I have this hope for making a healing center for ME/CFS


Senior Member
I'm soooooo glad that you were able to find this thread, even tho I couldn;t remember the exact title.

And thank you for tagging me in and letting me know that you'd found it ..... very thoughtful :):):thumbsup: :hug::hug:!!!

I was surprised I found it, I thought I'd have a quick search and it came up near the top.

I love the pictures you posted of the grottos, and everyone's suggestions of magic carpets, and underwater rainbow creatures.

What about for those above ground retractable roofs come out when it starts to rain, so everyone can stay where they are and listen to the pitter patter, and watch the drops bouncing into the pond? The beds and wheelchairs can be moved by remote control so people can easily move themselves to see more clearly, get some shade... although the magic carpets could be moved easily by a simple wish. There has to be roaring fires too, so people can watch the dancing flames and hear the crackling as well as the pitter patter of the rain (perhaps holographic ones so as not to damage the environment or someone has to invent a totally green way of having a roaring fire).

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
There has to be roaring fires too, so people can watch the dancing flames and hear the crackling as well as the pitter patter of the rain (perhaps holographic ones so as not to damage the environment or someone has to invent a totally green way of having a roaring fire).

Oh: we definitely need ongoing campfires which don't trigger Climatic Inconvenience. I think we may be outstanding fire tenders...as long as the fuel has already been collected.

Currently, I'm hanging out at a real Hacienda. Each afternoon, much of the time, its the rainy season currently and these gorgeous clouds form, and lightening and thunder appear. The wind starts blowing and kaboom, it starts to rain and it can just POUR ...typically then it stops as abruptly as it started. The ground surface is sometimes covered in three inch diameter bubbles...they are really cool. A bit later, the butterflies return, to drink from some moist gravel they've scouted.

So there are numerous couches here, in the patios surrounding the garden, and they are perfect for languishing and listening to the rain....feet up, neck supported here...love to watch the storm.


Senior Member
I have been imagining a dome with an Eco-System where thunder storms can be brought on cue. There is a huge pond with a pier like structure. The pier opens up as a view point which has a roof to give shelter. In the centre is an environmentally friendly fire to keep everyone warm.

It is easy for the remote controlled wheelchair and beds to travel out to the view point. Everyone who wants to go heads onto the pier out to the shelter view point.

There is a crack in the sky, a few seconds later a roll of thunder and then the tap tap tap, splodge splodge of rain drops on the roof of the shelter. As everyone gathers, together in silence, some have closed their eyes listening to the different taps, thuds, and splashes from the rain. Others look out to the pond and see the raining falling, some see fish jump, a newt or eel just below the surface. There's another zig zag in the sky as the lighting shows up in all of it's ferocity, shortly after there is the grumbling and crack as if the world is coming in from the thunder. Mesmerised by the raging storm outside, everyone peacefully settle together with the feeling of so much calm and stillness, just observing the storm and letting it be. The fire gives off a warm glow, gently dancing and reminding everyone this storm will pass.

Like our symptoms, they may rage on, deep inside we can find that place within ourselves to steady ourselves as we ride out the storm.

Each drop of rain, every tap and tinkle allows us let go of the urge to resist or fight our symptoms. We let go of the storm and settle into our view point where there is stillness, peace and shelter as the storm rages on and does what it needs to to clear the sky. The crackle of the fire, reminding us it's safe to let go and to let the storm be, that there is that calm or stillness within us that will help us to weather what is going on. Huddled silently together not owing anyone anything, not even ourselves, we sink deeper into calm steadiness just like the deep pond below us, which is ticking along un-moved by the storm above.

Individual ear pieces give each of us the affirmations we need to hear at that time. Whether it's,
"Your body, as it is right now, is healing"
"Your body is shifting and clearing, bringing itself back into balance"
"Your strength in keeping going in the face of what feels like such futility is remarkable - keep going you can find things that work for you"
"You can go deep into relaxation even though symptoms are strong."
"Only focus on what you've to do today, or the next 5 minutes"
"Kindness is letting yourself be in this moment - suspend future or past thinking for 5, 10, 20 minutes."
"Know you are more than this illness and rest in who you really are"
"You are ok as you are, all your emotions, struggles and reactions to this illness are normal, in fact, surviving it is a miracle - recognise your achievement!"
"Savour the good, the simplest of things"
"Appreciate yourself for being to carry on, even when it feels unbearable, it's a tough invisible battle you fight well"
"Recognise the small achievements - they are far bigger than you think"
"Feel where the air in your nasal passage goes from cold to warm"
"All thoughts are like clouds, passing through and passing on, let them pass through"
"Rest and wellness is coming, this storm will pass"

Settled the storm carries on, we let it be together. Allowing the sounds/sights to carry us deeper within ourselves and carry us through to the other side...


Senior Member
There are also times the Thunder Storm Eco-System can be used for a more cathartic use. The view point has a retractable roof, so we enter the view point with only sky above us and this time a rip roaring fire, which burns and burns.

