We’ve been sick a similar amount of time. For me it’s been 2013 mild, 2016 mild-to-moderate, 2018 moderate, keto diet which temp brought me back to mild-to-moderate, 2019 moderate, since summer 2020 bedridden moderate-to-severe.
I know you said you wouldn’t do Abilify if you were moderate or mild-to-moderate, but from my experience this disease/disorder is so bad and disabling at every severity level except the most very mild that I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone trials it, especially as you can see in your disease course and mine (and many others) that without any effective treatment many of us deteriorate and progress from mild and moderate severity levels to worse.
When I had “mild” ME I lost for sure 50% of my exertion capacity, had to give up all sports, exercise, hobbies, friends, just to have a fraction of the energy I needed to hold on to a job which I couldn’t do without major accommodations (telework 1/2 week) and still that was way too much exertion that symptoms built up every week until I crashed once or twice a week. Simply pure hell and that’s “mild” ME. So, probably same as you, have been forced to do everything possible to insanely overexert to cling on to work for financial reasons but it’s been causing my deterioration the entire time until now so disabled can’t work anymore. I would’ve done Abilify at mild ME.
I believe one of the driving reasons some people might be against taking the small risk of trialing low dose Abilify is because they have a stable disease and most importantly financial situation.