Wow, I am learning more and more each day about the nature of our illness and the amazing research being done around the world.
Thanks so much Sushi, GcMAF Aus, and Heaps.
There is definitely something happening for me with the curcumin - the 50 mg dose (tiny in relative terms) was taken nearly 2 days ago now and I have felt incredible levels of nausea and head pain ( still) but I think it maybe now starting to wane- she hopes

I realised ages ago that there was no choice if I was to fight this illness I would have to be brave enough to be a guinea pig. Not for one moment did I really know what that meant and little did I realise that there would be years of pain due to side effects and exacerbation of symptoms, and sometimes very minimal gains.
Sushi, your research and knowledge is amazing. I have not heard of the anatabine citrate before but am SO intriqued by this new research. I saw the following anecdotal snippet on a anti aging web site and couldn't resist posting it ( see below if you can be bothered).
I am having a hard time finding a source that doesnt have vitamin D included as part of the merketed stuff- any one got any insight as to where I might get the 'raw' ingredient or will I have to trial the one with the packaged up vitamins added? I think a month is going to cost me over $200 US and that doesnt include postage? But I need to poke around a bit more to find the best supplier here to Aus. If any of you have any clues about this please pass along to me as I am struggling in the brain department at the moment. I am sure my brain is inflamed, even though that sounds an odd thing to admit.
I am off to bed (it is really late here) but I just got hooked on this new stuff called anatabine.
In terms of the VDR mutations. I got tested a few years back by Yasko. It showed that I have a VDR Taq ++ and VDR Fok +-. I am not sure how this relates to your test results Sushi? What I do know is that the GcMAF knocks me for a cropper...but if I can sort the inflammation, then the 4 weeks I was on it, was actually the best 4 weeks I had had in quite some time...I live in hope of being that bit weller

...don't we all?
The snippet about the guys experience with anatabine:
Anatabine citrate is an alkaloid found in plants of the Solanaceae family, including peppers, tomatoes, and tobacco. It is known to be a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), which basically means it makes you feel Mill Valley mellow, but more importantly it suppresses inflammation, even low levels of which you may not be aware. As noted above, inflammation is bad, but these little pills, which you take just three times a day by letting them dissolve in your mouth, are potent when it comes to putting an end to that particular consequence of aging. When I first heard a pitch for this stuff, I assumed it was a stock tout (its vendor is a public company, whose stock symbol I won't mention here; should you choose to invest, you'll be able to figure it out in a few moments on your own). Then I began to hear reports of interesting results from people I respect, which motivated me to order three months' supply of the unflavoured tablets. The pills are tiny, but the price is a big gulp—on the order of a hundred Yankee dollars a month if you go for the maximum dosage (I opt for half that).
But here's the thing, which was totally unexpected: within 48 hours of taking these pills, all of the “senior brain fog” I had been accustomed to as part of aging simply went away, as best as I can evaluate it from introspection. In terms of functioning of short-term memory and prompt cognition, it's like I'm thirty-five again. Now, I am very aware of the seductive pull of the placebo effect, but I note that this cognitive effect was entirely unanticipated and only after I experienced it myself did I discover that others had reported it.
As to the anti-inflammatory part, that seems to work as well. In January of 2012 I had hyper-extended my left calf dropping stuff into my chariot at the hypermarché, and while it “got better” over time, it wasn't really quite right. Well, until I started taking these pills, after which it was completely fixed within two weeks. Is this probative evidence of effectiveness—of course not! Does it mean that if I had a long-nagging injury and was fretting over “senior moments” I'd be inclined to give it a try? Of course I would, and I did, and I'm glad I did. I suspect that as the customer base increases the price will fall, but even at the present (outrageous) price, I consider the benefits worth the cost.
This stuff is very expensive, and the claims for it and the marketing set off almost all of my scam alerts. But the incontrovertible fact is that it seems to work for me, enough that I've re-ordered. I'd say, if you can afford it, order a single bottle, take the pills at the minimum rate of three a day, and if they don't change your life within a week or two write off the experiment and move on.
More from me soon- help me if you can on the best source of this stuff
warmest, and thanks heaps