GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Hi Uncvr,

The trick for me is that in Spain we have public health service, so drugs are VERY cheap compared with the USA (and drs are for free too). For instance, clonazepam is about 1 euro 1 box with 50 pills of 2 mgs...

As far as tolerance to Clonazepam, I did develop tolerance after 2 years taking it...I needed about 15-20 mgs daily. Then, when I started taking LDN I was able to lower it down to 2-4 daily, the dose I take now...



Senior Member
Nooo.... I wish it would! The government pays for "approved" treatments/drugs, and GcMAF is just an experimental therapy...I wish I would have contracted a better private health insurance. They would cover for it. But by the time I contracted it, I was healthy, and I didn't think I could ever need this kind of medical care.

I cannot work either, so my parents support me financially. Yes, these treatments are very expensive, but it helps a lot to have the "normal" drugs very cheap, and not to have to pay for so expensive private health insurances, which don't cover everything... (Sorry, I was in the States last year and I felt very indignant and sorry about this issue).

Hey Serg1942, just wanted to let you know that I was on clonozapam for about 2 years and when I stopped taking it, I had extremely strong withdrawal symptoms, be careful when going of and go VERY slowly. If you have any questions let me know.
Watching the list I see that Overstressed, lili85 and Lou we experienced an improvement, you can be more concrete?

That are difficult for me, it costs to me much, sometimes I believe that I am very optimistic, but is that some days I feel really well. I go but every week little by little better.

Some brave one can count its experience?



Senior Member
Tormenta, you want accurate/concrete how ? I was also thinking of that, maybe hopefully a week-by-week progress in the chart (if it is not too much trouble) or something you noticed you could not do before ?


Senior Member
Hi dsp2011,

I've been reading your replies, and honoustly, I have a few questions, and I hope you don't feel offended by them. You say, Yamamoto's Gc-Maf is synthetic, but to my knowledge, it's not. Though, he's trying to, but up til now, he only has patented his process to get the most of Gc-Maf, because Gc-Maf can not be patented. If it was a synthetic Gc-Maf, he could patent Gc-Maf itself, correct ?

I'm very happy for your friend, being healed from Hep-C, through Gc-Maf. Could please elaborate more on that cure ? You say he's negative ? How has that been measured 'negative' ? By measuring his viral load ? You see, I don't understand, because once you've been infected, you develop antibodies, and these remain for life(or almost), even when the virus is gone. So, he's 'negative' test could not be due the antibodies... I truly want to believe your friend getting rid of the Hep-C, if you could provide real evidence by e.g. test results, it would mean a lot to us all, because it would provide first and real evidence that somebody got rid of a chronic virus infection by only Gc-Maf. Yamamoto's statement of clearance was based(and measured) only on Nagalase mainly, saying that healthy levels of Nagalase meaned a clearance of the virus.

Take care,


Senior Member
Second GcMAF shot

Hi all,

Just wanted to report on some subtle changes I am experiencing with GcMAF.

My second IV shot was administered last Tuesday. That day I push myself during the morning, driving to the clinic, etc., and then, after having launch, I took a nap. Here is where I noticed the change. A healthy person cannot usually nap for more than 1.5-2 hours, because the adrenals do not allow it. Well, in my case, I normally could sleep for 6 hours during the day, because my HPA axis is completely inverted.

To my surprise, I woke up from the nap after 1.5 hours, more or less “refreshed”.

Afterwards I went to the gym, and again, here I felt another subtle difference. When I usually go to the gym (I only lift weights, because I cannot handle any aerobic), I feel very sick, and I have to drag myself there and push hard until, eventually, within 30 mins or so, I feel a peak of adrenaline that makes me feel “better”.

Well, this time, it was different…I felt “fine” from the very beginning, and didn’t feel that I was “high” on adrenaline…I felt stable during the work out…Subtle, but interesting…

Today, an after having pushed too much this morning again, I took a nap after launch, and again to my surprise, I woke up after 1.5 hours, more or less “refreshed”… This hasn’t happened since I was healthy (7 years ago).

I think I can identify a mild immune activation, as shown by sore throat (or maybe swollen tonsils ---cannot discern…--). On the other hand, excitotoxicity is getting worse--I need the double of clonazepam. Probably the "env" envelope of dead XMRV/MLVs is "messing up" my nervous system.

So, we’ll see… I am glad for these subtle changes, which so far are just anecdotal. Let’s see if they consolidate in to clear improvements.

BTW- KDM wants me to do a gastroscopy-biopsy to look for several viruses, including XMRV (although I am already + by culture) and MLVs.



