Hair Mineral Testing


work in progress
N. California
The reason I started the protocol is that Dog Person said that my hair analysis showed B2 deficiency, my own research on my organic acids showed B2 deficiency and her theory matched with my experience, which was, that I had been on a B complex and a high quality organic diet with daily green juices including parsley, dandelion leaves and dried barley grass. I drank no alcohol nor smoked yet showed deficiency but no symptoms apart from dry eye syndrome.

Taking B2 showed a miraculous immediate result whereas other supplements have not and I sleep better and feel a relaxation in my body and increased energy. I think that DP`s theory makes perfect sense and I think that she should stop being badgered and given a chance to present her theory .

Hi Brenda--

I am really glad to hear that you have had some amazing immediate results with the B2. That's great! I look forward to hearing more about your experiences.

When it comes to your remark about people "badgering" Dog Person, I think this is your interpretation of what's happening. People here have the right to be skeptical and ask as many questions as they want and need to ask. And nobody should be shushed for doing so. That's what this forum is all about--sharing personal experiences, openly, with each other, asking hard questions to challenge those who present yet unproven theories. Without that we would be a bunch of blind sheep.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Brenda, its great that you have had improvements with the B2 as suggested by Dogperson. I'm hoping that B2 may help me as i think i may have a deficiency based on research that was flagged up on the thread you started about how it has helped you.
I seem to have, based on testing, so many vitamin and mineral deficiencies and its hard to know where they all came from. I have eaten a very healthy diet most of my life and still have severe nutrtional deficiencies. I wonder if it is a problem with the gut for me and absorption issues. I have only started to have improvements since i started b12 by injection and transdermal minerals, thus bypassing the gut, i have never taken a multi B due to problems with B6 (its quite a complicated story).
I'm sorry that you feel i am 'badgering' Dogperson. Its just that ive asked her a couple of questions since she joined about what she is doing, who she is and her interest in M.E, also one question about backing up a claim so as no to to cause alarm amongst forum members. She hasnt replied thus far to any of my questions and implied i was being aggressive. I am not and never have been offensive to any one on this forum and have no desire to upset people. Asking specific questions about specific theories and asking for further info from a member who has joined who doesnt have M.E and who doesnt provide details of their interest in the subject is usually a normal part of the workings of this and other forums.
All the best, Justy.


work in progress
N. California
Hi Brenda--I understand how you feel, but I don't agree. DP has already put some of her ideas out here onto the forum, and that has inspired the curiosity, the skepticism, the experimentation with some of her suggested supplements, and the many questions.

Judging from your reaction, and your post above--that you "know she is right," it seems you have no more need to ask questions. But that's not the case with everyone. So viva la difference! I personally appreciate ALL the interest in it, and input about it.

Have a good day grooving to your B2. :) I'm off to the beach.


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
DP, I was wondering if you would be interested in reading my Mum's hair analysis? Basically she officially has MS however her main symptoms are fatigue, unrestoring sleep, brain fog, eye strain, pins and needles if she holds something for too long (eg a pen when writing) and occasionally gets flares of cervical spondylosis and a wrist ganglion cyst.

Her onset of illness was double vision, migraine and fatigue. Before getting ill she was obsessed with exercise and dieting. I'm concerned that her diagnosis was very rushed as she received it in just 2 weeks and the neurologist was just about to go on holiday. I got the impression he wanted to tie up "loose ends" before going away.

I cut her hair on sunday but don't know if she's sent it off yet. It might be a while before we get the results back.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Dreambirdie - iam jealous! i love going to the beach on a sunny day, its my favourite past time. I'm off to cook dinner.


Senior Member
Hi Justy

I dont think DP has refused to answer you - I think she is just short of time, after all she is doing a great deal, working full time, doing the hair analysis for many here writing out her theory looking after her family and goodness knows what else. My fear is that she will get fed up and not bother anymore.


Well I can`t do anything but be impressed so far. I dont think anyone should accept her theory without investigation, I guess I am just lucky that it really worked for me probably due to the extent of deficiency and I am enjoying the discussion and really hope many will be helped like me.

I changed to the active B2 today so will see if it makes any difference. Have a nice day!


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
hi Brenda

In one of your previous posts you said....."I changed to the active B2 today so will see if it makes any difference".

Are you making this change for a particular reason? If I am understanding what Dog Person said, the active form you get no added benefit from.

She said in a previous post....

"All evidence indicates that flavin mononucleotide (FMN; which means it is phosphorylated) is not absorbed, but converted (hydrolyzed) to free riboflavin before absorption. Therefore consuming FMN is of no benefit."

I am assuming this correctly that the active B-2...Ribiflavin 5 the phosphorylated form she is referring to?


Senior Member
Hi Rand

I wanted to change because the one I bought in a hurry had too many fillers in, so when I went to choose another I went for the Ribiflavin 5 Phoshate which I assume is the one DP meant. Well I thought I would just try it to see if indeed it has no benefit. Its in a capsule and eisier to take anyway. No difference so far.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
Hi Rand

I wanted to change because the one I bought in a hurry had too many fillers in, so when I went to choose another I went for the Ribiflavin 5 Phoshate which I assume is the one DP meant. Well I thought I would just try it to see if indeed it has no benefit. Its in a capsule and eisier to take anyway. No difference so far.

