GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
thanks guys. heap....my head is all swollen up and my neck hurts and i am wired....its mainly from the neck up and pretty bad. tender sore lymph node under my jaw on the right (its always on the right) feverish.

everything i have in my head has always pointed to herpes virus but antivirals have never helped much. as you all probably know, i even tried vistide. so this is all messed up and makes no sense.

one interesting thing that happened to me was when i took valtrex years ago, my RNase L went from like 2500 to 150. what does that mean????



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
maybe lerner was right all along and we have to take antivirals for like 1000 years
i think your right daff.
it looks like the famvir is doing something for u, lets hope these symptoms start to ease.
Consider or look into really low doses of something like methylprednisolone eg 1mg. Its low enough not to supress immune function and may actually improve immunity and ease that inflammation enough to hopefully make things abit more comfortable. It will also give u abit of energy too??
What dose of famvir u using??


Senior Member
hi heap. i think its 500 mg 3 times a day. problem is, if i tell my doc i feel worse, he will not give me any more of it. he doesnt treat CFS normally.

why did EBV giving me trouble but the other herpes viruses that i must have had my whole life, never gave me trouble?

if i have chronic EBV, why can it never be cultured in my blood? why can they never find it in my blood by PCR?

if its only in my brain, why didnt years of antivirals help? why didnt IV vistide help?

if its latent but still pumping out harmful chemicals....in a form that antivirals cannot touch...why do i get this "die off" type feeling on famvir or valcyte?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi heap. i think its 500 mg 3 times a day. problem is, if i tell my doc i feel worse, he will not give me any more of it. he doesnt treat CFS normally.

why did EBV giving me trouble but the other herpes viruses that i must have had my whole life, never gave me trouble?

if i have chronic EBV, why can it never be cultured in my blood? why can they never find it in my blood by PCR?

if its only in my brain, why didnt years of antivirals help? why didnt IV vistide help?

if its latent but still pumping out harmful chemicals....in a form that antivirals cannot touch...why do i get this "die off" type feeling on famvir or valcyte?

Daff ebv was 1 of the 3 viruses that initially triggered my cfs and i tested positive to life long antibodies igg shortly after this. since then i have had several other ebv tests pre and post av and i have tested totally negative. My doc has said that my immune system just doesnt produce antibodies to it for some reason, this does seem to be common with cfs and in Oslers web this occurrs in the lake tahoe outbreak.

As for not being cultured in blood, i think its not in blood but just living within our nervous system where it causes alot of problems for us. I know u have done antivirals before for a couple of years but i think some of us just need to be on them all the time and for longer, plus i dont think it irradicated viruses totally, maybe it just cant get into the nervous system but when it tries to replicate in the blood then the av's can get at it. From memory i think i read that for these viruses to replicate they do need to leave the nervous system and go into blood/tissue, this is when the antivirals can get at it, but not 100% on this.

I dont think herpes viruses are the answer for everyone but for many it can be apart of the problem or maybe the whole. I think u just have to keep taking the antivirals everyday just like one would take a vitamin?? I think they are an issue with u daff or else u wouldnt get any reaction from av's. I think the dose your on, you could lower which might help side effects. I got results using just 250mg twice a day.

I dont know what other treatments u are doing and im problem repeating what u have or are doing but i think to help with inflammation u need a variety of antioxidants in good doses and i think it can help slow down the progression of cfs/me. I also think with us cfsers who have been ill for a long time, have to have varying degrees of adrenal fatigue/dysfunction that can hamper our improvements and immune function. on its own one is only going to see small results but i think in combo with infection/immune treatments it can make a big difference. Hormones have so much to do with controlling inflammation, improving energy and helping recovery. The hypothalamus is what controls adrenal function and its the hypothalamus which is injured in cfs/me which is what makes it a neurological illness.

I hope what i have written helps you out. I have known you online for a long time now and every time i see u post a new treatment u are trying i really hope it works for u and when it hasnt. i can feel your frustration. i think your doing the right thing with antivirals and maf, i think u would improve with adrenal type treatments(go low and slow). I wish i could take this illness away from you, u try so hard and i think u deserve it. Stay positive chick and think more laterally, there answers out there, im sure of it.

take care,


Senior Member
{{{{heap}}}} thank you:)

i heard that it is better to take GcMAF 8 hrs before and 8 hrs after any other medication but i cannot do that now, since i am on famvir 3 times a day. is this a big deal?



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
{{{{heap}}}} thank you:)

i heard that it is better to take GcMAF 8 hrs before and 8 hrs after any other medication but i cannot do that now, since i am on famvir 3 times a day. is this a big deal?

May be able to dose once or twice a day. I have read where the intracellular half life of famvir is like 18hrs, cant find a link to this but this link http://books.google.com.au/books?id...page&q=intracellular half life famvir&f=false has a 10 fold intracellular half life then acyclovir.
So u should be able to dose less often. Also i think the multiple a day dosing schedules is for quick replicating viruses like shingles etc, i think ebv/cmv are slower replicators so maybe get away with less dosing.
You only take maf once a week? just do a 1500mg dose at night if maf is taken in the morning??


