GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Shoesies....yes it has been sent from the antichrist to destroy us all.

There is some paper published saying that taking acyclovir for 11 yrs will eradicate it, but i dont believe it for a second.

Maybe when the hsp90 drugs come out, we have a chance...but we will be dead by then!!!

you should really try GcMAF.


Senior Member
Daffodil - I am working on getting the tests with Dr. Bradstreet I need to see if I am a good candidate for GcMAF. Also trying to get on Nexavir. The other protocols of vitamins and minerals are started. I just refuse to allow this shit to kill me. I want to live long enough to say I KICKED IT'S ASS. HateHateHate EBV. Probably should not be so exclusive in my hatred but so far this is THE virus that wants to stay and cause havoc. Read about hsp90 and found a website selling it but it is for research testing only. I do not know anything about dosing protocols or I would be tempted to try it.


Northern Vermont
well i got sick after EBV. right after. it never left. so do i have chronic ebv? antibodies dont need to be high - mine are low. antivirals dont work in the vast majority = valtrex + valcyte didnt work on me......so i fit the bill...BUT...people with chronic EBV HAVE positive PCR...they can culture the virus from the blood.....i never had a positive PCR. people with chronic EBV might not be making antibodies but the virus is THERE

is the EBV hanging out in the tissues for some people??? is it in my spinal fluid? i am starting to want to jump out the window. again

this. is. too. fked. up.

Daffodil I TOO feel like EBV+ is my spinal fluid. My spine hurts from the top of my neck to my tailbone. I have been off pain meds for over a year now and I cann relate to what you are saying. Chronic EBV and all the nasties from hell make a gruelling life. Hang in there. We re all in this together! Winter weather plays havoc with my inflammation.


Senior Member
I hate EBV too. Hopefully I will be on an antiviral or GcMAF soon. As Xandoff says, we are all in this together, all need to hang in there and support each other till we're all better. It'll happen one day.


Senior Member
I am thinking of all of you and praying for you as I scream out and assail heaven for help from this freaking hellish evil curse. Bad, very bad late afternoon. Flutters in heart very concerning and usually not a reactor but I amost went to hospital where i know they cannot help. Finally took benzo early and helped a bit. I must say I breaking diet restrictions and having wine. I need some freaking release from this hell. Even if momentarily/


Senior Member
I'm sensing a pattern and am trying to figure it out. I'm trying to research the relationship between Vitamin D and the thyroid.

FWIW, here is the Marshall Protocol view/theory on that, something to consider (the info below is from here: http://mpkb.org/home/pathogenesis/vitamind/metabolism ).

Molecular modeling data show that at high levels, 1,25-D not only binds the VDR but also has a strong affinity for other key receptors that control the body's major hormonal systems including those that regulate the body's sex, thyroid, and adrenal hormones. As 1,25-D rises, it pushes out the molecules that are meant to control these receptors. Compromising these receptors can disrupt the body's ability to regulate temperature, libido, and any number of other functions.[table of affinities needed] Indeed, in the human brain, the VDR tends to be most common in the hypothalamus, which is responsible for these functions.56

Case in point: thyroid receptor

Related article: Presentation - Vitamin D induced dysregulation of nuclear receptors may account for higher prevalence of some autoimmune diseases in women
1,25-D has a very high affinity for the alpha thyroid nuclear receptor (ThRa) having a Kd value of 8.41. Normally levels of the endogenous ligand for ThRa known as T3 (which has a Kd 7.20 for ThRa) keep 1,25-D out of the binding pocket, but as 1,25-D rises due to VDR dysregulation it starts to proportionately displace T3 and block transcription by ThRa. The same thing should happen with thyroid beta – 1,25-D has a Kd of 8.44 for that receptor.
When 1,25-D displaces T3, the genes with ThRa promoters are no longer transcribed, resulting in the phenomenon known as thyroid hormone resistance. Since related nuclear receptors work as a group, when transcription by ThRa is dysregulated, system wide gene transcription is also affected.


Senior Member
marshall protocol might be dangerous. i would try gcmaf first.

lets hope lipkin finds something to bring us closer to the answer this summer


Senior Member
I've been taking Benicar (ala Marshall/CIR) since August 2011, and have been taking Homeo-KMAF since late October 2012. Plus some other things. However, I don't have an ME/CFS diagnosis so am in a slightly different place - but nothing I've been doing has been dangerous for me.

My point in the above was to share that at least one person thinks 1,25D can affect thyroid receptors, not to suggest that anyone do the MP (although I personally have found it beneficial).

The Benicar was giving me positive results, but my doc had me add a bunch of other things, one or more of which seems to have halted my progress. I'm removing things one by one until I get back to where I was.

My body temp has always been low (low- to mid-97s), but my thyroid numbers are all in range (except rT3 which is at the extreme upper limit of "normal"). I found it very interesting that when Benicar was working for me, my body temp was at 98.6. This lent credence (in my mind) to the theory about 1,25D affecting the thyroid receptor.


Senior Member
hi all, i have not been on the forums lately (the last few months), but i'm about to start MAF314 this wk. so thought i'd say hi and ask a few of you for summaries of your experience with MAF314....?

i have done gcmaf injectable (via KDM) and did well with it. i stopped it when my hair was falling out because i wondered if it was teh gcmaf injectables doing that. but it is still falling out now, even tho i stopped gcmaf injectables back in august. i still have a lot of gcmaf injectable in my freezer. i was taking only 1/10th of a cc per week. (how much is that in ng?) if i did more, i got pretty darn sick.

anyway, i have a 2 month supply of MAF314, so i'll make it this wk and start it.

sushi said someone (gmcaf australia) wrote that the quality of the colostrum makes a big difference? can anyone point to that post for me?

i bought my colostrum from kirkman: http://kirkmanlabs.com/ProductKirkman/60/1/Product Details/
does anyone know the quality of this brand (Kirkman)?




Senior Member
thanks! so 1/10th of an ml is 10 ngs.

then 10 ngs is what i can tolerate of gcmaf injectable. if i go over that, i get too sick.


Senior Member
hi all. just wanted to give an update. now that its been a while since i stopped famvir, my energy has returned to pre-famvir levels but the brain fog has stayed considerably worse. it is very bad right now.


Senior Member
Hi Daffodil. Glad to hear about the energy...sucks about the brain fog. After stopping the wellbutrin, going down on the monolaurin, upping potassium and adding a lot of supplements members here take...I think I may feel incrementally better. Still couch bound but did make a small meal today for the daughter and new grand. This is progress, I will have to learn to celebrate little things. Still in the interminable wait for appt w/Bradstreet. Praying for test results that show underlying issues and for GcMAF and nexavir. GP is clueless and a freaking waste of time at this point.


Northern Vermont
Just to follow a thread here about EBV, I saw my Doctor Tuesday and he recommended going from two famcyclovir 500mg a day to four. Intuitively I know this to be right. Something about Lerners studies I believe. Sorry my brain can only hold so much info these days. Again anyone taking GcMAF from GcMAF.eu please continue with your Vitamin D3 regiment. This is straight from David Noakes at GcMAF.eu Hope this helps.


Senior Member
shoe...in some cases antivirals work on CEBV but in most cases, i do not think they do. they do not know why