Firestorm, I had leaky gut for a long time before CFS. My symptoms were not "tummy problems" at all. It started at puberty with geographic tongue. Soon after I started to get ringworm alot, developed severe scoliosis and was shaky and weak for no reason. With each life event I developed more weakness and finally, viral symptoms. I went off gluten 18 years ago and it helped tremendously- NOT for "tummy problems" but for brain fog and HPV. But it wasn't enough. Soon after I became intolerant of other foods that I failed to address until years later.
After a flu in 1999 that was so bad I couldn't eat anything but broth for a month, I noticed for the first time since puberty my geographic tongue went away- and the only time. After I resumed eating it came back and so did a host of viral symptoms such as persistent low grade fevers that just got worse. Digestive problems weren't apparent until after this.
Then there was body temp problems, exercise intolerance and being in bed most of the time, heart palpatations, rashes, and sores on my face and mouth, parasites, peeling skin, and worsening viral symptoms, persistent upper respiratory congestion, chronic sore throats, periods from hell, narcolepsy, etc. Most of the time I was house bound. Sun or cold would trigger crashes that would leave me in bed for months. I believe my "leaky gut" or, 'autimmune response to foods that destroyed the immune system in my small intestine,' left me suscestible to ENTEROVIRUSES that caused my CFS.
With others PWC's, perhaps the virus causes the leaky gut. I don't know. Chicken or egg? But if CFS is caused by an intestinal virus- makes sense to heal the intestines if possible. My indicator for this is my geographic tongue. I believe when it goes away I have this thing licked. But it takes time. It is VERY difficult. Will keep you posted.