• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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  1. T

    Binders and endotoxins/LPS

    I am curious if binders itself can completely eliminiate gut issues if used long term. If toxins are continuously detoxed and eliminated, will endotoxins/LPS reduce permanently? Or can it only be reduced if it is eradicated using some antimicrobial? If it no longer has toxins to feed on...
  2. Whit

    Flame Retardant and other chemical free pillows, beds, furniture - let's make a list of sources!

    I don't see it discussed in the ME/CFS community much, but there is a law in California that requires huge amounts of flame retardant chemicals to be added to most furniture items around your house including your pillows, couches, carpet, curtains, etc. Since it is a law in California...
  3. frozenborderline

    ME/CFS "theory of everything" Etiology

    https://walkerstorz.com/me-cfs-etiology/ This isnt the final form of the theory. I have three substantial parts to add, and it will become even more big and unwieldy. :) But I think that its substantial enough that I may as well put it out there for now. @Hip I referenced your dual factor...
  4. frozenborderline

    "Go west young man", a podcast interview with a guest who did mold avoidance to put his illness in remission

    Here's a new one, particularly long, in which I interview a friend I knew from school who got sick with similar issues simultaneously to me and ended up pursuing mold avoidance in new Mexico. We talk about his whole journey but at the end we get into his visions for using permaculture to...
  5. frozenborderline

    Mast cell activation syndrome is not what it seems

    Many doctors present mast cell activation syndrome as if it's a syndrome where someone mast cells are on high alert for noreason, or for an idiopathic and possibly genetic reason, and so they get triggered by totally harmless things and cause issues. In my opinion. Nobody knows enough about mcas...
  6. frozenborderline

    An article about lead poisoning in the military revealing a potentially superior testing method?

    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/03/magazine/lead-poisoning-military-soldiers.html this article discusses a soldier who had lead poisoning and it didn't turn up until they used x ray fluorescence to examine his bones. Looking at the literature, it seems like this is a good, fairly noninvasive...