Hair Mineral Testing

Thank you for continuing to send more results. I'm in the process of writing a paper to be published with an animal professor of nutrition. Any paper that is written must be documented and takes lots of time. I also have to keep running my company. Just got a new dog client yesterday that has been diagnosed with a mast cell tumor. Another woman from CA called as she has problems with her vision, arthritis and various food sensitivities that keep switching around and she wants to know why. For me, that means spending time on the phone, answering emails, sending out kits, off to the post office, doing book work, filling in files, etc. Like I said, I only work alone. I home cook for my dogs and take them for several runs a day so they can enjoy life and I can enjoy them. And then, last but not least, is my husband who has to be cooked for, our house cleaned, laundry and spend time enjoying his company when he comes home from work.

I am communicating with several of you via PM and I try to answer as much as I can on the forum - all which take time. Several of you have started my supplement suggestions. What I want to do now, since time is tight, is finish my paper so you all can read it and understand. Both dog and human conditions are the same nutritional imbalance - that's how I was able to figure it out with the help of God. I don't mean to offend anyone that does not believe in God, this is just how I believe and will always give thanks to him for my blessings.

Yesterday I spent several hours writing how to take the supplements, what to expect and why it is happening and how to slow any adverse symptoms. It is complicated but understandable. I was never content to just say the reactions that occur are herxheimer reactions. I always want to know what specifically from a nutritional standpoint is occurring. This is what I'm trying to put into words for all of you to read. I think it is easiest for me if I put it on the forum, instead of addressing each of you separately. Then anyone can contact me for further questions and I will try to answer all that I can back on the forum so as others have the same questions, I will only need to write the answer once. So to those of you that I have not gotten back to currently, I apologize.

Life is not very safe these days unfortunately. People harm others daily, especially those whose nutrition is far from normal is what I believe drives it. When iron is way out of control, it goes to a section of the brain called the amagylda that is responsible for anger, hostility and aggression. People that tend to have this imbalance can become angry quickly and can attack others, especially if their parents exhibited this tendency and they learned/observed it. And of course we receive our start in nutrition from our parents so if they were deficient, you may very well be too. This is exactly the situation that I lived most of my life - always flying off the handle and attacking those I loved and then not understanding why I was so angry. My mother was abusive and the same way so some was leaned behavior, but most was my nutrition

The internet is a wonderful place, but many people abuse it. I have stayed anonymous for this reason. Who I am and where I live are my place of security so making that known and placing myself in a position where I could be harmed, is what keeps me dog person. You are right about wanting to make a product - I want a dog food on the market that I can feed that will keep a dog healthy. When my husband and I retire in a couple of years, I want to have a dog rescue in Idaho and I obviously can not home cook for a hundred dogs. So I keep contacting dog food companies in the hopes one will work with me to manufacture a balanced nutritious one!
We chatted yesterday. Many of us here really appreciate your time and effort. It's nice to know more about you too. Sorry you went through so much bad. We are lucky to have your understanding.


work in progress
N. California
Yesterday I spent several hours writing how to take the supplements, what to expect and why it is happening and how to slow any adverse symptoms. It is complicated but understandable. I was never content to just say the reactions that occur are herxheimer reactions. I'm always curious as to what specifically from a nutritional standpoint is occurring. This what I'm trying to put into for all of you to read. I think it is easiest for me if I put it on the forum, instead of addressing each of you seperately. Then anyone can contact me for further questions.So to those of you that I have not gotten back to, this is why.

I'm a little confused, and have a bunch of questions.

First of all, are you saying that everyone whose hair mineral tests you have reviewed has the same exact problem, and needs the same exact supplements, in the same doses?

When you looked at my results, your emphasis was on the lead/and inadequate iron utilization, but it was actually the arsenic and uranium that showed up at higher levels. Why didn't you address those? What makes the arsenic so high, and what balances that?

Also, since my coper is so high and zinc so low, why wouldn't taking zinc be helpful? It sound like you agree with that in the first paragraph and disagree with it in the second.

Some clarity on these issues would be helpful.

