GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
East Midlands
Interesting--I had an eye exam yesterday and the optometrist (after examining my eyes) asked if I had a neurological condition. She said it was evident in the eyes. Has anyone else been told that?

Not me Sushi, but it happened to a friend. She is British was living in Britain getting the usual hard time/indifference from medics. Then she moved to France and hadn't tried accessing the French healthcare system, but had an eye test where they said to her that her eye problems were neurological and as a result an appt with a neurologist was arranged. She was really happy with the neurologist, she was taken seriously for the first time.

Since my girlfriend and me both have cfs, and we both see KDM, I think I can offer some perspective on a few of the questions just asked:

Concerning WBC:
KDM told us that XMRV is a lot like HIV. This means that it is not the xmrv making us sick, but the coinfections, and the way our body's respond to them. In my case the co is Q-fever. He told us that if he where to get Q, he would have flu like symptoms for 2 weeks, and then never experience q-fever again because of lifetime imunisation. Because I'm XMRV+, it has become a chronic condition (well documented with Q antibody tests over the last 5 years). The same goes for lyme, a healthy person will never get CHRONIC lyme, hence the reports that 100% of chronic lyme patients are XMRV+. In my case teh WBC is always between 15 and 22 where the max value for healthy people is 9. So my WBC is constantly elevated, as is my IL8. A good night sleep is 4-5 hours for me, even with 20 drops of clonazepam.

My girlfriend however has Blastocystis hominis as coinfection. Acording to KDM this is also an infection that a healthy body will defeat within a reasonable short time, unless you are XMRV+. Then this fairly common parasite becomes a chronic problem. Her WBC seldom goes over 3, which is way below the min value. Can't tell you anything about her IL8, results are not in yet. My girlfriend is able to sleep 10-12 hrs a day without taking any sleep medication.

I think the coinfections are the reason why the symptoms and complaints are so diffrent for so many people, although the underlying cause, XMRV undermining our imunsystem, is the same for so many of us.


I was put on 1/2 dose for the last 3 injections by KDM because of to much inflamation. Although I'm a low responder, after 7 full doses, I was unable to walk without pain killers (3gr of ibuprofen/day) because of joint pain in the knees, and I could hardly turn my head in any direction, because of pain in the neck and shoulders. After the 3 1/2 doses, these symptoms have disappeared, although my sleep has seriously deteriorated, and I definatly have less stamina. That is why I asked the nurse Jan, if he could ask KDM if it where possible to go back to a full dose for a while.

I was on azithromycin for 3 years for my Q, which I stopped taking in november 2009, because my antibody's started going back up after slowly decreasing over this 3 year period. When I asked KDM why he was putting me back on azithromycin, instead of doxy in combination with plaquinil (ILAD's guideline for q-fever), after the 3 years of taking it clearly showed that it was no longer working, he assured me that now it would work because of the synergy with GcMaf, and nexavir.

For my intestinal problems (Enterococci overgrowth) he had prescribed me enteric coated amoxicilin in my previous protocol. When I told him however that I was able to covince my GP(summer of 2010) to prescribe me paromomycin, because I was convinced that, like my girlfriend who had tested positive for Blasto in her stool, I had it too, although 14 stool samples said otherwise, and that I experienced a lot more benefit from this paromomycin, then from his amoxi, he said that that was very interesting information, and that he would make a note of that. It was only when I received the new protocol with paromomycin on it, that I started to do some googeling and found out that this compound has some antiviral properties, and since the gut is a known reservoir for XMRV...


KDM also told us that some big news about XMRV was to be released soon, but he could not tell us more because of a confidentiality agreement that he had signed.
He also told us that he had bought some blood from the bloodbank at Leuven, the centre of the opposition for XMRV, and longterm defenders of CBT an GET, and that the results looked promisisng, and he would be able to shut them up real soon. Ofcourse he refused to elaborate on that as wel.


Senior Member

Thank you so much for all this information and taking the time and energy to write it all down!
Let's hope KDM is right and that there will soon be big good news about XMRV..


Senior Member
The BGLI patients that are under Cheney are also doing it sublingually which dents the immune response to the content. This count be why they're not having as hard of a time?

joey, what do you mean by "dents"?


No way I'm going off of coffee either. It helps me with both my OI and gut motility.

I'm with ya Joey. I don't notice that coffee does anything good for my symptoms, but I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, dancing....not taking my coffee away.

Ikke, I agree that if anything, xmrv just tweaks the immune system allowing latent infections to activate, which in turn causes the symptoms. I don't believe the xmrv itself directly causes the symptoms and, I think this explains why many do not get significant relief with ARV's alone. I have experienced dramatic improvements treating co infections alone with AV's (which had no effect whatsoever on the xmrv). I am far from being alone with this experience. But I am concerned about relapse with the xmrv still there pulling the strings.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Let's hope KDM is right and that there will soon be big good news about XMRV..

KDM, Mikovits, Chia & other biggies will all be speaking at the "Invest in ME" conference in London, May 20th. I'd guess that is where he will reveal stuff.



Senior Member
The t-cells in the oral mucosa may neutralize the immune response to the content, which may not happen when you inject it directly into the veins


Senior Member
by the way, lou (who is on bgli gcmaf) is injecting, either subc or IM, not taking it sublingually.


