I strongly suspect I had about ten years of residual symptoms from using a combination of lorazepam, Zoloft, and one other tranquilizer here and there. (Clonazepam when the lorazepam was deemed ineffective. Ha.) Occasional weird things would hit, including unexplained tachycardia and the floppy heart feeling of mitral valve prolapse. I don't know if it's all related, but after one especially bad evening during my massage classes in 1999, a student remarked that it takes years for the body to stop reacting to the changes both anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds/tranquilizers cause in the body and brain. The worst panic attacks of my life came while using drugs that supposedly treat panic attacks.
All heart tests came back normal. No explanations.
There was an article very briefly circulated then abruptly shut down reporting a study that SSRIs work by destroying serotonin receptor sites throughout the body. I've never been able to find the reference again. If this is true, it really makes me wonder what permanent changes the benzos contributed alongside it.
Dreambirdie What an expensive way to get through, but very glad you found some answers. I know I muddled through it all coming out of it. I didn't have the acute and extreme experience you describe, but I remember calling each episode a bad trip. It really was. Although I did not have the nutritional and social support I would have liked, along the way I found Ann Tracey's work along with several validating related articles, by her and others. I met her at a class she gave, and still follow her research and articles.