As the sky flashes, and the clatter and cracking of the world falling in sounds we are soaked in thunderous battering rain. As the wind whips up and swirls around, the fire burns even more brightly. Here we are free to imagine a wonderful deep throaty scream that starts from the very souls of our feet, all the way through out of our lungs and throat. Vibrating in our ears as it leaves our chest. Carrying with it all of the anger, resentment, bitter losses, false hope, pain and rage years of this illness causes.


We hurl it into the battering rain and join the storm in momentary destruction as we release all that is painful. Spewing out our hurt, anger and giving voice to the silent suffering. The wind begins to die down, the rain goes to a pitter patter.

Within minutes the wind swirls around, dancing and whipping up as the rain gets heavier. Another lightening flash opens the sky and we feel the last of the anger and pain rise up inside of us, coming again from the very soles of our feet, all the way up through our body, just in time to out-noise the thunder.


Exhausted and tired we are free to slump down, the wind drops and the rain eases to a pitter patter. We bask in the stillness of release as the drops of rain land and trickle their way down our bodies. We stay here as long as we need to, knowing it's good to have a release.


Senior Member
Midwest usa
So far this feels like a wouldn't it be great idea that I have.

Wouldn't it be great if we had a retreat place where ME/CFS patients could go for a change of scenery?

Maybe someplace near a river where it is warm, but not too hot

We could have alternative healers, meditation classes, walking a little in nature mindfully, physical therapists that could teach gentle stretching, caregiver support information, teaching boundaries, and speaking up for what you need, like nonviolent communication... I have a million ideas! All the classes would need to be very short and all just go to a class if you are interested.
Classes on different nutrition, supplementing, acupuncture, all of the ways that we are seeing results in the alternative. Art therapy! Strategies on boredom! Again at your own pace.

There would have to be beds and recliners everywhere, and private rooms with proper window coverings and soft cotton... We could serve meals in the room, or have a simple coffee shop with meals if people want to mingle some.

This is just a pipe dream, but I like to put my dreams out there.. Sometimes they manifest!

Yes, we need funding. Most of us (including me) could not afford to do it. Maybe if the scientists wanted to study us there we could be easily accessible for testing. Think of the information they could gather on our illness!

Thanks for reading, Namaste
what a wonderful idea!!! A place where we would be understood, cared for, and helped if possible. It would have to be cheap, or free because I am sure most of us are not rich!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
what are s'mores?
They're an old campfire favorite.

You roast a marshmallow or two on a stick over an open fire til they're runny and bubbly and a little black on the edges, then you put a square or two of chocolate on a cookie or graham cracker, and carefully slide the marshmallow(s) onto it, quickly topping with another cookie or biscuit or what have you, and eat the deliciously runny, sticky mess before it cools too much, trying not to burn your tongue and lips.

They seem to taste best when done over a campfire, tho if you're desperate, you can do the same thing over the open flame of a gas range.

Yummy. Definitely s'more-ish.


Senior Member
If I ever won the lottery I would not spend it in luxury I would do this exact idea. This experience changed me from partying all the time to wishing I could help people struggling just to find answers.


Northern USA
Northern USA
That is such a special thing to say. Thank you!!!!!!!

You got the description from @YippeeKi YOW !!
I will add that the name for those treats, "S'mores"
comes from the fact that they are so terrible and so very yummy, that anyone who tolerates that much sweetness would say:

"I want somore of those!!!! " ;):D

Or, "Could we have s'mores???? "

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I’m wondering... Considering all of the ideas posted in this thread so far, how much land would be needed?
It would depend on which idea. Some wouldnt be too daunting. Others, like replicating the Blue Grotto, wold be considerably more.

If you're going for the aggregate, I would imagine it would take something like Disneyland proportions. And architects. And contractors. And landscapers. And really, really good insurance policies ....
So far this feels like a wouldn't it be great idea that I have.

Wouldn't it be great if we had a retreat place where ME/CFS patients could go for a change of scenery?

Maybe someplace near a river where it is warm, but not too hot

We could have alternative healers, meditation classes, walking a little in nature mindfully, physical therapists that could teach gentle stretching, caregiver support information, teaching boundaries, and speaking up for what you need, like nonviolent communication... I have a million ideas! All the classes would need to be very short and all just go to a class if you are interested.
Classes on different nutrition, supplementing, acupuncture, all of the ways that we are seeing results in the alternative. Art therapy! Strategies on boredom! Again at your own pace.

There would have to be beds and recliners everywhere, and private rooms with proper window coverings and soft cotton... We could serve meals in the room, or have a simple coffee shop with meals if people want to mingle some.

This is just a pipe dream, but I like to put my dreams out there.. Sometimes they manifest!

Yes, we need funding. Most of us (including me) could not afford to do it. Maybe if the scientists wanted to study us there we could be easily accessible for testing. Think of the information they could gather on our illness!

Thanks for reading, Namaste
I will gladly donate money to make this a reality