Senior Member
I would think it's a good thing to neutralize the antigen response if there's no reason for it, as long as you can ensure that you still get enough potent product as direct infusion. Hard to measure this of course. The best case scenario would probably be that it's as potent as the direct infusion; I don't see how it could be more.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
I have been following your wonderful reports and am seriously considering going to Belgium to KDM from the UK.

I always have bottom of the range white blood cell count and lymphocytes, neutrophil are always bottom or just below bottom of the range. One of my main problems is that of a persistent sore throat with white/yellow patches which never really go away despite lots of antibiotics. I get very frequent flares when I feel quite unwell as if I have a throat infection and my muscles are dreadful when I am like this. This winter has been particularly bad.

Does anybody else get this throat problem? I stilll have my tonsils but they aren't massive just bright red and lumpy. Its like my immune system cannot kick in to kill whatever it is off. I am XMRV+

Dr Myhill asked me to take Acyclovir thinking it might be connected to EBV and I had one day on it where I took 400 mg x 2 plus 200 x 2 mg but within hours I felt terrible and ended up with panic attacks I felt so bad. I didn't take anymore after that but after what I am reading I wonder whether I should retry with just tiny doses and try and build up.

Does anybody know what the waiting time to see DeMeirleir is now?

Thanks so much to everybody for keeping up so informed.



Senior Member
Hi Pam,

I used to get very similar throat problems which lasted for about 10yrs. Then they mysteriously disappeared. I had my tonsils removed as a child but following EBV I constantly had a sore throat with big sores in my throat, almost like ulcers just above the bell thingy. I am also XMRV+

I made my first appointment with KDM last July and the first available appointment was in November. He examined me and ran all the tests in Nov. 15 vials of my blood was sent to 5 different labs in Europe and the U.S., plus hydrogen breath tests, stool, urine and saliva samples. I then had to wait until January for all my test results to come in and for him to write up his report and recommendations. So it was not until end-Jan that I started all the treatment. I'm afraid I don't know what the waiting time is at the moment.

Good luck x


Senior Member

We are two white patches in a pod. You sound exactly like me. I also have bright red tonsils with low WBCs and neutrophils.

I set an appointment with KDM for 5/16 a few weeks ago, so I'm thinking it's approximately 2month waitlist


Senior Member
South East England, UK
That's very interesting regarding the throat problem I am glad I am not alone! Actually that doesn't sound very nice does it but I am sure you know what I mean. Did either of you try AVs previously?

Thanks for your replies, very helpful.


Shark liver oil seems to help keep my WBCs up (they are frequently low) -- I read about it as a treatment for low WBC in a book about HIV/AIDS.



Senior Member
Hi guys,

First, THANKS Ikke for taking the time and effort to share with us your information. It is the first time that we hear from Dr De Meirleir how XMRV can be causing SFC, and this is VERY interesting! It also matches with the last studies relating XMRV and EPV, or, as you say, with the 100% of Lyme patients tested by the WPI, being positive for XMRV!

Just a quick report on my last days:
GOOD! I had my 10th shot of GcMAF the last Tuesday, and definitely I am doing better. I have a couple of "bed-days" a week, another couple of "average days" and about 3 GOOD days. When I say good, I mean feeling better than usual in general, being able to go out and stay half or even the full day outside, driving and doing errands. I think that the bad days are just PEM from pushing too much on my good days. But, interestingly, I just need a day to rest and sleep, and I feel fine again... In short: so far, so good, and crossing fingers!


PS- For when a sub-forum on GcMAF????? Cort, are you reading? I sent you a private, but had no responseI guess you are very busy with the transfer of the forum, but it could be done in just 1 minute For new people, more than 100 pages are way too much to catch up with this thread



Senior Member
Pam the easiest way of finding out next appts available with KDM is to simply phone them up and they will tell you there and then. I think he tends to see people Mon and Tues only, he attends various overseas conferences etc and of course he has no assistants sharing the workload, so the wait time is quite long.
KDM diagnosed my daughter with severe strep overgrowth and he commented that he bet she had lots of sore throats, so maybe that is what you have. By the sound of it though a visit to KDM would be money well spent.
All the best.


Senior Member
If I were in the UK and I had any suspicion of bacterial imbalance in the gut it'd be such an easy to decision to see KDM it's not even funny. Unfortunately my flight to Belgium is 10 hours and not 1, so I'm a bit more torn.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
If I were in the UK and I had any suspicion of bacterial imbalance in the gut it'd be such an easy to decision to see KDM it's not even funny. Unfortunately my flight to Belgium is 10 hours and not 1, so I'm a bit more torn.


I understand the concern about the flight. I got a flight to Brussels from Albuquerque with just one stop, but it was still about 12 or 13 hours. I was worried about it and the jet lag to follow, but made it. I took an extra day to rest before the appointment with KDM and did drink coffee so as to be functional. Twas not easy but we managed our 5 days in Brussels and the next stage of the journey and didn't take too long to recover.

Book a wheelchair with the airline! They whisk you through much more easily, and if you look pathetic enough you may be able to talk them into an extra seat--I did! :victory:

Bet you'll do it!
