GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
No Froufox, I want to second that as well. He did NOT mention vit D or Ca tests to me (much less stress their importance), so I don't think with all 3 of us he "just forgot". I don't know why he didn't stress them. Thanks to you and Garcia for the info on GPs. I am leaving the UK in the third week of Feb. anyway, but thought I should give it a shot doing it through the NHS before that.

this is such a great thread!

vli, thanks for your info on gcmaf. can you tell us, when KDM gave you so much gcmaf to take home, did you know ahead of time that you would be getting it? i just wonder if we set up a first time appointment with him if we will know for sure that we will get a big supply so that we do not have to come back later (from abroad).

also, how are you to keep in touch with him once you are back home in your home country? did he say he'd email with you, or do phone consults? what is the next step after the first appt? and when is that next step slated for (1 month? 3 months?)

i know sushi is staying on in europe for her 2nd appt. but what about people who can not do that, can not come back easily. what is the set up for that?


Senior Member
Hi vli, i dont know the actual dose was we received at Himmunitas, I didnt ask but I assume that it was the same dose that is in the vials.

Yes we were told to inject one vial per week so its the same dose every time (100ng in 1ml of water) although as i said in my last dose i only filled 0.75mls of a needle! So it was a 1/4 less than what it should be. So I dont know what has happened there and whether it was a duff batch or what. I've emailed the clinic to let them know and ask if its possible that it can evaporate but I havent received a response from them yet. Its a bit annoying because i obviously didnt get a full dose last time.

Good luck with your second injection anyway, I'm due to do my 4th injection later tonight.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
I presume we got a full dose at the clinic, since we weren't told otherwise, and were charged for a full dose. The nurse told me to take a full vial once a week.

I have been thinking about the issue of dosages (i.e. what to do if full dose is too much). If that happens to me, next time I may just take half a vial and stick the rest in the fridge to use for the following dose.


Senior Member

I have contacted the BGLI about the rumours of the quality of their Gc MAF. I've asked if they have some certification of quality and how can we have more information about it.
Here is the reply I received. I've asked permission to post it here:

"Please ask people to get their physicians to contact BGLI. They will direct them to the physician/research network in the US currently setting up a trial. Their doctors will then have objective information to share with the patients to make things easier as tests have already been performed on BGLI products and patients are getting better.

GcMAF has no official recorded 'side effects', but it has 'effects'. In people with systemic illnesses, the effects might be quite noticeable. Some people have reported IRIS, histamine or calcium problems. These things are manageable under a physician's care but can cause severe complications when undetected. At this stage it is uncertain if GcMAF alone or a combination of treatments will provide a (lasting) solution. One more reason it should not be used without medical supervision. The physician network is growing daily."


Senior Member
No Froufox, I want to second that as well. He did NOT mention vit D or Ca tests to me (much less stress their importance), so I don't think with all 3 of us he "just forgot". I don't know why he didn't stress them.

He never mentioned Vit D or Calcium tests to me either!! My treatment protocol includes, besides many other things, 500mg of Calciumcarbonate dissolved in water in between meals and before bedtime daily. I also emailed his clinic yesterday to clarify this - no response yet.

Early days yet to give you feedback on my response to GcMAF - only had my first shot on last friday. However I feel as though the "wired but tired" feeling has become "just very very tired", if you know what I mean. I'm sleeping and resting much more that I was able to do before. This might also be due to the fact that I also started Nexovir last Friday and am self-injecting every day. KDM says (sorry but not sure where I read this!) that Nexavir sorts out sleep problems within a few days.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'll jump in here briefly on a couple of things that have been mentioned. But first, I got my second shot today--I got a half again and Sergio a full dose. That is because KDM was being cautious with me due to the cardiac symptoms that drugs and supplements sometimes induce and with the first dose (which was half) I had just about as much of side-effects (response) as my body can handle. I think it varies with each person. But the nurse told me to take a half until I was sure I was fine on it. I popped the other half back in the freezer but with email to check whether I can use it again (maybe IM?) as it has now been opened.

Re: the testing. It is possible to get kidney stones and spikes in Vit D--hence the need for monitoring. The nurse said to get tested every two weeks for the first month and then once a month. And it wasn't necessary to send the results to KDM unless they were out of range. But, again, we asked both KDM and the nurse, they didn't volunteer. We asked because we had heard from others that KDM thought these two things should be monitored.

Are others finding that whatever "whammy" kicks in comes a few days after the shot or immediately? Last week the shot was on Tues and it was Sunday that we were knocked out. We'll see this week.

