Hair Mineral Testing

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I sent Christine a bunch of info on ME this morning--articles, video testimony, the MEICC document, etc. I think this will be helpful in increasing her understanding about this disease. AT this point, I think she knows a lot more about mineral testing than she does about ME, and maybe the additional info will bridge that gap, which would be in EVERYONE'S best interest.

Thank-you, Dreambirdie.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I do not avoid sugar, but do try to limit it. I avoid artificial sweetener, so if I have a choice between that and sugar (which doesnt happen often), I choose sugar. When cooking, I often replace half of the sugar with stevia. I eat 1 - 2 squares/day of 85% cocoa chocolate which has 1.25 gm sugar/square. I put a little honey in some of my teas. My biggest downfall is ice cream, which I am currently cutting back drastically :tear: because I need to lose some weight.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
And I don't think anybody has hindered the progression of this thread or harmed any of those who are interested in her services or products, either.

I personally think that the progression of this thread could easily be hindered and probably already has been, if she's constantly having to explain herself and having to put a lot of time and effort into that, when there are people on this thread really eager to hear what she has to say about their hair analyses results.

She's already had to spend over 2 hrs trying to explain herself.

All the explaining she's having to do just so people dont jump on her.. IS hindering others, the ones who have posted their results, getting to hear what she's got to say about all this stuff.

Those 2 hrs she had to spend on sharing her personal stuff, could of been spent with her sharing more of her "theory"... that is all it is.. a theory and something she's obviously still trying to study and hence asking to see peoples results.

note... all she's suggested to me so far is a common kind of vitamin..of not any particular brand based on something in my results. So she's certainly getting nothing out of that.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
According to my dietitian, the ratios are as important as, or more important than, the single mineral amounts.

When Christine gets her explanation composed and posted to the board, I think you (and I) will understand it better.


I went to Naturopathy college and during nutrition classes there we were always told that the ratio of certain minerals in the body were important eg calicum/magnesium, so I no doubt that is also the case.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Question for all of you that sent or posted hair tests - do you avoid sugar - cane or beet, not what is contained in fruit? I think I read a few places on this forum that most of you find sugar to cause unpleasant symptoms, and as such, avoid most or limit it.

I dont eat sugar or any products with it in them. Fruit wise, I also restrict carbs to one small piece of fruit per day so arent getting much in the way of sugars there either.

If I dont highly restrict my carbs I get more sore throats, even harder to get out of bed in the morning, GERD and severe mood swings.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I do not avoid sugar, but do try to limit it. I avoid artificial sweetener, so if I have a choice between that and sugar (which doesnt happen often), I choose sugar. When cooking, I often replace half of the sugar with stevia.

Bluestem. another sugar substitute.. is xylitol which is natural and comes from corn cobs or birch trees. It looks like sugar and I find it tastes a lot like sugar but it dont contain any sugar (it's good for your teeth and contains 40% less calories then sugar).
Thanks for the answers. Now another question, (sorry I didn't ask it before) - have you been taking B12 when you did the hair charts?

I'm working this weekend so hopefully I'll have this done soon. I know you are very anxious for my "theory" or "opinion". One thing I will say is that all the charts correlate as I had hoped. Only one had a zinc reading that was apparently affected by a contaminant like a dandruff shampoo probably. I've seen this oddity on a few charts before.

Someone had asked how many charts I've interpretedd - answer - over 400. And I have been accepted to do the interpretations for 22 dogs on a human research project for inflammatory bowel disease, starting this summer. The veterinary professor that I contacted, who is heading up the project, was intrigued that my dogs had been diagnosed with this, as had one of my human clients (age 3) but now do not indicate inflammatory markers nor previous adverse symptoms.

Do any of you know where in the world the incidence of CFS is highest?

Also, has there been any increases in the incidence of CFS since 2002 moreso than prior to 2002?


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Question for all of you that sent or posted hair tests - do you avoid sugar - cane or beet, not what is contained in fruit? I think I read a few places on this forum that most of you find sugar to cause unpleasant symptoms, and as such, avoid most or limit it.

I avoid completely sugar of all kinds, except for my 7.5 to 10gr D-ribose per day (and also limit stricly fruits intakes).


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Thanks for the answers. Now another question, (sorry I didn't ask it before) - have you been taking B12 when you did the hair charts?

I'm working this weekend so hopefully I'll have this done soon. I know you are very anxious for my "theory" or "opinion". One thing I will say is that all the charts correlate as I had hoped. Only one had a zinc reading that was apparently affected by a contaminant like a dandruff shampoo probably. I've seen this oddity on a few charts before.

