I have this hope for making a healing center for ME/CFS


Northern USA
Northern USA
shana , you can relocate there if you ever want to. Permanent staff, position, love and communication coach! Extremely part time. Just whenever you feel like it!

I love this idea, and I accept. A long-term spot there.

EXCEPT, I need a different job. THAT one is not a good fit for me!:woot:

Perhaps I will be the art therapy assistant. Or a comforter/carer/ for the clients.

Or plant and nature therapist assistant? Idea Assistant?;)

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
@Ineedausername , All of the pools I know of down here have converted to salt water pools. We would need an indoor and outdoor with shaded areas for the outdoor one.

Hot tubs gross me out, so that needs more thought...

FIR saunas are supposed to be super good for ME/CFS patients, I want one with cushioned seats like car seats, not hard wood.

Then we need the entire spa to be assembled, detox body masks, kelp skin treatments for high doses of nutrients for those who have trouble with food...

I told y'all I have a million ideas! now I need $30 million!


Senior Member
That is such a wonderful idea @jesse's mom.
All things we create in this world start from a dream in someone's imagination.
Bridges, railway systems, aeroplanes, everything!
It would be so good to see this happen. Somewhere, there has to be some lottery winner....perhaps....who has a family member who has ME....
The things you describe would help those who are unwell so much.


Senior Member
I think.about this too. One idea is to start collecting scientific evidence on the helpfulness of your suggested interventions. If you could get evidence that they increases qol, improve productivity etc then you're a step.nearer funding.
Volunteers. Lots of volunteers to help.out.
Perhaps talk to people who already run charitable respite centres for patient groups and find out how they were brought into being.
We have to dream.
I want such a space to exist because the only way to have a chance of recovery (in my eyes ) is if life is stress free, without judgments of family and friends , without fretting for income and feeling useless and isolated.
Imagine if I person could stay for a year to aid chances of full or partial recovery !! And as and when (if) they feel.able they could help with day to day running the place, or read or play music for other people or light gardening (whatever their talent ).
We have to dream.


Northern USA
Northern USA
We could have our own art museum there. We could ask artists,or their families, to donate one for it, as well as people who own paintings, to each donate one for us.

And I pictured @RebeccaRe teaching us small things about animals....
And @Wolfcub teaching us special things about how everything on the planet fits together,
or about wild animals
And I could share about birds, or insects, or ecology...

And we could do simple, positive projects, such as making small stuffed animals, or painting on a wall (art, not professional painting) or we could hand-build something out of clay, perhaps small bowls we could eat out of, OR, we could make parts of blankets, that get sewn together, to give to someone who needs one.

We could be present for each other, when needed.

Thank you for sharing the dream with us, @jesse's mom


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I would love to do @Wayne 's OM meditation [ in the mornings with others! So powerful in a group!
Hi @jesse's mom, What a nice, happy, and creative thread! ;)
I have a feeling you'll find this story interesting. -- I met a woman many years ago who told me how she discovered the HU Song. She was walking along a sidewalk one evening in Florida, and all of a sudden felt engulfed in sort of a cocoon of love. It was so striking, she looked around to see where this love might be coming from. She wasn’t able to see or hear anything, but noted the building she was in front of had the word Eckankar on it, though it was closed at the time.

Her experience was so strong that she decided to make a special trip back at a time when somebody was at the building. Upon sharing her story, she discovered that at the very time she felt so much love as she was passing by, there was a group in the back singing (or chanting) the “Song of HU”. It was her first introduction to Eckankar, but more importantly, it was her first introduction to the Song of HU, which is for all people of any spiritual orientation.

It’s actually a sound (some would say mantra), that’s somewhat similar to OM. From my experience of experimenting with both the sounds of OM and HU, I feel HU is of a finer quality (frequency?), and carries more love with it. My understanding is it’s a sound that’s been part of native cultures on various continents for thousands of years, including some of America’s native Indian cultures (including the Hopis I believe).

It’s also apparently the word that HallelUjah originally came from. I read once that the Gregorian chants that are sometimes sung for hours at a time (up to 8 hours/day) have many physical and spiritual benefits. But that singing or chanting HU has so much focused spiritual energy that it can accomplish the same results in 20 minutes--even when sung silently within.

Eckankar claims no ownership to this HU Song, but does try to make it known to those who have an interest in perhaps incorporating it within their own personal spiritual path or religion. They put together a 3-minute video describing the HU Song, and how it might be helpful for people. Here’s a link: — Miracles in Your Life. Local groups around the country also host “Community HU” Songs which anybody can participate in. They usually last 20 minutes or so. -- I have more "HU stories" if you're interested... :)
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jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I woke up this morning before dawn and thought, "I keep saying OM when it is something else!" then I got distracted by my teenage girl going through a rough patch. We just watched the video together and I think she might have had a spiritual experience because she burst out crying... then singing. Beautiful!

I want every HU story!