GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Great! So good to hear.

Interesting (in light of some of the current discussions) that GcMAF affects infected B cells.

for example
Immunohistological detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in the Alzheimer’s disease brain
this bacteria is turning up a lot
in my small community of about 400 people
one person had pneumonia then stroke
another had alzheimers then died of pneumonia


San Francisco
hi all. another update. still feeling much better. socialized for the first time in a long time. slept over at a friend's house friday, didnt sleep much but managed to run errands on saturday. forced myself to rest today (sunday) but dont feel horrible. best week i have had in several years, i think.
Love it, hope it continues! By the way an option for those with gut sensitivities could be to switch to MAF314 (or maybe 878) from the injections. The MAF314 is supposedly very gentle and aiding stomach recovery and restoring gut flora. I have made the MAF314 for nearly 6 months now and have gone from a 7 (worst ever was 5 in spring 2011) to a 9 on it (can do 5K runs) and my stomach is close to being normal again. I will finish the 12 round course with the MAF314 will likely continue to make my own yoghurt with selected strands plus fresh (liquid) colostrum after the MAF314 course is finished.


Senior Member
Glad to hear you have improved Daffodil.

As an update, I took about 5 ng of GcMAF 10 days ago and am only just starting to recover from the symptoms. The first 4 or so days I felt like I had the flu- really tired and some increased head pain. Day 4-9 I had incredibly sore hips and lower back. To me, it just sounds like an inflammation response.

I am going to try a much smaller dose, like 1 ng and see what happens. I know I am not saying anything new when I mention that this is a really tricky process to individualise the dose. I am trying to stay hopeful as I have some better moments when I inject compared to when I don't. I best describe this as better and worse at the same time.


Senior Member
suzanne..i agree. i went through the exact same thing on the 20 ng and even 12 ng doses. i am thinking maybe this weird cumulative inflammation will strike again, even at this 7 ng dose. thats exactly what happens to me....hip lower back...interesting.

i cannot believe that a year ago, i could barely breath or get up to go the bathroom. i was about to call a nursing home and prepare for death.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Glad to hear you have improved Daffodil.

As an update, I took about 5 ng of GcMAF 10 days ago and am only just starting to recover from the symptoms. The first 4 or so days I felt like I had the flu- really tired and some increased head pain. Day 4-9 I had incredibly sore hips and lower back. To me, it just sounds like an inflammation response.

I am going to try a much smaller dose, like 1 ng and see what happens. I know I am not saying anything new when I mention that this is a really tricky process to individualise the dose. I am trying to stay hopeful as I have some better moments when I inject compared to when I don't. I best describe this as better and worse at the same time.

Hi Suzanne,

I believe that Dr. Bradstreet is giving 1 and 2 ng doses with good effect. That sounds like it might be the dose for you.

Even with that low a dose, I'd wait till all your inflammatory symptoms have subsided as even tiny amounts of GcMAF will activate very large numbers of macrophages.

It is possible that the symptoms of the first days were the macrophages doing their work and the later ones inflammation setting in.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Daffodil- it is great that you are feeling so much better than 1 year ago, I am hoping for you, that you have found the 'right' dose as for sure, the inflammatory symptoms are just an added burden we could all do without.

Sushi- thanks for the info on Dr Bradstreet, very interesting. It is 2 weeks since my 5ng dose and I am off to Melbourne for a 5 day holiday ( carrying my husbands bags whilst he is there on business). So, I have decided to hold off for another week and then I will have had a 3 week break. I am a lot better over these last few days. I am definitely going to give the 1-2 ng a go.

I have read some interesting stuff lately about mast cell degradation and autism/ CFS/ migraine links. Any one ever explored this? It makes for a good read.

I am particularly interested in whether anyone has ever experimented with Perilla oil which is said to be good as both an anti inflammatory and helps with the mast cells. Worth a try?

Talk soon.


Senior Member
vitamin D results normalizin again

Glad to hear this!

Just got my results back from blood drawn last week, 1,25D back up near 100 pg/mL again - bah! I just started the Homeo KMAF a month or so ago, but think I need to remove some of my other meds, pretty sure one or more of them has caused my regression. Conferring with doctor on plan of attack.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Glad to hear this!

