantibodies against something, it means your own immune system is attacking a part of you. In this case, the immune system is attacking your own interferon gamma. Now interferon gamma has a critical role in fighting intracellular viruses and bacteria (viruses and bacteria that live inside your cells), but since these autoantibodies are destroying your interferon gamma, you will not be able to fight off intracellular viruses and bacteria very well. So this lack of interferon gamma is a kind of immune deficiency.

Interestingly, that other new disease that has appeared in Asia, namely the new adult-onset immunodeficiency syndrome appearing in Thailand and Taiwan, also has autoantibodies against antibody of interferon gamma, and this is the actual cause of the immune deficiency in this new disease.

Whether there is any relation between this new adult-onset immunodeficiency syndrome, and the Chinese "HIV-like" virus, I am not sure. The adult-onset immunodeficiency syndrome does not appear to be contagious.

➤ Another interesting point in the above study is that 75% of Chinese "HIV-like" virus patients tested positive on the PPD skin test. The PPD (purified protein derivative) skin test is also known as the Mantoux test, and this test detects Tuberculosis.

A positive PPD test means either: you have a latent (dormant) Tuberculosis infection, or it could also mean that you have active Tuberculosis disease. The PPD test cannot distinguish which, and if you are positive on the PPD test, you need to get further testing, to see if you have active Tuberculosis or dormant Tuberculosis. More info on this here.

So those that believe they have the Chinese "HIV-like" virus might also have Tuberculosis.


Senior Member
Hip I thought the same thing, sounds similar to that autoimmune deficiency found in Asians. So the original culprit works very similar to that of HIV? Right? In some way. By the way I test negative on the ppd test, always have. A chest x ray rules out wether a positive ppd is active or latent. People who have a history of a positive ppd don't usually have the test, they automatically go for chest x ray. I read a story once about exposure to certain virusea or bacteria creates a autoimmune response, but. In this case people are still able to transmit.


Senior Member
Two important points of interest regarding the study I posted:

Epidemiological investigation of cases with complained AIDS-related complex (HIV negative)

➤ This study found that 37% of Chinese "HIV-like" virus patients had autoantibodies against interferon gamma (IFN-γ). When you have autoantibodies against something, it means your own immune system is attacking a part of you. In this case, the immune system is attacking your own interferon gamma. Now interferon gamma has a critical role in fighting intracellular viruses and bacteria (viruses and bacteria that live inside your cells), but since these autoantibodies are destroying your interferon gamma, you will not be able to fight off intracellular viruses and bacteria very well. So this lack of interferon gamma is a kind of immune deficiency.

Interestingly, that other new disease that has appeared in Asia, namely the new adult-onset immunodeficiency syndrome appearing in Thailand and Taiwan, also has autoantibodies against antibody of interferon gamma, and this is the actual cause of the immune deficiency in this new disease.

What i think of this new study that its do have good new information and the autoantibodies against interferon gamma in 37% of the patient is one of them as the Chinese government claims that they dont have and didnt receive any cases of this new disease while this study tells that they were lying as they did when they shut down the searching of the new HIV like virus in China after something was found and the claim that it was all in people mind !!

There was three groups one of them was people with autoantibodies , people with low CD4 and people with abnormal CD8/CD4 ratio and the total of the three groups was 100% !!

Thats might mean that we have three cases of people with immune system trouble that might be cause by pathogen or the three cases are the same case but different patient body made this different reaction as we dont know how every body act to this new Chinese pathogen !!

Such studies would help us and helps CFS patient ,, wish they continue there work !!


Senior Member
ravikumarsu thank you for the update. I read the article, but could use help in understanding it. So far they are leaning towards some type of bacterial infection? Also they don't believe its infectious? Was there anything in the study that separated patients or did they all seem to fall in the same category regardless of transmission activity? So they have not detected a new virus or relation to HIV? Did they say they need help from other resources? Can a bacterial infection ly dormant chronically? Thank you, sorry so long :) I just want to know what summary u got out of that article.

Good articule, finally people taking this seriously. Its incredible to see researchers from China looking for an answer and usa trying to hide and ocult everything, then you think wich one is really the open and democratic country?, well, another topic out of this. Good to know people are caring about it
Still here, still ...not right. (Veruca-esque cluster / plantar warts on hands anyone?! HPV(?))

Trying to forget about it as much as possible though. Glad to see there's some new research.

Back in a few weeks!
Hi Guys!

I wanted to share with you the results of my latest tests. It's been 13 months since that horrible day that changed my life.

HIV: Negative (thank God!)
HTLV: Negative
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IGG: Negative
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IGM: Negative
Chlamydia pneumoniae IGG: Negative
Chlamydia pneumoniae IGM: Negative
Thyroides tests: All within normal ranges
Urine Test: Normal
CBC test: All white and red blood cell count within normal ranges.

The only finding of those tests is that i have very low ferritin levels! So, i have an absortion issue i guess.

Anyway, last week i had an appointment with a very prestigious doctor. He's very old and he has almost 55 years of experience practicing medicine here in my country. I liked him and i trusted him. He told me that i had an organic issue of producing too much adrenaline and cortisol and that's the cause of my symptoms. I'm going back this week and hopefully he will put me in treatment.

You know guys, I've been in 25 doctors in one year. All of them have told me the same, that they don't think that i have anything infectious. I've tested for every virus and bacteria and all have been negative. I give up. I will believe this doctor and i'm praying to God that he will be able to help me to recover my life.

I hope everyone is doing ok. :)


Senior Member
Sherazade, the over production of "adrenaline and cortisol" is one of the variations that the doctors with an interest in burnout, stress and if he has been in business that long maybe Neurasthenia. Would be interesting to hear how he has treated women in the last 55 years.

Have you had a test for these as yet? My cortisol is very low and most PWCFS have low cortisol.

Good luck with this doctor. Would be interested to hear if he does test you to confirm his theory and what your levels are.
Any of you feel cold and headache all the time? I cant recover easily, got 3 month sick.. and in the end of my summer here!!. but I tired visiting doctors and taking so many tests... Hopefully Im not going to catch some pneumonia and die and nobody going to know my story... I hope Im exagerating
India / singapore
did u check your IgE it in normal range ?

I wanted to share with you the results of my latest tests. It's been 13 months since that horrible day that changed my life.

HIV: Negative (thank God!)
HTLV: Negative
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IGG: Negative
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IGM: Negative
Chlamydia pneumoniae IGG: Negative
Chlamydia pneumoniae IGM: Negative
Thyroides tests: All within normal ranges
Urine Test: Normal
CBC test: All white and red blood cell count within normal ranges.

The only finding of those tests is that i have very low ferritin levels! So, i have an absortion issue i guess.

Anyway, last week i had an appointment with a very prestigious doctor. He's very old and he has almost 55 years of experience practicing medicine here in my country. I liked him and i trusted him. He told me that i had an organic issue of producing too much adrenaline and cortisol and that's the cause of my symptoms. I'm going back this week and hopefully he will put me in treatment.

You know guys, I've been in 25 doctors in one year. All of them have told me the same, that they don't think that i have anything infectious. I've tested for every virus and bacteria and all have been negative. I give up. I will believe this doctor and i'm praying to God that he will be able to help me to recover my life.

I hope everyone is doing ok. :)