To Healthconcern, Sushi, Tobermory
Please read "Buy GcMAF here" and "Tests of our GcMAF" on our website. You will see that GcMAF loses nothing the first day, 2% the second day, 3% the third, and in 15 days has lost 50%. In theory you need to have at least 40% left for it to be effective. Couriers get to most of the rest of the world in two days, so you will lose 2%, which means your GcMAF is excellent.
No, quite the reverse. GcMAF is meant as a complete cure. In most people it rebuilds your immune system in 3 weeks flat, and your immune system can completely cure you of many diseases.
People have only just begun to choose us for CFS and XMRV, but they are among the easier illnesses to cure we have found so far, with some people getting their lives back in 8 weeks. If you started on 25/1 and don't at least feel cured, it is unlikely you are taking genuine GcMAF.
The reason people on this forum are not being cured is because the vast majority on this forum are not taking GcMAF. They have been told they are, but actually they're taking liquid vitamin D, which, when injected, gives toxic side effects inside 4 months.
That's what happens when you buy a substance that has no tests, no assays, no proof of identification or sterility. You have no idea what you are taking.
Isn't it professional negligence for a doctor to recommend such an untested substance? Even he can't know what it is.
That's why our GcMAF has had over 300 tests this year, most of them independent, and many published. Testing it properly is the major part of manufacture.
Best wishes
David Noakes.