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I found something to help with sound sensitivity

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I have really bad sound sensitivity. I think that is part of the reason going to Drs offices. The worst is a restaurant that is loud or a big store with high ceilings like Walmart, or Costco. I have not been to a concert in a few years, and that was one of my favorite things to do!

Even when someone is working in the kitchen with clanking plates or pots and pans I run back to my room. When my grandbaby shreks in joy, or people talk or laugh loud it is so painful!

There is a lot of music that I used to enjoy that I can no longer listen to. I have to have the sound control in my hand to watch a movie or anything.

I will get nauseated and suffer twitches in my face when I have to be in what other people consider a normal sound level.

So, I am happy to share that I found something that helps! My friend why had mignieres showed me hers and I ordered some. EARPLUGS Now I have tried many types and brands of earplugs and these are my favorite.

I went to the hospital for for some testing yesterday and wore them. They are comfortable, and I was able to hear the people talking to me just fine! I was not as overstimulated as I usually get and was able to go and eat a quick lunch in a restaurant afterward. Yes, I am starting to crash now over 12 hours later, but I expected that.

These ones I like are called ear peace

Now I am attaching a Video of a review I found


jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
@Shoshana I have tiny little ear holes.. forgot the noun for that:rolleyes: so I found these with the silicone material to be the most comfortable. I especially like the inserts that allow you to let in different amounts of sound. I used the medium ones at the hospital this morning , then changed them to allow the most noise in today. Just being around the house, and I can still hear the birds.


Northern USA
Northern USA
I almost said when I asked at first, that I don't buy from Amazon or shop online.
Local stores when possible, mail order if absolutely necessary. I know, I am a dinosaur, but I prefer to remain one.

So I wonder whether to check pharmacies or hardware/household type stores, or ????