@caledonia's suggestion is very good, but hard to implement for a true supplement junkie. We think more is better. Trust me, I know. It's difficult, but you can do it.
I dunno what you're taking that is half your rent (!!), but you might consider one or more of the following suggestions:
- Cut the most questionably useful and/or expensive things down to basics: keep vitamin C, necessary minerals like selenium, CoQ10etc. Whatever you consider basic. Even if it's a little pricey (like CoQ10), if you consider it essential, keep it. But truly think about what's essential, and stop buying the rest. For example, do you really *need* liposomal vitamin C, or can you get enough benefit from powdered vitamin C without spending all that money? Not saying you take liposomal C, BTW, that's just an example of the reasoning. I would take liposomal C every day if I could, but don't, for this exact reason.
- Don't impulse buy, especially after reading a vendor website. Especially don't impulse buy if it costs over $25. Sit on it for a day. Research it. If you're still convinced it will help you that much after 24 hours, then think some more.
- Look for comments about your supplements here on PR. Not just one or two comments, but use the search function and read whole threads. That has really helped me cut down on my impulse buying and supplement budget.
- Buy only to treat your specific illness, worst symptoms, or known deficiencies. Don't buy stuff because you hear it's great in general.
- Buy only to follow one targeted course of therapy (methylation, gut therapy, stuff to help your proteins fold properly, liver therapy, etc.) at at time. Basically, stop applying the kitchen sink theory to your supplement intake. It doesn't usually work that way, especially if you're still really sick. I've had good luck lately with kitchen sink, but I'm doing much, much better. When I was really doing badly, kitchen sink didn't help me much. I had to do targeted regimens (methylation, gut, thyroid, etc.) for a long while.
- Don't bulk buy. That is a BIG fault of mine. I used to be constantly afraid of running out of things, or would buy more than I needed try to take advantage of a discount, only to discover that after 1 bottle I didn't really need or like the supplement any more. Or that I didn't need nearly as much of it after the initial loading doses as I thought I would. For example, I still like soil-based probiotics but probably have more Primal Flora than I'll ever be able to take because of a dang discount for over a certain number of bottles. But at the time I was still high-dosing probiotics so figured I'd use them pretty quickly. Not so. That was one of my last impulse buys, BTW.
I don't know how much of that applies to you, but as I said, I've been a big supplement junkie for a while, with too much of my budget going to unproductive regimens. Thankfully that's no longer the case...thanks to PR I've found things that work for me, gradually getting rid of my worst symptons, and am no longer wasting a whole bunch of money on supps. I still try new stuff, but I stick strictly to what about my health bugs me the most, and I don't buy larger quantities until I know it works for me beyond a month or two.
Do you know that you have Lyme or is it just speculation on your part...?