Ok I just didn't know if you saw DP's previous post about that :)
Hi Justy,

I never thought you were rude to me and I appologize for not answering all your questions. You are welcome to ask anything you like, as I am welcome to not answer as I see appropriate.

I am busy (like everyone these days) and to take the time to answer with references to all the things that people want answered takes much time. Today was grocery shopping (three different stores), cooking for the dogs, laundry, mowing the lawn, answer emails to my clients, interpret several charts and go the P.O. to mail them. I also answered several private messages on this forum, wrote privately to Rich and received several other hair charts from the forum and added them to my data base. I still have two phone calls to return and it's time to take the dogs for their run. So, to then try and go to each thread, read what has been asked, write it down, go and find the documented answers then return and post, sometimes seems more than I can get done. Also, sometimes I think I've posted some of the answers to the questions before.

When my husband comes home from work, if I'm still on the computer, he looks so sad and says, oh are you still working. So I try very hard to stop by 5 and then go back after he goes to sleep. So today I had no time to work on my theory that I also am anxious to post. Most of you have told me you have been ill for decades so alittle longer for your patience is all I ask. I want my professor of nutrition to review my paper before I submit it anyway for accuracy of all the nutritional parts I am putting in it. He is very good at pointing out anything I say wrong.

I think it is best if I post on the hair thread from now on, as I think someone sort of implied I should not be on theirs. So please return to the hair thread to ask me your questions. ok

And to answer about the dogs being like humans - yes. If they were not close enough I would not be working on the human inflammatory bowel study on dogs this summer.

And Rich answered about folic acid (any form) needing B2 so didn't think I needed to address that again.

And, ask Rich your detailed questions about the other B's interactions with riboflavin enzyme reactions and ATP. This is his speciality and I think he can explain it much better than I. Remember, I don't have any degree in nutrition or molecular biology.
One more quick thing I want to say is that I've actually been overwhelmed at the carring and willingness of everyone to share their stores/symptoms/hair charts that I've encountered on this forum.

When my ALS client came to me a year ago, I wanted to see what other ALS charts looked like. ALS is considered an extreme derangement of the energy system with mitochondrial malfunction. Most, not all, ALS people were extreme athletes which never took supplements for years of extended exercise. It seemed a good fit to me to pursue.

So I tried an ALS forum. For some reason, I must have said something wrong because they called me a scam artist that was trying to prey on the sick and deathly ill. I only asked if I could do hair testing at cost. I told them about my client and even gave them his website. But since most that have ALS don't believe in hair testing, I guess they felt I was bad.

So thank you for letting me be here!


work in progress
N. California
Hi Dog Person--

Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and your life. It makes it easier to relate to you when you do that. I really appreciate that you took the time to post about it.

Sorry the ALS folks gave you such a hard time. I'm glad we are nicer! :angel:


Senior Member
Hi dogperson,

Welcome to the forum. I'm very happy to see (read) that you are helping some of my fellow sufferers and for that I'm very grateful.
If you can just bring relief to one sufferer, it's a great deed and if more, the better.
There is just one think that kept popping in my head reading the threads that you participate in. I saw some legitimate questions posed toward you and your reaction time and time again are long posts explaining how busy you are and all the things you have been doing all day and all your time constraints are so detailed and time consuming to type up.

Wouldn't it have just been easier and less cumbersome to just give a couple of simple answers?

All the best in your endeavors,


Senior Member
Just wanted to post to thank Dog Person. she popped up just as i seem to be going thru a b2 crisis. Her advice has been invaluable.. I am finding I am calmer & sleep better on b2. also, i can feel the iron/oxygen transport thing in practice.. My brain feels better. Early days...but everything is moving in the right direction. Thanks!

BTW: Previous tests (urine/blood) show low B2, low Vit C, high iron saturation, & hypochloridia.. so lack of utilization of zinc.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Vegetbles and Fruits

Are those of us with depleted B2 stores supposed the be limiting our consumption of vegetables and fruits? If so, are there any that are better or worse than others?

If this will be answered in your upcoming article, ignore it for now.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I think part of the problem concerning Dog Person is that she has been communicating with some of us via PM and Members Only Chat, so some know more about her and her theories than others. This is getting her nowhere fast. It makes sense to me that she would communicate with everyone in one thread and not spend a lot of time answering questions that will be answered when she gets her article finished and posted.

P. S. I am, of course, an exception. I am very thankful that Dog Person PMed to let me know about some potentially serious problems showing up in my hair mineral analysis even if it did not do any of the rest of you any good. :D

P. P. S. Actually, since mine was the first hair mineral analysis she looked at, she may have learned some things from me that modified and/or solidified her thinking about ME and mineral imbalances which may benefit you all.