I may have the labels wrong. I divided the vial into 10 parts. My doctor suggested I start at 20mcg and go up to 40mcg, but instead I did 10mcgs and went up to 15mcg.
ah oke, i understand.
i hope you improve a lot! good luck
I may have the labels wrong. I divided the vial into 10 parts. My doctor suggested I start at 20mcg and go up to 40mcg, but instead I did 10mcgs and went up to 15mcg.
NaboWent to Brussels last week.. (still very tired, was a very long day!!)
I have to go back on gc maf... i really diddnt expected this.
I was on gc maf from dec 2010 till may 2011 and had so many side effects i was really sick.
my C4a results are finally in from 11/30 draw for quest (Adv Diagnos Lab at Nat'l Jewish Health).
16,144 (ref range: 0-2830). Began GcMAF on week of 10/6. Maybe I'll check again at the end of Jan.
Any comments are appreciated, Thx!
so does anyone know how to watch those vidoes of dr. enlander and dr. bell patients saying they have had success with gcmaf? it always says "this video is private" when i try to watch them!