Re: Anatabloc
Me again- same old struggle with inflammation, itchy skin and migraines.
I have an ongoing issue with inflammation even when I take a tiny dose of GcMAF. I am still experimenting with what might work for me, to dampen the inflammation. I seem to react to everything! I am currently experimenting with a nano dose of cats claw- but not every day as that caused me a set back that took 5 days to recover from.
In terms of anatabloc, I will never take this again. My reaction to just 1/4 tablet was really severe. Unlike the cats claw which tends to make my inflammation feel better, almost instantly, with the Anatabloc, I had symptoms that lasted 2 days- bad headache, nausea and woozy- sort of like when I start up on SSRI's? Perhaps a dopamine effect.
In case any one else is thinking of going down this path- this is what the Anatabloc researchers have responded with ( not much help really!), but FYI:
I have had a chance to discuss your situation with my colleagues in the safety department here. I can tell you the following:
First of all, Anatabloc is a nutritional supplement and is not intended for the treatment of any disease. As such, what we know about it for any condition, including fibromyalgia or autism as the case may be, is only what we have heard from people such as yourself. Some report benefit while others do not.
In the case of fibromyalgia, some people with this condition who have started Anatabloc have reported a worsening of their symptoms, but may be able to use the product starting very slowly at lower doses. However, we do not recall any cases where worsening of symptoms has occurred with a dose of 1/4 tablet as you describe.
We recommend that people with medical conditions who want to try Anatabloc do so under the care of a health professional. Obviously, this would be particularly important for someone such as yourself.
Finally, we are currently working on new versions of Anatabloc that contain fewer ingredients besides anatabine. Since we do not know the cause of your reaction to Anatabloc, you may wish to wait for these alternatives to become available.
Thank you very much for contacting us regarding your experience with Anatabloc.
Best Regards,
E. Douglas Kramer, MD
Consultant to Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals
Next steps:
I am going to keep going with the cats claw for a bit and have a few other possibilities to trial...I'll report back as I go. I have not yet written off the luteolin as a possibility but it too gave me bad head pain?
My dr has given me a script for a raynauds medication ( I have raynauds) and I am yet to trial that- it is meant to hold possibilities as having an effect on TNF. Fingers crossed