Placebo effect anyone?
Who has gone so much better and actually left the forum because their life was so productive they no longer had time to spend here? Crickets.
Just food for thoughts.
I know too many who cannot afford to spend thousands in supplement. It is sad to see happening.
There's a world of difference between modifying a symptom and recovering from a disease.
I'd estimate that in the past four years I've tried upwards of 30 supplements, in addition to one prescription pharmaceutical / smart drug (not prescribed by my GP but disclosed to them) and one probiotic.
The vast majority of supplements have had no discernible effect, so I didn't continue with them. That leaves three. I couldn't justify the cost of one of them for the marginal, but still noticeable, improvement it gave. So that leaves me with two effective supplements plus the drug plus the probiotic, which I haven't got round to verifying yet (more of that later).
I'm not persuaded that the placebo effect, in it's mind over matter guise, results in huge subjective improvements. I think it's far more likely that people take supplements because they feel like they are doing something positive for their health.
In the absence of reliable evidential trials, here's what I do to self-test what I take.
If I don't notice any improvements I usually stop taking the supplement well before I've reached the end of the bottle. This doesn't require any conscious decision.
If something appears to be helping I don't discount the possibility that it could just be part of a natural wax and wane cycle. So I stop taking it and see what happens. If the symptom returns or gets worse again, I restart the supplement. If the symptom gets better or disappears, there's a very good chance the supplement is responsible.
It's a very simple process. Obviously, it's a bit difficult to carry out a blinded trial on yourself but it might be possible with a capsule machine and a willing assistant to do the blinding. So much the better.
Most supplements are a waste of money, so if you find yourself with a cabinet full, you owe it to yourself to identify which ones are dead weight and get rid of them. There are far better things to spend your money on, including research.