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Famciclovir. Famciclovir is a prodrug for the active metabolite penciclovir. Famciclovir is converted into its active compound within the infected cell by contact with an enzyme from the virus. It has high bioavailability of 77%. It remains active in the body longer than acyclovir (half the dose is still active after 10 to 20 hours) and, like valacyclovir, requires less frequent dosing (usually two or three times a day). It is most effective if taken within six hours of onset of symptoms.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
{{{{heap}}}} thank you:)

i heard that it is better to take GcMAF 8 hrs before and 8 hrs after any other medication but i cannot do that now, since i am on famvir 3 times a day. is this a big deal?


It is only a big deal if Famvir is a drug that interferes with GcMAF--and we don't have a list, but it is the type that "could." In which case, the timing is to stop it 3 half-lives before GcMAF and 6 hours after.



Senior Member
thanks sushi. so i have to just hope that the gcmaf will still work, i guess.

arent there several people taking both together?


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
If the GcMAF is already super strong for a person, maybe it wouldn't hurt to have it weakened by taking it near some drug. Just wondering.
I never stop any of my supplements, including the ones that kill viruses, to take GcMAF.


Senior Member
thanks Fore. thats true. i took about 6 ng this week.

not doing too well these days, probably due to famvir

will try xifaxan when it gets here - probably 4 weeks.


Senior Member
This is a bit off topic, but you all know I am struggling to get my inflammation down so I can try Gcmaf at a smaller dose.

I have done a lot of research and it all keeps pointing me back to trial curcumin and perilla oil. I have tried the aller tame before but when all the ingredients are mixed I cannot work out what I am reacting to- it gave me increased headaches and itch ? maybe boswellia but not sure.

To the point- I have trialled the curcumin today - I opened a 500mg capsule and divided into 10- I took 50mg this morning. All day I have had massive headache and it seemed to come on soon after the curcumin. Anyone else heard of this? I am going to wait another day to settle- then halve the dose again and see if the curcumin really is at play here.

By the way, I have read some really interesting research around curcumin working thru the VDR and am just wondering if this might be why I get this kinda instant reaction, just like I do when I take the GcMAF? I have no idea why I seem so reactive. I would love to get this inflammation down. If this fails I will try omega 3 (plant based next) either perilla or flax seed, but recent research seems to be supportive of perilla given the luteolin. I have taken luteolin as Neuroprotek and that gave me massive headache too- not sure what the perilla will do_ grr this is so frustrating


Senior Member
Oh, I should add re the curcumin issue:
I think I have gallbladder problems ( I recently had an attack of biliary colitis diagnosed- suspected gall stones)...and then I read the following on the web:

One of the more adverse curcumin side effects is that it can be poisonous to the liver and gallbladder when taken in very high doses and for an extended time. Curcumin eases the flow of bile from the liver, and in this way helps prevent the formation of gallstones. It is an ineffective treatment, however, if there are already gallstones in the gallbladder. In fact, curcumin may exacerbate the problem by flushing existing gallstones through the bile duct, and blocking it.

Could this be why I am having massive headaches after taking 50mg curcumin?

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
yes cucurmin can bind to VDR
and its effects can be syngernistic with vitamin D
ie vitD + cucermin may give several fold the effects of either alone
not just 2 X the effect


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
This is a bit off topic, but you all know I am struggling to get my inflammation down so I can try Gcmaf at a smaller dose.

I have done a lot of research and it all keeps pointing me back to trial curcumin and perilla oil. I have tried the aller tame before but when all the ingredients are mixed I cannot work out what I am reacting to- it gave me increased headaches and itch ? maybe boswellia but not sure.

To the point- I have trialled the curcumin today - I opened a 500mg capsule and divided into 10- I took 50mg this morning. All day I have had massive headache and it seemed to come on soon after the curcumin. Anyone else heard of this? I am going to wait another day to settle- then halve the dose again and see if the curcumin really is at play here.

By the way, I have read some really interesting research around curcumin working thru the VDR and am just wondering if this might be why I get this kinda instant reaction, just like I do when I take the GcMAF? I have no idea why I seem so reactive. I would love to get this inflammation down. If this fails I will try omega 3 (plant based next) either perilla or flax seed, but recent research seems to be supportive of perilla given the luteolin. I have taken luteolin as Neuroprotek and that gave me massive headache too- not sure what the perilla will do_ grr this is so frustrating

Have u had cortisol levels tested. My thoughts are if its low then worth treating which can help inflammation. Even low doses of cortisol steroids can help with inflammtion without lowering immunity but something to talk over with the doc i guess?
On the natural side of things high doses of various antioxidants can help with inflammation, lipoic acid, nac, vit e, q10 etc