Earthing....Your experience....


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
I finally bought a "GIO" bracelet, the one sianrecovery uses, because comes with a tester, looks more convenient and most importantly they charged me with crazy shipping cost for the sheets. You can even see her review in the page! First review in a page of this type that I can verify comes from a real person that got help from the product :D Like all these iherb reviews, who can rely on them anymore?? They deleted a lot of my bad feedback reviews. So lets see how it goes with this thingie.


Senior Member

Thats really a good idea - Earthing for the animals, I had been thinking about this too...
Ah, no more flip flops!

Yes 'holy shoes' - having a neurological thing does sometimes make fun reading :)

He was crouched down in a squat but resting on his toes whilst we were practicing with The Volt Metre... and then the Voltage dropped and it took us a while to realise it was because he had moved his position slightly and put his feet flat...

A few trials holding the volt metre ... tippy toes ..his electrical body Voltage Up..... Flat feet with holy shoes...and he was more earthed as His Electrical Body Voltage dropped...

I didnt think much of it and dont know if his trainers were that wrecked that some of his sole touched the ground... I was too busy being fascinated by picking up an electrical lead and seeing how high the Volt Metre reading would go and comparing that to when I was using my Earthing Sheet :)

I think it maybe Belgium, but there (or somewhere) the health authorities will Earth your house for you and insulate it from EMFs - thats amazing :)

Here, in the UK we get told we are nuts and offered CBT :)


Basically, the studies are about people in beds.
Is there some reason I need to GROUND myself like that?
I haven't seen lions, tigers, elephants, gorillas, or any wildlife finding it necessary to earth themselves.
And that would include birds that like to sleep in birdhouses...or the spiders that seem to love to hang out under my tent fly on the mesh all day and night.
No, sorry, we invented this idea to antidote the effects of civildevastation--living in houses and apartment buildings, on beds that often had metal frames and metal springs.
I don't see the point of fighting technology with technology.
Just build a log cabin like Thoreau.


Senior Member

Thanks for your reminder about indoor air quality... I really think that is an excellent point.

When it comes to the wildlife, they are being Earthed as far as I undersrand.


Unknown Quantity
Somewhere in Australia
Is there some reason I need to GROUND myself like that?
There is, and it's been repeatedly presented to you in this thread. Numerous people have invested their time and energy in trying to help you see it, but you are even more invested in not doing so, even to the point of dismissing the scientific evidence that you demanded. You're entitled to believe whatever you wish, but please show more respect for the efforts of those who are genuinely trying to help by refraining from demanding answers that you have no intention of accepting.
Cool - I love that you could so easily see the effects of the holy shoes (your shoes are holy, too, just the hole's been plugged!)
That is amazing that people can get their houses insulated from emf's by the powers that be - wish so for here, too. I was just watching a video by Dr Klinghardt on how to do that for ourselves, given the prevalence of cell phone towers, wireless frequencies everywhere, (dumb) SmartMeters increasing here in the US anyway, etc.; even if we don't use those in our own houses, we're likely to be exposed.

Let's come up with a new test for the effectiveness of CBT, using the Volt Meter! :)

Beyond, thanks for the info on the GIO - I wasn't aware of that possibility. Let us know how it goes!
Fun to see sian's testimonial there.
And now that I look back through the thread, I see there's tons on the GIO!, thanks for bringing it back to mind!


moblet, I don't believe there is any reason to ground yourself unless you are living in the wrong way--in civildevastation, bombarded by unshielded wiring, EMFs from various sources, perhaps in an apartment building or a second or third floor bedroom, on a bed made of metal most likely, with mattress springs etc etc.

