GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Thought this might be of interest to some here. One of Dr. Enlander's comments on FB this morning:

"We are now finding GcMaf to be the best treatment. It is given in conjunction with Nexavir complex, Immunoprop, Immunoplus and Lectrolyte ... The protocol is described in The CFS HandBook (www.amazon.com)"
How do you know when you get a lot of inflammation form the gc maf?
I always feel so bad en almost badbound. Everyday lots of pain.

So how do i know it????

That is very interesting of dr enlander!
i use nexavir and gc maf, i dont know what the other medicine are. interessting!


Senior Member
GCMAF did amazing things for me. I can now work up to 70 hours a week (although I don't do this unless I have to) after going on it and had my memory mostly restored. I switched from BGLI to David's and have less side effects. I can now walk 1.5 miles a day. I do think this is the cure for our illness for those that respond to it. It worked for my husband as well.

hi all. i am not doing well and, out of desperation, am now thinking about gcmaf. have there really been any improvements in people who have been sick long-term? i am too sick to go through this entire thread, but if someone could give me a quick overview, i would really appreciate it.

i found a thread where some people say that their autistic child is doing well on the gcmaf but havent read too many positives in CFS...

thanks a lot


Senior Member
dang. can this really be possible? now i am seriously thinking about it

thank you

i still cannot watch the videos of dr. enlander patients...wonder whats going on. is there some way for a person to save them and send them to me? or maybe just the audio part?


Senior Member
dang. can this really be possible? now i am seriously thinking about it

thank you

i still cannot watch the videos of dr. enlander patients...wonder whats going on. is there some way for a person to save them and send them to me? or maybe just the audio part?


As you may know from reading my posts in this thread, for some time now I've been harping on the c4a as a predictor for lack of success (not necessarily predictor of success) with gcmaf. I know Sushi says that it goes up inevitably with maf (which is true because it activates inflammation) and that what's important is whether you feel specific signs of increased inflammation.

In response to that, here are a few thoughts:

1) the baseline number and the amount of increase are both critical. I think once you get into double-digit range, gcmaf is unlikely to help significantly. I would like to hear of any patient that has had their c4a go above 10,000 (either at baseline or during gcmaf) and still improve from it. I would love to be proven wrong on this point.

2) Not all patients can identify "signs" of inflammation, because inflammation is not always a narrow spectrum for ME/CFS patients whom are overreactive at baseline. For many of us, when c4a goes up, it just means all of our symptoms get worse because overreactivity may very well be causing many of our most prominent symptoms (think back to the Rituximab and ampligen studies, two very potent antiinflammatories)

As for you Daffodil, you seem like you belong in this cohort with inflammation as the most prominent presentation of illness. I don't want to shoot down your hopes, but based on the symptoms I've read about you, frankly I would be shocked if your c4a weren't sky high. If they're not sky high on the tenofovir and you have to come off it to start the gcmaf, then it'll in all likelihood shoot up again, possibly above what it did before.

I believe that the reason why most patients are not responding as well to gcmaf as some is because of our excessive inflammation at baseline. You mentioned ARVs plus gcmaf; I think whatever treatment lowers inflammation, whether as a bandaid or by addressing the cause of it, needs to be supplemented to the gcmaf for it to have any chance of delivering for most of us.

Additionally I've thought for quite some time now that despite David Noakes' reputation, his is the only independently validated gcmaf on the market and thus I wouldn't mess around with the others (at this time). The fact that CindyWillis is responding with less side effects to it further reinforces my view that if you're going to take gcmaf, please take the one that we all know is the real deal.

Can anyone explain what is the reason C4a moves when on gcmaf. I'm not convinced that generally speaking a good treatment makes you worse before getting better, unless there are specific medical reasons for that.
I understand from earlier posts that it's supposed to increase due to some inflammatory process and, if i get that right, that would be a positive. However, I haven't understood why it's supposed to go up and what drives it (what's behind an increase in inflammation).


