I feel very bad


Senior Member
your best bet right now is to find the specific lab test , dont know the name anymore. they do test this very thoroughly. you might find the missing cofactors that way. and its expensive, few hundred bucks.


Senior Member
I'm going to do an analysis of all the vitamins. In my country the Genova diagnostics tests are not available.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
if your potassium is above 4 and your phosphor also in midrange+ i do not see your problem here at all.

@linusbert , it's possible for persons with ME/CFS to have low intracellular potassium despite "normal" serum levels. See the first post in this thread, which explains how and why. So, depending, a lab value of 4 might not give the true picture. If one still had low potassium symptoms even with "normal" lab values, then an experiment might be in order to see if adding in potassium would help. I think one of the best ways to do this is to drink 2 or 3 glasses of low-sodium V8 - high in potassium and low in sugar.


Senior Member
@linusbert , it's possible for persons with ME/CFS to have low intracellular potassium despite "normal" serum levels. See the first post in this thread, which explains how and why. So, depending, a lab value of 4 might not give the true picture. If one still had low potassium symptoms even with "normal" lab values, then an experiment might be in order to see if adding in potassium would help. I think one of the best ways to do this is to drink 2 or 3 glasses of low-sodium V8 - high in potassium and low in sugar.
I have not symptoms of potassium defficiency


Senior Member
I'll update in case someone looks for information here. (I am currently starting the b12 oils protocol) In my experience, refeeding syndrome can affect any mineral, not just potassium, phosphorus or those that are more common in the literature.

My cycle started working and I started to improve, until, as I said, something stopped the healing. In my analyzes the most important alteration was that of the thyroid.

The thyroid, according to Greg (b12 oils) is linked to the methylation cycle, so if it functions poorly, vitamin b12 cannot be activated: you can find more information on his website. On the hair mineralogram, my I/Se/Mo are low. All of them are important for thyroid function.

Refeeding syndrome is complex, if you fail to give what your body needs at that moment, you can cause harm. That's what happened to me.


Senior Member
so how is it going?
Hello. Thanks for asking. As I said, I haven't been able to "activate" the methylation cycle again since my thyroid went haywire. In my experience all the information published by @Freddd is real.

The cycle is activated with b9 and b12, but after a short time refeeding syndrome appears. In my case it has not been due to a lack of potassium, in fact taking it seriously harmed me, but based on my analyzes with the mimerals linked to the correct functioning of the thyroid.

I have realized that what most compromises success in the methylation peotocolon are trace minerals.

Right now I am sick and I don't think I will be able to recover in the future. I know what's happening to me and what from a theoretical point of view I should do, but the practice is complex. I wish there was more research on vitamin B12 and the methylation cycle and I wish doctors would be interested in the subject, instead of prescribing pills that do little to help.


Senior Member
The cycle is activated with b9 and b12, but after a short time refeeding syndrome appears. In my case it has not been due to a lack of potassium, in fact taking it seriously harmed me, but based on my analyzes with the mimerals linked to the correct functioning of the thyroid.
ironically i ate for a few months like 500g potatoes a day, which is like 1500-2000mg and i think it contributed to my later eye problems because my blood pressure did fall so much i feel like it wasnt getting enough to eyes and brains.
my bp fell from 140/100 to 110/70. and resting hr from 88 to like 60 sometimes 50. and i am still seriously overweight like 118 kg on 180cm.

but it could also be refeeding because i did not take any vitamins. like b1 which is in tight synergy with potassium.