So far so good, but I suspect this will be a long process with quite a bit of tweaking.



Senior Member
can you tell us, when KDM gave you so much gcmaf to take home, did you know ahead of time that you would be getting it?...

also, how are you to keep in touch with him once you are back home in your home country? did he say he'd email with you, or do phone consults? what is the next step after the first appt? and when is that next step slated for (1 month? 3 months?)

Hi Rrrr, sorry to rush you a reply but I am getting ready to get on a plane again in 8 hours' time. No I didn't even know if I'd be getting ANY since I still haven't tested XMRV positive (awaiting biopsy results). I think KDM made an exception for me because I'd flown from Hong Kong (albeit stopping over in London on the way) and HK, not England is where I spend the larger part of the year. Regarding when and how I would next see him he gave me several possibilities:

1. It could be a phone consult
2. It could be when he next flew to Australia, he said, because he often stops over in Hong Kong on the way and he painted the possibility of me seeing him on one such possible occasion in the future(!);
3. If I don't see him face to face he said he could also instruct a Dr Wong in Hong Kong whom he could work with and give me prescriptions through;
4. I could go back to Belgium in six months' time (which I intend to).

But because I live in Asia, I think these possibilities are quite unique!

Garcia and Froufox: thanks so much for your info on dosages. I'm not feeling much from the shot this time (six hours in). I'm preparing to feel terrible soon though.
WOW! Mr. David Noakes you are so misleading, please stop it.
This is exactly why some people get treated and some get tricked...
first of all i am not a salesmen, nor i am a doctor nor i am a person who in any way pretend to have any medical education, i am NOT a doctor but i do have 2 master degrees and very high IQ. I happened to get an HIV from my girlfriend and shortly after a brain tumor so i am scared, i am petrified, i am lost, i am in pain, i need support, i need help, i want to read what others going through while hoping for a brighter side. While many who are sick would do anything to get cured i am not one of those people who will jump on anything being offered before i know facts and data behind the offer.

My responses to your misleading statements. (How come you write so much bull $shit that is so nicely and deeply hidden between lines? not everyone can read between the lines so if you are selling something that works why don't you just put things straight without any twists? )

#2 - your GcMAF needs to be frozen because it's not stable, Yamomoto's formula stable for over 6 month at room temperature... best kept at around 2-8c

#3 please provide the numbers behind the GCMAF you are selling, stop making statements without showing any comparable data to an original. 50+ scientists working and producing GcMaf tells me nothing! there's only one Yamamoto and there's only one Einstein, right? not everyone smart equally so your 50+ scientists tells me nothing. Mr. Noakes you sound like a great salesmen because you write using great marketing practices. Good sales men are not always best doctor's, best doctors almost never great salesmen - you see i just did the same thing to you, i didn't call your name :)

#4 I am not a salesman but i did my research... and i know that PPS version is THE version Yamomoto used - he is actually a co-founder of this lab. Mr. Noakes when you state in your article that talked about research Yamomoto did something like "This research was done using Yamomoto's GCMAF, COMMERCIAL version is available blah-bla-blah" - i read this like "Here's the research Yamomoto published in big ass prestigious magazine and i am just using his name to fool everyone by composing highly marketing sentence so everyone thinks i sell the same thing" NO? if you have nothing to hide why don't you just post your own researches in prestigious magazines using your version of GcMaf

#5 - shipping to usa - read customs - Illegal. i can send you links but trust me i did my research here too. if you ship without problems - great! but it may get stopped at customs and never get to destination or in worst case scenario receiver will get visited by law enforcement...

#6 i saw the same or very very similar phrase that you posed soooo many times! can you come up with something new?

Your comment about synthetic version. Yamomoto's GCMAF is the only synthetic GcMAf that is out there this is why it is EXTREMELY potent, this is why it is expensive because procedure to produce it is much more difficult... None of the GcMaf out there can be patented because it is way too close to human GcMaf and this is the reason why Yamomoto is now at university of Massachusetts trying to create a version that is slightly different from human so pharmaceutical company that sponsors this can start selling it... All other GcMaf is derived from human blood and has "compatibility" issues.

And yes, just because i could buy the real version doesn't make me worse or better, i just TRULLY hope what others are selling actually works, based on what i see i PERSONALLY cannot trust it, i have strong bull $hit filter and unfortunately not many sources passed that.