Senior Member
inflammation is a part of immune reponse, without it there is no immune response.any immune modulator will increase inflammation and organ damage where infected be it gcmaf, interferons, interleukines

those with already suatined immune control over the infection will have less inflammation and less organ damage, so you can see very diiferent experiences.this is the same in cfs, hepatitis infections, cancers

Can anyone explain what is the reason C4a moves when on gcmaf. I'm not convinced that generally speaking a good treatment makes you worse before getting better, unless there are specific medical reasons for that.
I understand from earlier posts that it's supposed to increase due to some inflammatory process and, if i get that right, that would be a positive. However, I haven't understood why it's supposed to go up and what drives it (what's behind an increase in inflammation).


Senior Member
Cheney is using Artesunate (antiviral) with GcMAF for the first couple months but have to take breaks from it every weekend and every 4 weeks for a week. I did that and it worked welll for me.

thanks a lot, guys. ronan...so you mean you have improved on gcmaf?

i am suffering so much i am about ready to really plan to see enlander. but how can i stop tenofovir? it has helped me...when i stopped it for 2 months, my inflammatory markers went sky high..my nk cell function went back down to 3. i feel like i really might die if i stop it.

dr. enlander told me he doesnt know if i can stay on it with gcmaf or not.

but i am still very happy to hear these positive stories.....i wish some doctor out there had used gcmaf with antiretrovirals. i know yamamato says not to, but KDM once said something about using gcmaf with them....

anyway, i suppose we will know more in a couple of months....

does anyone think that feeling worse on glutathione is a good sign??



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Other docs are also using atesunate for patients with certain profiles. Helpful for some, not so much for others.



Senior Member
although we have very different disease i am also on tenofovir+entecavir+gcmaf

these antivirals are supposed to be for life on hbv and only sides on kideneys function may arise in decades, but add-on of immune modulators like gcmaf is for sure a much better strategy because these antivirals dont clear any virus just stop replication

Cheney is using Artesunate (antiviral) with GcMAF for the first couple months but have to take breaks from it every weekend and every 4 weeks for a week. I did that and it worked welll for me.


Senior Member
thanks a lot, joey. yes inflammation is a very big deal for me and when i stopped tenofovir it went up higher than before.

i wonder what someone like me can do. very scary since i have constant chest pain now, too. i want to wait for more info but at the same time, am worried i will just collapse.

i notice people are getting their c4a testing at jewish national...i dont see it on the quest labs site but i think it is there on labcorp. can one go to labcorp too?

is there any word on what is happening to NK cell function on GcMAF??



Senior Member
thanks sushi..would love to talk ..just waiting for this headache to subside:)

my email to dr. enlander:

Dear Dr. Enlander,

Some people on the CFS message boards are speculating that baseline C4a might predict response to GcMAF - that perhaps the higher the C4a / inflammation is, the less likely the GcMAF will work and the more likely it will cause even greater amounts of inflammation and exacerbation of disease.

Is this what you are seeing?


His reply:



Senior Member
Dr. Enlander is, of course, someone you want to pay attention to. With that said, would he mind elaborating? Where is the data that suggests all of our crowdsourced data is false?

Once again, my utter respect for Dr. Enlander and Dr. De Meirleir notwithstanding, I trust what I hear from patients, first and foremost.


Senior Member
mojoey..you are right. i hope i didn't offend you by posting that. just thought maybe it would be worthwhile.

lerner also said he could make people well....so did teitelbaum and all the others....and they had patents and books out...so we cannot really trust any doctor blindly, it seems.


Senior Member
hi all
saw a post by Dr jeff bradstreet in fla today where he says he is using a homeopathic dilution of gcmaf for some patients who are sensitive to it.

I am struggling with inflammation on gcmaf. As Joey said earlier, LDN is not helping much. I am looking to add nexrutine, curcumin...to bring down the inflammation. we will see.


Senior Member
does anyone know if the ruscettis are really working on treatments? i am so scared i wont make it. help wont come in time. does anyone know anything about what is happening behind the scenes


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Hi, Nabo--as you probably know, Cheney did report one patient who, against his advice, took Artesunate daily for many weeks at a time, and had liver problems as a result, though they reversed upon discontinuation. Best, Chris