I have been off benzos for 13 years and my sleep is still very bad, not the weapons-grade insomnia that I had for the first several years, but still very bad. There has been so little change for years now that I don't ever expect it to get better.
The horrible anxiety that I had after stopping Klonopin went away after several years though. I never even knew what anxiety was before taking Klonopin.
I had the opposite experience to you. I had extremely severe, almost unbearable anxiety due to the ME and the Klonopin took it away, for me was a great drug (I used it at the lowest doses cheney recommends).
Sorry Dreambirdie to hear of your experience, I know many have very terrible experiences to Benzos but over the last 4 years (maybe 5) in which Ive been using them on and off, the benefits have certainly for me far outweighed the risks
I say this with even with getting a paradoxal reaction after being on Klonopin for many months, to which I then just easily stopped it cold turkey after that one time paradoxal reaction. But the time I was on it for, was an
enormous relief to my severe constant anxiety and over stimulation feelings and with coming of of it, it hadnt made my anxiety worst, in fact on stopping it my anxiety was far better then it had been previously before I started it
Since then I take Temazapam at times (only twice a week at the max). Before that, my sleep was really really nightmarish as I had several different kinds of sleep issues and even with taking multiple things at once at one point I was going up to 4-5 nights with NO SLEEP at all (I was halluncination at times due to lack of sleep). So like the Klonopin (thou in a different way), Temazapam was like a lifesaver to me.
These drugs I do think need to be there for people like myself who get very severe symptoms who need them for last resorts but yeah, they still should be taken very cautiously and I'd stop in an instant at any sign of trouble (like I did with the Klonopin due to the once of paradoxal reaction). If it wasnt for these two drugs, I seriously do not know what I would of done.
Hopefully I can go many years more with no issues with Temazapam (I only take it if I really really need it)
Here in Australia, I had an extremely hard time finding a doctor willing to allow me to take Benzos, over 30 doctors and none would support it. The one who allowed me the Temazapam gave it to me with extremely clear warnings that this was a drug which could cause addiction to it within 5 straight days of taking it. He made it quite clear for me to only take it when desperate and only a couple of times per week.
I had to get my Temazapam presciption refilled while my doctor was away recently and he would only give me enough till she gets back.
I do think its good that doctors here are cautious but I really wish I'd been allowed to take benzos sooner. It should always come down to a case of "does this patient NEED to try this drug". Do not try benzos unless you really think you do need them and cant find an alternative.
Not everyone has terrible experiences with these drugs and for some of us they have been like a life saver. (Ive had severely terrible reactions to 2 other kinds of drugs, one of them deemed quite safe put me in hospital for a week). I can honestly say the Benzos have helped me more then any other drug Ive tried (and Ive tried quite a few).