Senior Member
Hi Alex, Thanks so much for offering your help. I don't think I am right now in the "position" of weaning off clonazepam, as I do need it, just because my excitotoxicity is huge, and getting worse with GcMAF...but my hope is that someday I will get better, and therefore, I will have to stop Clzpm. When that day comes, I will think of your message! :)

Hi Overstress, let me chime in your message about GcMAF getting rid of chronic infections. Yamamoto meassured Nagalase as a reference for HIV infection severity. But he also measured CD4+ cells, and they were fine, after 7 years of follow up (I am talking from memory though...).



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Well I am in the States now and am feeling very indignant and very sorry for myself for a long time.


For sure Jasper, these treatments cost a lot. But strangely I'm finding it cheaper to travel to Europe for treatment than to see one of the top US ME/CFS specialists.

Sadly, we've have all had to make hard choices and sacrifices to get treatment. I guess we are all gambling that one day we will be able to work again and recoup some of our losses. For sure we won't if we don't get better.



Senior Member
I also have noticed who my avenues have a little every time less, perhaps as they have envelope you cannot see until you extract the liquid, I go to ahcer a mark to observe, it evaporates or it leaves liquid, I I have put them all standing up. also I have noticed less indirect effect in this last injection (yesterday) is possible that the body is accustomed or we are taking terrain.

my 4 injection is yesterday, they are already 3 weeks without sweats nocturnes, labial herpes, pain body, cerebral symptoms, I have desire to feed, to make sport and many days good. that is the important.

Hi Tormenta,

Thanks for letting me know. Just thought I'd report back that I received an email from KDM's secretary informing me that the amount of liquid in each vial can vary as the GcMAF is mixed with water, so there is no difference in the amount of GcMAF in each vial, which is what i was concerned about. So thats good news.

Also I'm glad to hear that a lot of your symptoms have abated, thats great and I hope it continues!

Sergio, its great to hear that u are also experiencing some extra energy and refreshing sleep already! I totally agree with u I think waking up feeling refreshed is a really good sign and i would take it that some kind of healing is definitely occurring. Fingers crossed it continues!

As for me, I did my 4th injection on Tuesday evening and felt like I had full blown flu Weds morning plus I also had pretty severe brainfog too. Luckily it settled down somewhat after a few hours and I felt a bit better. Ive been out of my usual routine this week which used up extra energy so its been a bit more difficult for me to see if there was any obvious improvements but I have continued to experience similar symptoms as before such as a sore throat at times, extra tiredness/fatigue and then yesterday I suddenly experienced another quite bad episode of depression that lasted most of the evening.

I feel that my body has been really struggling with detox and inflammation stirred up by the GcMAF at least partly due to a messed up gut, low metabolic energy/hormones and congested lymphatics. I've been lax with taking probiotics recently but i took some the last couple of days to support my gut, plus a herbal supplement last night to help with sleep and today i woke up feeling a bit better than usual...how much of that is down to the extra supportive supps i took or what I dont know, but Ive been feeling quite a bit better today overall with much less inflammation in my head than usual, more energy and also a much more positive mood.

Anyway will continue to report back when I can.

Hope everyone is doing ok.


Senior Member
As for me, I did my 4th injection on Tuesday evening and felt like I had full blown flu Weds morning plus I also had pretty severe brainfog too. Luckily it settled down somewhat after a few hours and I felt a bit better.

I had my second injection yesterday afternoon and yes, today I have felt awful, just as you describe. I woke up with terrible pains in my limbs, somehow more muscular rather than neurological. Now, 24hrs later, I can kind of feel it lifting a bit. I felt exactly the same way last week with the first shot, but I thought it might have been something to do with the travelling...now I know!

Overall I have been very careful this week, resting up a lot and eating a very restricted diet. As you know I also started Nexavir (daily shot), antibiotics and 20mg of VitB12 per week, plus other things. I have to say that I improved as the week progressed and I even had a spring in my step yesterday on the way to the clinic for my second shot!!!

On Monday I finish my first course of antibiotics and switch to Mutaflor (probiotic) for three weeks. I wonder how I'm going to react!

Hope you all continue to progress!!!
"Hey Serg1942, just wanted to let you know that I was on clonozapam for about 2 years and when I stopped taking it, I had extremely strong withdrawal symptoms, be careful when going of and go VERY slowly. If you have any questions let me know."

Hey Alex, what dose of Clonazepam were you on for those 2 years? Did you only take it at night or also during the day? Sorry to hijack this thread, I am new here. Have much trouble with insomnia for 10 years and ME for 22 years.
Thanks, Inge
Hi Inge, I was on about .75mg for those 2 years. I noticed that the klonopin was actually making me feel worse so I decided to go off. What I didn't know is that this med is highly addictive and it very hard to come off them. It took me 8 month of pure hell to withdraw from this EVIL medication.


Senior Member
interesting.. and very perceptive froufox...
what are you doing to help lymphatics and your gut?
That's the thing isn't, it , our detox systems are kind of a brake on our rate of healing...because they cannot handle it.