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From very severe to moderate in two months

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
I will make it very short just to inform you:

Two months ago I was very severe for two and a half years. Now I'm back to moderate since starting my new treatment:

4mg Abilify+4.5mg LDN+100mg Celebrex.

It's an anti-inflammatory treatment
Prescription by GP

I don't need my PEG anymore
Yesterday I was in the woods for about four hours (wheelchair)

Good luck to all of you



Senior Member
York, England
Your GP wouldn’t supervise it? Can you choose another GP in the UK?

My GP is not permitted to provide drugs for ME/CFS, there are non recommended for it in the UK (apart from anti depressants). We don't have compassionate medicine here or a system that has empathy for ME/CFS sufferers. I'm unsure if private Dr's could, its still an area that is highly questionable at best. However, when your support is approximately US$200 a week from the state, it's not going to take you far employing private medicine.

My body is broken, but it's still my temple. There are many of people who have the desire and skill to safely navigate the use of medication, I feel I'm one of them.

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
My GP is not permitted to provide drugs for ME/CFS, there are non recommended for it in the UK (apart from anti depressants). We don't have compassionate medicine here or a system that has empathy for ME/CFS sufferers. I'm unsure if private Dr's could, its still an area that is highly questionable at best. However, when your support is approximately US$200 a week from the state, it's not going to take you far employing private medicine.

My body is broken, but it's still my temple. There are many of people who have the desire and skill to safely navigate the use of medication, I feel I'm one of them.
If you can watch your liver and kidneys


Senior Member
A psychiatrist recommended Curcumin+Ashwagandha+Shizandra against inflammation and depression

Abilify's anti-inflammatory properties are still poorly understood. It would be hard to figure out what it's contributing to the overall improvement and how. LDN has some anti-inflammatory properties in the nervous system via microglial cells, but also has other effects, such as boosting endorphins. Celebrex seems to be the main anti-inflammatory in your medication, but that doesn't mean that it's the one having the most effect. Thus I wouldn't assume that anti-inflammatories in general are a substitute for Abilify. However, there are other antipsychotics, such as risperidone with similar anti-inflammatory properties. Maybe there are some herbal remedies that have antipsychotic properties similar to Abilify?

Experimenting with different amounts of each drug might help optimize the treatment. Time-consuming with three variables, and delayed effects. In this study ( https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29941296/ ), it took several months for Abilify and risperidone to reduce some cytokines.


Senior Member
Abilify's anti-inflammatory properties are still poorly understood. It would be hard to figure out what it's contributing to the overall improvement and how. LDN has some anti-inflammatory properties in the nervous system via microglial cells, but also has other effects, such as boosting endorphins. Celebrex seems to be the main anti-inflammatory in your medication, but that doesn't mean that it's the one having the most effect. Thus I wouldn't assume that anti-inflammatories in general are a substitute for Abilify. However, there are other antipsychotics, such as risperidone with similar anti-inflammatory properties. Maybe there are some herbal remedies that have antipsychotic properties similar to Abilify?

Experimenting with different amounts of each drug might help optimize the treatment. Time-consuming with three variables, and delayed effects. In this study ( https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29941296/ ), it took several months for Abilify and risperidone to reduce some cytokines.

Several scientific papers suggest Abilify has potent anti-viral s well as anti-inflammatory properties.