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Flame Retardant and other chemical free pillows, beds, furniture - let's make a list of sources!


Senior Member
Bay Area
I don't see it discussed in the ME/CFS community much, but there is a law in California that requires huge amounts of flame retardant chemicals to be added to most furniture items around your house including your pillows, couches, carpet, curtains, etc.

Since it is a law in California, everyone adds the chemicals to their products sold across the country so they don't have two versions of their product. So a crap law in California is forcing the chemicals on the rest of the country.

These chemicals have been shown in studies to cause serious health problems in even healthy people, including a lower IQ among a huge list of health problems. My family knows the foremost researcher on these chemicals who has dedicated her life to trying to get them banned. She is constantly working on it. But the companies who make the flame retardant chemicals make incredible profits from their product literally being required to be used in high quantities. So these companies lobby the govt heavily. And whenever there is a bill to make them illegal, they barrage the public with images of burning houses and children on fire. And the public doesn't really ever understand the truth.

Which is that they are seriously toxic, and they do not even suppress fire. Fire fighters themselves hate them because they don't do anything to slow or stop fires, and they create super toxic fumes that they have to breathe in when fighting house fires.

Also, when this woman finally does get a chemical banned because it is shown in studies to cause health problems, the companies just modify the chemical compound slightly and then keep adding it to all of our furniture. And then she goes to work trying to ban that chemical.

There is so much of these chemicals in furniture that it is a significant percentage of the final product by weight (I forget the percentage but it is shocking).

currently am using random pillows, some from the hospital that probably have flame retardants. I would love to create a thread full of sources for pillows and curtains and other furniture that is specifically flame retardant chemical free. Organic does not necessarily mean free of these chemicals. I see tons of organic pillows and they talk about being free of "toxins" and what they're talking about is pesticides used in the farming of the material, not flame retardants added to the product. afterwards. I think most organic furniture is full of these chemicals. If they don't specifically mention that they are flame retardant chemical free, we can assume they are not.

I'm sure that if these chemicals harm healthy people, they likely are much worse for us. Especially long term.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
The California law was changed in Jan-2020 in a number of products that expose children.


I know I've bought products for years labeled as NOT having flame retardants (children's pjs).

I bought a totally organic mattress that contains NO flame retardants.

so there is some way to find such products thru perseverance. I mostly never buy new furniture because of such issues.


Senior Member
Great idea for a thread. I've had a hard time particularly finding pillows that don't have weird chemical smells. Even the 'allergy covers' sometimes bother me. I may try ordering one of these pillows and see if it works well.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Can you get someone to custom make you pillows and curtains and throws from fabric that does not contain the chemicals?


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Yes, definitely but that is much more difficult to find, especially from bed.
For sure and it will cost more.
Not sure if places like Etsy or other websites will have sellers who make custom fabric creations and would be open to requests.

vision blue

Senior Member
I don't see it discussed in the ME/CFS community much, but there is a law in California that requires huge amounts of flame retardant chemicals to be added to most furniture items around your house including your pillows, couches, carpet, curtains, etc.

Since it is a law in California, everyone adds the chemicals to their products sold across the country so they don't have two versions of their product. So a crap law in California is forcing the chemicals on the rest of the country.

These chemicals have been shown in studies to cause serious health problems in even healthy people, including a lower IQ among a huge list of health problems. My family knows the foremost researcher on these chemicals who has dedicated her life to trying to get them banned. She is constantly working on it. But the companies who make the flame retardant chemicals make incredible profits from their product literally being required to be used in high quantities. So these companies lobby the govt heavily. And whenever there is a bill to make them illegal, they barrage the public with images of burning houses and children on fire. And the public doesn't really ever understand the truth.

Which is that they are seriously toxic, and they do not even suppress fire. Fire fighters themselves hate them because they don't do anything to slow or stop fires, and they create super toxic fumes that they have to breathe in when fighting house fires.

Also, when this woman finally does get a chemical banned because it is shown in studies to cause health problems, the companies just modify the chemical compound slightly and then keep adding it to all of our furniture. And then she goes to work trying to ban that chemical.

There is so much of these chemicals in furniture that it is a significant percentage of the final product by weight (I forget the percentage but it is shocking).

currently am using random pillows, some from the hospital that probably have flame retardants. I would love to create a thread full of sources for pillows and curtains and other furniture that is specifically flame retardant chemical free. Organic does not necessarily mean free of these chemicals. I see tons of organic pillows and they talk about being free of "toxins" and what they're talking about is pesticides used in the farming of the material, not flame retardants added to the product. afterwards. I think most organic furniture is full of these chemicals. If they don't specifically mention that they are flame retardant chemical free, we can assume they are not.

I'm sure that if these chemicals harm healthy people, they likely are much worse for us. Especially long term.

OUt of date though. Was changed for plenty of things including sofas. YOu can now get them free of flame retardants and many now make w/o . Of course that doesn't keep them from other toxic stuff like using MDF in the frame or legs which always has formaldehyde (I can't tolerate mdf) or using glues with formaldehyde. so while not hard these days to get a sofa free of flame retardant chemccials,Very expensive to get one thats' also just hardwood to traceable sources (so no toxic chemcals there) and no formaldehuyde glue, and fabric that is not treated with stain resistant chemcials. it's also alot of work, and there's often no way to find out if the damn thing is comfortable!

For mattress, i have a note from doctor saying I need a chemcial free mattress. Last time i checked, if one wanted 100 percent cotton mattress without wool or borax or i think latex (can't remember) , you need a doc script for their files. So mattresses w/o flame retardants have "natural" stuff that is naturally flame retardant (like wool i think?), but if you want a matress w/o these too, then you need the doc note. But again, very expensive. I think i also concluded nothing was good for me...I should collect unsprayted fern leaves or something...

my urine tox analysis shows i have high levels of a chem derived from flame retardants. not suprrising since i have an old sofa that's falling apart. (the more it falls apart, the worse it gets over time, unlike say vinyl that off gasses after 5 years at least). The toxicity of flame retardant gets worse and worse.

when i first got a matress many years ago, i got very sick from it. long story.