Just got my results back from blood drawn last week, 1,25D back up near 100 pg/mL again - bah! I just started the Homeo KMAF a month or so ago, but think I need to remove some of my other meds, pretty sure one or more of them has caused my regression. Conferring with doctor on plan of attack.
Hi Symptomatic
Your high 1,25D sounds like bacterial interference with the vitamin D receptor (VDR).
you may find this site helpful


Senior Member
Hi GcMAF, I don't see a site listed but assume you'll be referring me to Marshall Protocol or CIR. I've been on Benicar since August 2011, definitely approaching this as a bacterial issue but since my Nagalase is also elevated, suspect there may be a viral component as well. Add on top of that an IgG subclass 3 deficiency and low complement C3a...so I'm assuming that I am under bacterial, viral, and who knows what other kind of attack, and that my body/immune system is ill-equipped to fend off all the invaders.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Hi GcMAF, I don't see a site listed but assume you'll be referring me to Marshall Protocol or CIR. I've been on Benicar since August 2011, definitely approaching this as a bacterial issue but since my Nagalase is also elevated, suspect there may be a viral component as well. Add on top of that an IgG subclass 3 deficiency and low complement C3a...so I'm assuming that I am under bacterial, viral, and who knows what other kind of attack, and that my body/immune system is ill-equipped to fend off all the invaders.
sorry i forgot to put it in--it is CIR that I am referring to
They have helped people on other sites that i know of, and i am hoping to convince my Dr to use it for me when i have my next appointment. I can do this whilst I am waiting for my nagalase tests.
certainly there may be both viral and bacterial components as shown by this paper-
suggesting that Chlamydia trachomatis-human herpes virus co-infections are evolutionary shaped interactions with a thus far unrecognized broad significance. Both of these seem to have tactics that allow for escape from the immune system.
I am sure that even CIR may find that after this benicar treatment many people like you and I will need to also use GcMAF.


Senior Member
thanks all
symptomatic..i think high nagalase can be caused by bacteria as well...but not sure

have declined a little since this week's 7 ng injection (maybe it was more like 8 ng). inflammation build up. should have stuck to 5.

not sure it matters though..world is supposed to end on the 21st!


Senior Member
symptomatic..i think high nagalase can be caused by bacteria as well...but not sure

If anyone has info on this, it would be appreciated. I feel like I found at least one reference where this was mentioned (I have been looking!), and possibly bookmarked the site, I will have to check.

I am positive for HHV6, HSV, Human Parvo, and probably EBV (not tested, but I had mono). So even if I have a bacterial cause of high Nagalase, I'd be surprised if I didn't also have a viral factor.


Senior Member
hmm so the inflammation in my head is bad again today. looks like i will be skipping this weeks GcMAF for sure.

oh it was so nice to have less fog for a while!

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
hmm so the inflammation in my head is bad again today. looks like i will be skipping this weeks GcMAF for sure.

oh it was so nice to have less fog for a while!
Hi daffodil
Don Lewis found with the MAF314, (which is different to GcMAF i know) that when they are on about the right dose, they would take a break for a couple of days so that at least they had some 3-4 good days. Even tho the dose is only up 20%, 7 ng may be giving like maybe a 2-300 % increase in inflammation/herx reaction,


Senior Member
Don Lewis found with the MAF314, (which is different to GcMAF i know) that when they are on about the right dose, they would take a break for a couple of days so that at least they had some 3-4 good days.

Are you saying they are only taking the MAF314 every few days, and not daily (when on the right dose)? So "pulsing"?


Senior Member
it looks like dosing is very tricky with this, i am trying to notice a reliable pattern so i can choose a good dose and frequency but i am still unsure.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Are you saying they are only taking the MAF314 every few days, and not daily (when on the right dose)? So "pulsing"?
they were finding that taking a daily dose for 3-4 days and then having 3-4 days off made it a bit more tolerable, they could then have some days when they felt better . This is early days for them and so it remains to be seen what happens over the longer term.