How do I stop spending so much on supplements?


Senior Member
I don't donate much to research, but mostly because I don't know to whom I should be donating. I'm curious what orgs people (and especially Dr. @Jonathan Edwards) are doing the best real hard science and getting the most bang for the buck. I looked at it a while ago (admittedly not too recently) and wasn't really happy with the research coming out of any organization - mostly seemed like banal, repetitive, poorly designed studies. Most of my favorite papers seem to come out of nowhere and are often by people I had never previously heard of. Maybe these are in fact funded my major nonprofits but I'd really appreciate advice on how to maximize donated funds.


Senior Member
When I presented that same drug and the relevant lab result to a Dutch mainstream doctor (neurologist) and told him that it had been helping with my blood pressure problems and symptoms, he was disgusted and told me that only exercise could help me. I'll take an open-minded ND who is willing to rationally and carefully try to treat my symptoms any day of the week, over a mainstream MD who dismisses my symptoms and refuses to attempt to treat them, or even believe that they exist, despite a lot of documentation and my experiences. And unfortunately, that sort of dismissal is the default norm for the mainstream medical profession in many areas.

@Valentijn -

ME patients are often seen as a frustrating group for doctors to treat, and are often viewed as noncompliant with therapy. However, this is usually because when we meet an MD, we quickly realize they have no idea what they are talking about with regard to ME, and they are not interested in learning. I think the stereotypes of ME patients are in large measure the fault of the medical profession for the extremely poor quality of care we have received. There are certainly excellent doctors, and that includes many of my own, but I've had horrifying experiences with highly regarded docs and I've read about such experiences here on these forums and elsewhere from patients.

When the medical profession starts taking patients seriously and listening and trying to actually educate themselves on the illness, then we will think that listening to them is worth it. Instead they spout meaningless drivel, so we do not respect them because they are unworthy of respect.

My first PCP when I became ill is a very intelligent, very kind man who always listened. He would freely admit he did not understand what was wrong with me, but he'd read a bit here and there and try different things, he'd never tell me it was in my head, and he was a great resource to rule out other things or for other health care needs. If I showed him research, he would look at it, and try treatment options if they seemed reasonable. Just being treated with respect by a doc like him earns our respect in return. It is not reasonable to think we should treat doctors with respect who do not treat us with respect.


Senior Member
thank you @Scarecrow I do remember running across the site last week..and computer issues..then you know. thanks for the link I will get back to it!


Senior Member
my suppliment spending is almost 1/2 my rent.. how do i stop spending so much? i am not even sure what is helping at this i am worse than i was a couple years ago.

I was there many years ago too and finally decided to go with a single good multivitamin plus extra vitamin D because my bloodwork showed I was deficient. I did fine with just that for a long time. I got fed up (no pun intended) with stressing about my diet too and now I eat anything I want, unless I'm sure that it's making me feel worse.

I'm trying a few new supplements now, but just reading so much info here makes me exhausted and stressed out. Just about the time I order something new I read something negative about it. I've got something coming in the mail that I probably won't take now thanks to reading something negative about it! Money wasted again!

I think it's good to take a break from all this medical stuff sometimes and try think about something besides my health condition for awhile. Mental stress always makes CFS worse for me.