Someone had asked how many charts I've interpretedd - answer - over 400. And I have been accepted to do the interpretations for 22 dogs on a human research project for inflammatory bowel disease, starting this summer. The veterinary professor that I contacted, who is heading up the project, was intrigued that my dogs had been diagnosed with this, as had one of my human clients (age 3) but now do not indicate inflammatory markers nor previous adverse symptoms.

Do any of you know where in the world the incidence of CFS is highest?

Also, has there been any increases in the incidence of CFS since 2002 moreso than prior to 2002?

I have been following Fredd's Protocol for 1 year so, yes I have been supplementing with B12 when I did the hair test.


Senior Member
Yes I was taking B12 before the hair test.

I must comment on Christine`s patience. There is nothing wrong with witholding judgement until more information is found but what has been expressed here was more than that.

Christine - Dog Person has interpreted my hair results, of which I have been rather sceptical since I had them done 2 years ago, and she has picked up on a severe deficiency which has shown up on another test which has not been interpreted up until now. She has been spot on. I think we can learn a lot from her. Thank you so much Christine you have been a Godsend to me.



Senior Member
Arguably then, you could keep taking b-complex, and add additional Riboflavin to each meal. Depends whether you think a b-complex is necessary to cover off other possible deficiencies which may not be highlighted by a particular interpretation of Hair Analysis.
Currently, I have interpreted 14 hair analysis from people with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue/ME. I would like to have a larger sample size, so if you have not posted your results, please consider sending/posting your results.
I was posting on two other threads, but as someone posted, what was I referring to when I said I'm working on my theory to present to the form as quickly as possible. So, in an effort to have consistency with my posts, I will only post on this thread from now on.

Someone wrote and asked about could they have niacin deficiency. Here is my reply:

Yes, you could because your body creates niacin from vitamin C, B2, iron and B6 and the amino acid tryptophan. Both my dogs had severe niacin deficiency as their mucus membranes all became black - very visible symptom of niacin deficiency. They also had bloody diarrhea. You need B2 to recycle vitamin C, use iron and convert B6 so you can see how easily you can become niacin deficient when low in B2. I tried to supplement my dogs with niacin, but niacin increases iron's absorption and increases the stores in the liver so it made them much more B2 deficient. Niacin is one of the B vitamins that is not destroyed by heat, light, cooking, freezing, thawing, etc. It is very stable and available in foods.

The reason I mention this is because the imbalance I'm seeing in the hair charts strongly suggests excess iron has accumulated. The more iron the body has, the more B2 is needed. It is my opinion (what I'm currently writing) that this imbalance was not caused by B2 deficiency. If it were, then iron stores would be low, because B2 deficiency impairs irons absorption. So correcting this imbalance with B2 does not follow a normal recovery from B2 deficiency. So by taking B2, you release iron not only from the liver, but from the form that can not be absorbed to the form that can. This can make taking B2 seem just like taking niacin - advserse symptoms to start. This is why I caution anyone from taking much B2 initially. The process must be taken slowly to allow so many systems to come back to normal function, without causing more free radical damage with iron and the heavy metals that will be released.


work in progress
N. California
I took 3 doses (12.5 mg) of B2 yesterday, and had a very unexpected strong effect from them. (I also took a smidge of B1 and my usual 250 mcg of B12.)

Initially I felt spacey and pleasantly sedated with every dose, then later on during the night I developed a headache and woke up coughing bright yellow mucous. I have never seen this color of mucous before. Is this to be expected? I am guessing that the B2 it is causing some detoxification already.

I still feel a bit headachey this morning, somewhat nauseas and more tired, so I am going to back off and take less of the B2 today.


Senior Member
The reason I started the protocol is that Dog Person said that my hair analysis showed B2 deficiency, my own research on my organic acids showed B2 deficiency and her theory matched with my experience, which was, that I had been on a B complex and a high quality organic diet with daily green juices including parsley, dandelion leaves and dried barley grass. I drank no alcohol nor smoked yet showed deficiency but no symptoms apart from dry eye syndrome.

Taking B2 showed a miraculous immediate result whereas other supplements have not and I sleep better and feel a relaxation in my body and increased energy. I think that DP`s theory makes perfect sense and I think that she should stop being badgered and given a chance to present her theory .
Hi dog person, thanks for all your assistance.

Please see attatched my hair test.

I do eat sugar, and I did do some heavy metal chelation with DMSA prior to the hair test, although I tried to take from the hair tips and not the roots.

I have a MTHFR defect, and I do better on 5-mthf and b vitamins untill they give me bad neuropathy and fasiculations that feel inflammatory though I am not certain.

I also have definite zinc deficiency/mild pyrroluria and zinc helps but also gives me detox type issues

View attachment Hair Lampkld.pdf.