I have been sick for a little over a year now and just a few months ago I started having reactions occasionally when eating. The reaction starts by causing my ears to get really red and hot, then my face, chest, shoulders, elbows, knees (basically all joints) becomes really red and hot. After talking to one of my doctors we thought maybe since I have become sick and my GI track has become tired, I am now reacting to certain foods that I have sensitivities to, that when healthy my body could manage better.
So we decided to do a couple food sensitivity panels. One was and IgG panel with US Biotek and the other was an in house allergen nut panel. I got the results and basically have zero sensitivities to any foods. Even ones like walnuts and pineapple that I ate and immediately had reactions to were undetectable. Even weirder is that sometimes I eat these foods and have no reaction whatsoever. And just the other week, after not eating any food for a while, I was sucking on a zinc lozenge and started having a reaction which just seems weird.
Anyways, since the results came back normal my MD basically told me that she is not really sure what to do, even though I even had photos of the rashes that I get. I have been talking with my naturopathic doctor about gut issues but he is a little stumped as well.
Does anyone have any similar experience to this? Knowledge/understanding/resources that could help me? Could this have something to do with leaky gut or a microbiome imbalance?
It sucks to continue to feel sicker and sicker and every time I do a test it comes back normal, my MD congratulates me and then sends me on my way with even more despair that I am never going to get better.