note: i have 3 friends on's product. two have experienced very bad side effects (or whatever you want to call it) on tiny doses. i'm not saying has a bad product. what i'm saying is, please, people with ME/CFS, please be careful about doing too much for your weak system/body. what i'm saying is, whatever gcmaf you take (from whatever source), start very "low and slow" and only do a tiny amount. gcmaf seems to kick our butts for some reason. we are not HIV+, we are not cancer. we are our own strange illness, and for some reason gcmaf can really impact may of us -- no matter the brand or source of the gcmaf. so start low and go slow.
for the record, i'm on my 23rd dose of gcmaf, and most have been a tiny tiny amount (1/10th of a cc done weekly or twice weekly). and i'm now walking again -- going on regular almost daily walks -- for the first time in 3 years. great!! so obviously i'm doing better than i have in while, while on gcmaf + nexavir + artesunate + b12 shots. i recommend it. but if you try it, just go very very slowly. (i had a 6 week hellish period on this protocol and had to take a break: 2 breaks of 3 wks each. when i went back on the gcmaf, i have only been doing tiny tiny doses, and that seems to work for me.
for the record, i'm on my 23rd dose of gcmaf, and most have been a tiny tiny amount (1/10th of a cc done weekly or twice weekly). and i'm now walking again -- going on regular almost daily walks -- for the first time in 3 years. great!! so obviously i'm doing better than i have in while, while on gcmaf + nexavir + artesunate + b12 shots. i recommend it. but if you try it, just go very very slowly. (i had a 6 week hellish period on this protocol and had to take a break: 2 breaks of 3 wks each. when i went back on the gcmaf, i have only been doing tiny tiny doses, and that seems to work for me.