I recently saw great results of a friend of mine who cured his Hep C with real Yamomoto's version i am hoping on the best for myself. if it works on me i will not stop promoting it and "killing" everyone else who is trying to fool people, i have all the money to do that so money is not an interest to me, playing with people's lives shouldn't be an option for anyone unless you are saving one. When i say "killing" i don't mean literally but rather commercially.

i am not here to fight, i am here to help myself and hopefully to help others if i ever get second chance to live.
i did miss the D3 info...
i totally agree with if it works then it works - i am hoping for the best and have my heart with everyone!
High price tag is also true - just because i could get it pricier doesn't mean a thing. i do have slightly different opinion about this but i'll leave it to myself :)

My state:
i was complete mess just back in november - i couldn't walk, spent days and days in bed and i had zero energy... then i started taking colloidal silver and that got me out of the bed. i am ok right now and hoping for the best by taking GcMaf. my last blood test looked fantastic my numbers got reversed by 4 fold after i started taking silver. I thought it's all utopia and ironically it is called utopia silver. lol
anyway, i am in fighting mode right now! i gave up once and decided to let it kill me and die but i will never do this again! i am ready to fight! ;)

Hi dsp, thanks for the info on your treatment. Several patients on this thread have already reported that they are being tested for D3 and calicium levels. You somehow missed that in reading this thread. Also, while there are different sources of GcMAF I don't think there is much evidence that any single one is much better than another. If it works, it works...:) A high price tag doesn't necessarily mean better.

Would you tell us roughly what level of functioning you're at now? Can you work etc? Good luck with it all.


Senior Member
Pinky told me that CFS is one of the biggest money making endeavors for alternative health docs; I can believe that.


Senior Member
The information being freely shared in here is irreplaceable, and spirited debate enlightens us all.

Civility is about the only thing that separates us from the Jackals.

I appreciate all who have information to add; but I remain firmly in control, and suffer the consequences of my treatment decisions.
hello to all,

Re: the testing. It is possible to get kidney stones and spikes in Vit D--hence the need for monitoring. The nurse said to get tested every two weeks for the first month and then once a month. And it wasn't necessary to send the results to KDM unless they were out of range. But, again, we asked both KDM and the nurse, they didn't volunteer. We asked because we had heard from others that KDM thought these two things should be monitored.

they indicated also me in the clinic KDM that is good, at the outset to make a will calcium and vitamin D to make sure that the calcium absorption and nonproblems kidney and liver, is not very normal, but some people can alter the levels.

Sergi, Garcia I am glad that to begin to feel changes and indirect effect that is good signal, I create, positive aptitude.

I also have noticed who my avenues have a little every time less, perhaps as they have envelope you cannot see until you extract the liquid, I go to ahcer a mark to observe, it evaporates or it leaves liquid, I I have put them all standing up. also I have noticed less indirect effect in this last injection (yesterday) is possible that the body is accustomed or we are taking terrain.

perhaps the customized therapy is the future, like vaccine HIV of a Spanish hospital.

my 4 injection is yesterday, they are already 3 weeks without sweats nocturnes, labial herpes, pain body, cerebral symptoms, I have desire to feed, to make sport and many days good. that is the important.


Senior Member
I have had an email from the nurse in KDM's clinic saying:

"We have our patients that are under treatment with GcMAF tested for calcium and vitD every 2 weeks at the beginning of the treatment. If the calcium level stays OK, we test them once a month."


Senior Member
I have had an email from the nurse in KDM's clinic saying:

"We have our patients that are under treatment with GcMAF tested for calcium and vitD every 2 weeks at the beginning of the treatment. If the calcium level stays OK, we test them once a month."

Further to this post of mine earlier, as I said that was from the nurse in the clinic. I've now had an email from the secretary with KDM's response. He states "It is not necessary". I am assuming that this applies to me personally, based on my results and medical history.


Senior Member
Hi everybody,

I am feeling awful, not because of GcMAF, but because to Sifrol, that I started yesterday, and I think I will stop today...I'll continue with clonazepam for the rest of my life ;-)

Anyway, just wanted to chime in with two things:

1- yesterday I had my 2 shot of GcMAF, and had a very good day. I went to the gym, and it was one of the best days I remember. GcMAF??? Time will tell. But I had good sensations while working out. (Yes I can go to the gym twice daily and yet I am bedridden most of the time...miracles of LDN!)

2- I don't feel at the moment like developing further the following idea: I was just thinking that we should have a forum for GcMAF. What do you think guys? Cort, if people agree, could you open a forum for GcMAF, so that new people don't need to go through this endless thread to understand what we are talking about?
