GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Thanks for that, Sergio. We'll both have our second injections tomorrow, so we'll see if we feel any worse after that :S


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Hi Lou,
I think I have some questions left to answer. I will ASAP. Right now I am feeling awful. i think GcMAF is kicking in, and I am suffering from die-off, IRIS, or whatever it is...


Just wanted to say I am feeling similar Sergio. Hang in there! We have the same genetics. Could we both be "high responders"? It would make sense.

It is freezing here in London (literally). Yet I am absolutely boiling (I normally run cold). The GcMAF is definitely doing something.


Senior Member
southeast US
Hi Sergio,

Let me make it clear I never said you identified KDM as the source of concern for BGLI. I simply guessed and continued on with 'IF it was KDM', etc.

Here's the thing, Sergio, with all due respect, still I cannot understand your duty(as you stated it) to give a vague, blanket warning of BGLI as potentially dangerous without also giving the reason and who's giving the reason. Dangerous covers a pretty vast range, it could mean anything from perhaps slightly more tendancy for allergic reaction to possible life endangering comtaminants or viruses.

Now, I, and possibly others, have to decide tonight whether to keep my doctors appt for another shot tomorrow, or blow off all that money and effort, and, most of all, that rising glimmer of hope that it was helping.

Again, with all due respect, since you made the statement, I think more information is your duty. If you'd rather pm me, please do so, and the reason I put this in the thread is there are others now and posssibly in future using BGLI.


Senior Member
What would be the optimal scenario is that both BGLI and KDM's version are good to go, and I haven't discounted this scenario based on positive testimonials now from trusted patients on both. Hearsay screws with everyone's head, esp patients that are spending thousands on this, and we deserve transparency. Too bad we're not gonna get it.
Add me to the list :)

I am also on GcMaf, started last night Jan 30 2011, today was quite a day. i am not sure if i am low or high responder but based the side effects i experienced all day today i think i might be a high responder - Fever, headache and pretty much everything you'd feel during the flu. I didn't get all 100ngm but rather just 1/5 of it - 20ngm just to test it to see if i am allergic to this protein. i am also using THE ORIGINAL formula, not the one that is being produced in Norway/England - i heard that that formula doesn't work well and/or works on everyone but original formula from israel should do the trick. i will keep you posted as i move through the journey, based on side effects it might be a long headache.

can we get a list of who is now on GcMAF? and when they started. if you send me the names, i'll keep adding them to this list. or you can cut and paste the list and add it yrself to yr own post.

== Past ==
Joey (no response, but it was only a limited trial of a pre-curser of GcMAF)

== Now ==
Canasado, source unknown, Fall 2010
Overstressed: Oct 2010??
CindyWilliams: Dr. Sharp, Nov 2010??
Nabo: Dec 2010
Lou: direct fr BGLI, Jan 2010
Ronan: KDM, Dec 2010
Garcia: KMD, Jan 2011
Froufox: KDM, Jan 2011

== soon ==
Sergio: KDM, Jan 2011
Sushi: KDM, Jan 2011
Vli: KDM, Jan 2011
Based on what i read in about 500 places GcMAF that made from human blood exist and least potent, also it doesn't work year round - from several reports i heard that this version MUST be made from blood drawn during summer when donor has high level of vitamin D3. Original Yamommoto's version is synthetic therefore i believe it works anytime of the year and on most patients since production doesn't reply on D3 in donor's blood.


Senior Member
i respect susan and sergio's need to keep their reliable source confidential.

i hear that BGLI makes their GcMAF in a legit GMP level lab, and that is something that is required by the FDA. GMP stands for good manufacturing practices, or something like that. maybe one of us can email or call and ask the lab if we can see their GMP certificate, if such a thing exists.
Just spent hours reading entire tread.

1. Why no one is testing vitamin D3? This is what GcMaf supposed to use to work off, right? So why are you guys running bunch of utopia tests and forget about this one? I can't believe your GcMaf rep didn't tell you to make sure you tan or have enough vitamin D3 in your blood before you start. No vitamin D3 - no macrophages meaning waste of GcMaf...
2. BGLI and any GcMaf that you need to freeze - is not original or real. it may work may not but not original formula. Original formla supposedto be refrigirated at 4-8 celsius and very stable - should be in great shape after 6month and even longer.
3. If you are paying less than $700 a shot you don't have original formula.
4. PPS in isreal is the company that produces it. they don't sell it directly but they do have representatives http://www.pps.co.il
5. Shipping to USA out of question. Ship it to Canada or Mexico to your friends and then pick it up and bring it over the border or fly to Israel or London - they can ship it to london address.
6. GcMaf has side effects, if you don't have any sucks to be you - you are using fake version and wasting money.
7. Friend of mine had great results with HEP C - negative after 8 years of being positive. he took 24 shots.