"Your body does not indicate adequate utilization of iron, thus you have a very high lead level. The lead can be carried in your red blood cells in a protoporphryn ring with zinc, instead of utilizing iron with hemoglobin. Your first chart indicated a high level of inability to bind copper to its carrier protein. By taking zinc, you can block coppers absorption and by taking fish oil, you can chelate out the excess unbound copper thus a lower level of copper is observed on the successive charts. However, bound copper is critical to binding iron, so by lowering your copper, you lower your ability to use iron. Iron, copper and manganese all bound to their carrier proteins is what raises your bodys sodium to normal.

All three of your zinc values are very low (observed you had a previous set of numbers on the first test so added those as well). By taking zinc, a higher level of stress is occurring, so that the zinc level is now rising to a greater deficiency or being lost into the hair and out of the body. The rise is not a good thing based on the other values on your chart."


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
I have to say that i am slightly baffled by this entire thread. Do you really believe that dogs and people have the same hair mineral analysis issues and that you are guided in this by god? i dont mean to be offensive, but this is a forum for people with M.E. what exactly are you hoping to achieve by being on this forum? are you trying to help? if so what is your interest in M.E.
BTW i dont believe that hair minerl testing is reliable and neither do many doctors and professionals.
Dear Dreambirdie,
Almost everyone whose chart I have seen has the same nutritional imbalance but to different degrees. It all depends on your food intake choices, your personality and how you deal with stress, how many stressful situations have occurred in your life and how you chose to deal with them, what nutrients you started at birth with, what supplements or medications you take/have taken, your level of exercise you did and do and what metals you are exposed to that your body can take in. This is what makes each one of you a very unique hair chart but the nutrition is the same. Sort of like a car most cars have engines that run on gas and oil. You take them in to the mechanic to fix. The principles are all the same, thus you dont need a specific mechanic to fix each type of car.

Everyone has a heart, a liver, usually 2 kidneys, etc. You all put food in it is broken down into its individual parts and goes from there to produce energy for the body all in the same manner. So yes, absolutely, you are all alike. Just as different levels of nutrients color the hair different colors, so do different levels of nutrients in the body affect your symptoms and health conditions. But the basic rule of life if this if you do not produce adequate ATP you die. Life needs energy to survive. Our bodies constantly adjust nutrient levels and absorb heavy metals to keep ATP production working that is called adaption. You dont function well but you dont die right away either. God designed us for famine and when feast arrives our bodies will remove the unwanted in preference for the wanted nutrients.

As I stated before, you can and must not look at individual minerals and metals alone. They have to be addressed as a whole when interpreting the chart. You can not say, my copper is high and my zinc is low. You have to see what is occurring from a nutritional standpoint by taking into consideration all of the levels of all of them. Hair charts are NOT LIKE BLOOD WORK levels where you read each individually. They just are not!

As I previously stated, it is complicated. I am working at writing it down but that takes time. I actually started last night to answer your PM, and wrote for 2 hours. Then I realized it would be best to write the answer for everyone, so please be patient. I must do other things the rest of today, but I am working on this so all can understand. I realize how anxious you are to feel better! I do not take any of your concerns lightly! This explanation obviously took much time to write. Please do not ask more questions as I will no longer answer in an effort to move the paper forward faster. And taking time to defend myself is unnecessary as we all have our own opinions which guide our choices through life, that is what makes us unique.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Dogperson, i have just re read my post to you and realise it was a bit heavy handed. I apologise.
BUT it is important when claiming to be giving advice on a forum to be able to explain yourself adequately. Are you using the charts you glean from people here to write your thesis. I ak you again to explain your purpose in coming here, if not for your own ends then what for? Do you have any understanding of M.E specifically?
I would appreciate it if you could take the time to answer these questions as they are important in order for us to keep a good and safe community going here.
Best wishes, Justy.
I have to say that i am slightly baffled by this entire thread. Do you really believe that dogs and people have the same hair mineral analysis issues and that you are guided in this by god? i dont mean to be offensive, but this is a forum for people with M.E. what exactly are you hoping to achieve by being on this forum? are you trying to help? if so what is your interest in M.E.
BTW i dont believe that hair minerl testing is reliable and neither do many doctors and professionals.

I agree - the "science" behind hair analysis has been thoroughly discredited and I hate to see people make treatment decisions based upon such misleading information.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
My calicum thou its the second highest thing on my essential element graph, it is within referance range so I havent viewed that as being high thou it is causing imbalance to some things in the ratios.
sorry Im completely lost by that point and cant work get my head around where iron fits with all this..

