someone informed me that KDM patients are being advised not to eat brown rice (yet they can eat white?) although I can't seem to pin down the source in this thread. Can anywhere confirm this?
Besides that, this is close to the diet I'm already on pretty much to the T. I recently had to take out pepper for some reason (probably because it is a gut irritant).
I'm wondering what KDM's philosophy on reintroducing foods as the gut starts repairing. This diet seems like a good baseline for elimination but as immunity and gut permeability is fixed with his protocol, it doesn't really make sense to keep on doing this?
For the record I practically live on brown rice cereal by erewhon and hemp milk. I eat white rice noodles every day too, and I don't feel a difference between the two. Every time I'm hungry I poor myself a bowl, and this has been often (like 5 times a day in between other meals) after I started LDN. I think I've put on 5-10 lbs since the LDN. Hemp milk has the most protein and good fats out of all the nut-based milks (and I wouldn't drink soy milk even if I didn't test allergic to it), so it's been a godsend for me after I had to cut out other sources of protein like eggs.
someone mentioned kefir...I know wayne said he has practically lived on dairy kefir as a sole food source for awhile. If one could tolerate it, I would do consider this. I can't even tolerate goat milk so I'm stuck on water kefir which is great as a probiotic source but not as protein or fat source. Either way, I would definitely do any type of cultured kefir over buying probiotics like VSL#3, custom probiotics, or align. It costs $20 for a starter batch and you can use that batch for the rest of your life. All you need a glass jar, organic sugar, and mineral water to do it. Why anyone would prefer to spend $60/month on probiotics is beyond me, especially when Dr. Logan has said kefir doesn't produce d-lactate either.
I've tried VSL#3, d-lactate free Custom Probiotics, progurt, and various other brands of probiotics. While doing so, my gut kept getting noticeably worse, so I think it's pointless taking probiotics when gut flora is as messed up as it is in ME/CFS patients. Maybe that's why KDM has had more success with the gut: he kills off the bad bacteria first before he implants the good.