I don't have any updates on my situation because i just took my first shot and other than a lot of heavy side effects i can't report on anything but will let you know the progress once i have blood work and see numbers, i just hope i will turn out as good as friend of mine! so i keep my fingers and toes crossed :)


Still working on it all..
Melbourne, Australia
Hi dsp, thanks for the info on your treatment. Several patients on this thread have already reported that they are being tested for D3 and calicium levels. You somehow missed that in reading this thread. Also, while there are different sources of GcMAF I don't think there is much evidence that any single one is much better than another. If it works, it works...:) A high price tag doesn't necessarily mean better.

Would you tell us roughly what level of functioning you're at now? Can you work etc? Good luck with it all.
So much disinformation about GcMAF

Lets look at dsp 2011's post, by numbered items:

2. GcMAF is best stored frozen, when it will keep a year, but don't refreeze it more than once or twice. (Its a protein, and can denature). Once used, keep it in a fridge at under +5 degrees C. (At +8 degrees C it loses activity over about 20 weeks)

3. Who cares a damn about the original formula? The manufacture of GcMAF has improved over the last 20 years. 50+ research scientists have now made it different ways and assayed it to prove it has good activity.

The thing that matters is: Was it properly assayed? What level of activity does it have?

4. PPS in Israel is one of the companies who makes it. Is dsp 2011 one of their salesmen?

5. We ship to the USA without problems.

6. GcMAF does not always have side effects. It depends on the person. Gail's scans showed she lost 60% of her main tumour in 16 weeks, and her 4 secondaries were obliterated without side effects. See (commercial link removed) and click on Side effects on the left.

And by the way, no one has yet made synthetic GcMAF. If they had, Big Pharma could patent it.

Best wishes

David Noakes


Senior Member
Just spent hours reading entire tread.

1. Why no one is testing vitamin D3?

GcMaf has side effects, if you don't have any sucks to be you - you are using fake version and wasting money.

I don't have any updates on my situation because i just took my first shot and other than a lot of heavy side effects i can't report on anything but will let you know the progress once i have blood work and see numbers, i just hope i will turn out as good as friend of mine! so i keep my fingers and toes crossed :)

Hi Dsp,

We are getting our Vit D monitored--the day before the first injection, then every two weeks.

So far, those I know of who are taking KDMs GcMaf are having very strong reactions. I couldnt even stand up. Got my second shot today. Well see.

Sushi (using Sergios computer!)


Senior Member
Sorry that you're feeling so rough from the GcMAF Sergio and Sushi! I was the same although I didnt have such a severe/acute reaction after my last injection last week. I dont know whether that was due to there being less GcMAF in the vial on that occasion or for some other reason.

Anyway at least it means the therapy is doing something, id be more worried if i was getting no reaction!

Also i keep meaning to post a link to a thread on prohealth that i read a few weeks ago where someone emphasises that treatment with GcMAF will inevitably lead to side effects due to an increase in pro-inflammatory cyokines like TNFa, which would perfectly explain the fatigue etc that we are all getting aswell as the depression that i have experienced. I am finding that high dose niacinamide is helping quite a lot with my low mood anyway.

Anyway here is the link for anyone who hasnt seen it...see the post by VitaminBoss towards the end of the first page..



Senior Member
Froufox and Garcia,

Since you are both in England, I was wondering if you could tell me whether your GP let you do the vit D testing through the NHS, at all. Or are you both paying for it?


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Froufox and Garcia,

Since you are both in England, I was wondering if you could tell me whether your GP let you do the vit D testing through the NHS, at all. Or are you both paying for it?

I haven't approached my gp Vli.


Senior Member
Hi vli, no i havent asked my GP to test my vit D levels. The only time ive been tested was through this website http://www.grassrootshealth.net/d-action which Garcia came across a while ago and was supposed to offer one of the best vit D tests (according to Dr Mercola anyway). I got tested with them about 2 yrs ago as they were offering a cheap test at the time but I have not been tested with them since but do intend to get retested again soon either with them or elsewhere. Its funny but KDM didnt emphasise having regular vit D or calcium tests in our consultations with him, perhaps because he was so busy he just forgot.


Senior Member
No Froufox, I want to second that as well. He did NOT mention vit D or Ca tests to me (much less stress their importance), so I don't think with all 3 of us he "just forgot". I don't know why he didn't stress them. Thanks to you and Garcia for the info on GPs. I am leaving the UK in the third week of Feb. anyway, but thought I should give it a shot doing it through the NHS before that.


Senior Member
Half-dose or full doses

Froufox and Garcia,

Sorry to bother you again. Did KDM give you a vial's "full dose" (what the vial label says--100 ng) when you were at Himmunitas, and did he tell you specifically to take a full vial each time? Since the nurse said all their vials are identical does that mean all of us who saw KDM are getting 100 ng every week, unless specifically stated otherwise? If anyone's interested I just did my second shot and gave myself 100 ng.


Senior Member
KDM didnt mention Vit D or Calcium testing to me either. I sent him an email yesterday to clarify this so ill let you know what he says.