GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
since i started gcmaf candida infections were extremely rare and last only 1-2 days

As I have huge candida problems, I wonder if others on Gc Maf experience their candida to lessen or dissapear. For me I would be the ultimate proof my immune system got better.



Senior Member
complitely disappered after stopping betaglucans and making new gcmaf injection

i also took livonlabs vit c, 4 bags a day equal to about 40g, it decreased severety of candida but it dissapered only fter gcmaf injection.i had injection yeasterday night and this morning it has dissapered totally...it was a big infection with lips similar to herpes lthough the infection was inside the mounth and not outside in the lips

i believe betaglucans or the product i bought interfered with gcmaf

As I have huge candida problems, I wonder if others on Gc Maf experience their candida to lessen or dissapear. For me I would be the ultimate proof my immune system got better.



Senior Member
i had candida for years with bad infections all over the mouth and lasting one month....gcmaf complitely resolved it, i think you have had so strange reaction to gcmaf that it may be something else not gcmaf although we all respond different all those under gcmaf.eu responded the same (except those on aids iris)

why don t u try gcmaf.eu or maf 314?

I did not have any candida at all before Gcmaf, but got it afterwards...
Has anybody actually got better taking GcMAF

I have been folowing this forum for months now. I want to take GcMAF but I cannot find anyone saying they got better or are cured & there are 180 pages on this thread alone


Does it work?


Senior Member
for me it does, nagalase 3.3 at about 10-11weeks so immune function as never in last 5-10 years.candida got back only when i combo with betaglucans and dissapered in hours as i made gcmaf injection

as to the results the trial is not finished yet but i think about 70-80% improved which is about the percentage of gcmaf non responding vdr ff/BB in the general population

to have a clear picture you must wait until trial is finished and all results published, for now you can see the results on gcmaf.eu trials and the reports from european hospitals making the trial

I have been folowing this forum for months now. I want to take GcMAF but I cannot find anyone saying they got better or are cured & there are 180 pages on this thread alone


Does it work?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Don't kill me fellow gcMAFFers, but overall I'd say it hasn't "cured" me, but then I only started on 25/1, so don't shoot me.

I'd never "shoot" you! :)

But GcMAF was never meant as a cure. More as a therapy to help the immune system to deal with XMRV. Lots of other things to deal with too! Treatment is a long haul.

Hi all,

I would like to purchase GcMaf from gcmaf.eu but due to my location outside of EU, it is said that gcmaf will lose a percentage of potency during the delivery process. Anyone have any experience in travelling to bring gcmaf back?

Thank you all.



Senior Member
you are not well informed, vitamin c by IV or liposomal can be taken to over 100gr, vitamin c is absolutely non toxic

the point is normal vitamin c is not aborbed so when you take 1g of nomral ascorbic acid only 10-16% of this is absorbed in the blood, while iv or liposomal s absorbed almost 100%

so i took only 4g of liposomal c which makes the same quantity in the blood that you get from 40gr of normal ascorbic acid

the reason of doing so is because i got white blood cells all to high end of normal (i dont have cfs)

40g of vit c per day? Holy mackerel! I need to step it up ;) That's the most I have ever heard anyone take.


San Francisco
Thanks for the info on vit c - I am def not well informed on this topic. So when you take it liposomal or per IV, does it avoid possible stomach side effects? Also, you are using vit c to bring white blood cell count down, is that correct? So would a low (normal) wbc count be a contraindication for taking large amounts of vit c? thx!


Senior Member
no sides at all, it goes directly in the blood stream, stomach totally untouched.vit c is inside the liposomes

Also, you are using vit c to bring white blood cell count down, is that correct?
no vit c boosts immune system, it immediately increase all white blood cells, all types (lympho, monocytes, etc...), at the same time it decreaes oxidative stress

So would a low (normal) wbc count be a contraindication for taking large amounts of vit c?
no it is not but again i dont have CFS, a person with CFS might have a complitely different immune system status.they can use lipo c on oxidative stress for sure and 1g (10gr of normal vit c) is more than enough for this

Thanks for the info on vit c - I am def not well informed on this topic. So when you take it liposomal or per IV, does it avoid possible stomach side effects? Also, you are using vit c to bring white blood cell count down, is that correct? So would a low (normal) wbc count be a contraindication for taking large amounts of vit c? thx!
To Healthconcern, Sushi, Tobermory

Please read "Buy GcMAF here" and "Tests of our GcMAF" on our website. You will see that GcMAF loses nothing the first day, 2% the second day, 3% the third, and in 15 days has lost 50%. In theory you need to have at least 40% left for it to be effective. Couriers get to most of the rest of the world in two days, so you will lose 2%, which means your GcMAF is excellent.

No, quite the reverse. GcMAF is meant as a complete cure. In most people it rebuilds your immune system in 3 weeks flat, and your immune system can completely cure you of many diseases.

People have only just begun to choose us for CFS and XMRV, but they are among the easier illnesses to cure we have found so far, with some people getting their lives back in 8 weeks. If you started on 25/1 and don't at least feel cured, it is unlikely you are taking genuine GcMAF.

The reason people on this forum are not being cured is because the vast majority on this forum are not taking GcMAF. They have been told they are, but actually they're taking liquid vitamin D, which, when injected, gives toxic side effects inside 4 months.

That's what happens when you buy a substance that has no tests, no assays, no proof of identification or sterility. You have no idea what you are taking.

Isn't it professional negligence for a doctor to recommend such an untested substance? Even he can't know what it is.

That's why our GcMAF has had over 300 tests this year, most of them independent, and many published. Testing it properly is the major part of manufacture.

Best wishes

David Noakes.
Freda, healthconcern and Lobba

The site does go down fairly regularly, but only a bit over 2 hours a month. Its the web hosting company's fault.

It comes back in an hour or two.

Lobba, as usual, you are right about vitamin C.

Thank you Freda.

David Noakes.


Senior Member
Hi ,

I'm on the 3th half dose of GcMAF prescribed by KDM for my CFS/FM. My energy has very improved but I've a lot of continuos fasciculations (muscle twitch) expecially on my legs.
Does anyone experienced something like that ? I'm a little bit worried even if this side effect is non painful..

Thanks a lot

Melbourne, Australia
Daniele, I also get muscle fasciculations on gcmaf. It's usually on my eyelids and yesterday I got it on my stomach. I mentioned this symptom to my doctor, but he didn't seem concerned and didn't comment on it. I'm not particularly worried about it either. Have you talked to KDM about it? I've started taking magnesium supplements, but I don't notice any difference with that.
