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Hot shower/submersion of head in hot water for PEM relief

I saw someone on Twitter make a post about how if they submerged the top of their heads in hot water for 7 minutes it relieves some of their symptoms. I've only tried this twice for PEM relief but I am noticing a difference. Will need to repeat a few times to make sure it's not a coincidence but so far it seems to give instant relief of PEM fatigue and brain fog for a good couple of hours.

Anyone experience this or have any ideas why might this be occurring??

Could this point to a structural issue with the brain and neck? Or maybe a vascular issue as it surely is increasing blood flow to the head?


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
I saw someone on Twitter make a post about how if they submerged the top of their heads in hot water for 7 minutes it relieves some of their symptoms. I've only tried this twice for PEM relief but I am noticing a difference.

Very interesting, I have not heard this before.
There is also someone immersing their head in cold water for 15-30 seconds that apparently cuts their PEM in half. Havent tried this myself but very odd that these things can work.
There is also someone immersing their head in cold water for 15-30 seconds that apparently cuts their PEM in half. Havent tried this myself but very odd that these things can work.
Interesting I might try the cold water and compare

Nord Wolf

The Northman
New England
I have noticed taking a hot shower (while sitting on a shower bench so I don't have to stand) can temporarily alleviate some PEM symptoms. Severe fatigue and aches seem to be the top two that alleviate. The results can last for a couple hours, at most. But a shower too hot does the opposite, and tends to wig-out my nervous system and give rise to further exhaustion.
Cold water doesn't seem to alter my PEM, but I use it on my annoyingly regular headaches.