According to my dietitian, the ratios are as important as, or more important than, the single mineral amounts.

When Christine gets her explanation composed and posted to the board, I think you (and I) will understand it better.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
That's in really stark contrast to the open and transparent way others (like Rich, Fred, Annesse etc. to name few) who are genuinely interested in helping people around here, instead operate.

You give the impression of gathering data on the cheap to develop a product which you're going to nicely package and sell afterwards.

I am a relative new-comer to this board. I came here specifically to read about Freddds active B protocol. I already know more about Christine (Dog Person) than I do about Freddd, or did before I read your post. Since you refer to him as Fred, I will assume that the information that his first name is indeed Fred is here somewhere. In slogging through the nearly 3 years of his B12 - the Hidden Story I have encountered information about his health and professional background that give substantiation to what he is doing and why he is doing it. I dont think any of that was in the first week of the thread.

I have read Richs post on both this and another message board. I have not encountered Annesse.

I believe Fred began posting on the Wrong Diagnosis board, which I have not read. I do not know where Rich first posted. Do you know if either of them had a good summary of their theory posted within a week of their first post?

Is appears to me that both Rich and Fred have both done quite a bit of gathering data on the cheap to refine their protocols. Christine says in reply #21 of this thread several of you have started my supplement suggestions So far, all she has done is suggest to me what commercially available supplements I should and should not take. Sounds a lot like Rich and Fred.

She goes on to say Yesterday I spent several hours writing how to take the supplements, what to expect and why it is happening and how to slow any adverse symptoms. It is complicated but understandable. I was never content to just say the reactions that occur are herxheimer reactions. Again, reminds me of Fred and Rich.

If my foggy brain is recalling correctly, I think I have read that Freds ideas were fairly controversial when first presented. Sounds a lot like Christine.

So far there is no evidence that she trying, or has the capability, to create a salable product that would help us; but isnt that what the pharmaceutical companies do? Would it be so awful if someone did come up with something that would help us?

Why not cut Christine a little slack or just ignore her.


Senior Member
Wow. It's really annoying to see how dog person is being badgered. Enough already.
If you don't find hair mineral testing credible, & have concerns about Christine's credibility .. go read another thread!!
Some of us are interested in seeing what she can bring to the table & will evaluate it at that time.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Wow indeed. I'm butting out - no rancour ever intended. Just looking for clarity - and only because dogperson herself told us that she runs a hair mineral analysis company. I was only checking.


Senior Member
Wow. It's really annoying to see how Christine is being badgered. Enough already.
If you don't find hair mineral testing credible, & have concerns about Christine's credibility .. go read another thread!!
Some of us are interested in seeing what she can bring to the table & will evaluate it at that time.

I don't think anybody has been badgering Dog Person, just asking legitimate questions about her commercial interests.
And I don't think anybody has hindered the progression of this thread or harmed any of those who are interested in her services or products, either.


Senior Member
The point I was trying to make, & perhaps didn't make very well, is that some of us would like to hear what Christine has to say & it would be a shame if the environment became so hostile that she had no interest in pursuing this further. I understand having reservations. I have plenty of my own, but at a minimum, questions should be constructive.


work in progress
N. California
Okay then! Things have gotten a little heated here, but that isn't too surprising, considering the bigger picture of what we've all been through with this damn disease and our many attempts to find the few things that bring us at least some measure of relief from some of our worst symptoms.

I understand some people's skepticism, as well as our need to ask legitimate questions. I don't think there is anything wrong with any of that. The more we know about someone, about their intentions, and their agendas... AND the more we can let them know about us, our illness and what our needs are, the better off we are in creating more honest and clear communications between us.

I sent Christine a bunch of info on ME this morning--articles, video testimony, the MEICC document, etc. I think this will be helpful in increasing her understanding about this disease. AT this point, I think she knows a lot more about mineral testing than she does about ME, and maybe the additional info will bridge that gap, which would be in EVERYONE'S best interest.
Question for all of you that sent or posted hair tests - do you avoid sugar - cane or beet, not what is contained in fruit? I think I read a few places on this forum that most of you find sugar to cause unpleasant symptoms, and as such, avoid most or limit it.