Sorry. That's not disrespectful, but I think nature knows best. When grounding wires grow on trees, I will consider it.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I wanted to tell everyone that I grounded my self today by doing some "earthing." Yesterday, too! I went outside and hung out by a pond with frogs and walked my feet along the dewy grass. Also, I breathed in the fresh air and just sucked the beauty in. Today, I went outside with my blazing allergies and sat in the gorgeous sun in a field of grass. In spite of my sneezing, I stayed. The sky was/is beautiful with no clouds. I have a nice little tan going on. I then walked my feet on the fresh grass. That one hour was so wonderful. I love the sun. I need to move out West to have sunshine on my shoulder everyday. I feel happier for now. I asked my doctor about Earthing yesterday because he has a book on his desk about it. He said, "There is no such earthing as walking on the earth. Especially, in the early AM with dew on the grass. No "earthing" pad can replace what the great outdoors has to offer."


Unknown Quantity
Somewhere in Australia
I asked my doctor about Earthing yesterday because he has a book on his desk about it. He said, "There is no such earthing as walking on the earth. Especially, in the early AM with dew on the grass. No "earthing" pad can replace what the great outdoors has to offer."
Is that all he said about it?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
moblet, he said more. Nothing bad. He is really into some "out there" stuff, but this was one thing he didn't seem to think it made a huge difference. But, only people on here and elsewhere who have tried it know the deal. He's more into the organic side of things so being outside would be his idea of earthing more than anything. He lives on a property that is in the middle of woods and gorgeous.


Unknown Quantity
Somewhere in Australia
The Spitfire, I'm glad he said more. I was a bit concerned that he was taking the line of "well, walking/sleeping/living on dewy grass is the best and only way to do it, and if you can't do that then you have no entitlement to any of the benefits of earthing".

I suspect earthing is similar to a lot of other things in that healthy people don't notice any difference. It's also difficult for someone outside the patient's body to assess (excepting practitioners with highly developed palpation skills who can detect physiological change), especially as it can take different amounts of time to kick in for different people.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
moblet, no. He is super out there. How do I mean that? Well, he believes in the magnatherm for healing adrenals. Also, he is willing to try almost anything to get one better. If I say, "I would like to try this medicine or protocol," as long as it doesn't have crazy effects, he is all for it. I rent an ozone machine from him whenever I move to a new location to help get rid of mold. He had me buy the Austin care allergen removal. He sent me to buy an OVER THE TOP organic bed that was expensive, but worth it. He has me do IV's of vitamins. He is heavily into 23&me and some serious experimental stuff and he gives patients Ketamine!! There you go. He has kinesiologists in his practice. And, this is all covered by medicare. I bitch about him a lot because he doesn't have a lot of time, but he really is a good guy. I am just mad that he can't make me well. Not his fault. It's a bummer. He is super into trying whatever works. If you said, "Earthing works," he would try it out.


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
Yeah but again, spending over 8 hours a day in contact with the earth/grass/sand its just not realistic. If I go to to spend my day in the beach, which its really a rare thing, I will maybe have 4 hours of barefoot beach contact at best. So those that are choosing to say that "those products doesnt compare with the real thing" are right, but no one will do the real thing time enough, and consistently between days. Its a sophism.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
moblet, he uses kinesiologists for vitamins and diagnosing to some degree. Personally, kinesiologists have never worked for me. One said lead was my whole problem. Another said that I could take a supplement that I had to go to the ER for. I think they are a little nuts to be honest. My opinion and I am allowed to have an opinion, so please don't jump down my throat people. None of them have ever gotten it right with supplements or meds and they charge an arm and a leg.


Senior Member
I dont think this point has been mentioned yet ...

But Earthing sheets maximise the bodies healing ability because they are used at night when the body does a lot of its repair work .


Unknown Quantity
Somewhere in Australia
moblet, he uses kinesiologists for vitamins and diagnosing to some degree. Personally, kinesiologists have never worked for me. One said lead was my whole problem. Another said that I could take a supplement that I had to go to the ER for. I think they are a little nuts to be honest. My opinion and I am allowed to have an opinion, so please don't jump down my throat people. None of them have ever gotten it right with supplements or meds and they charge an arm and a leg.
What, jumping down your throat won't make you better?;)

Kinesiology is a bit too hit-and-miss for my comfort, not least because it relies on action by the patient, as opposed to cranial osteopaths measuring the passive response in the cranio-sacral mechanism. I'm also not sure what the professional standards are for kinesiologists; based on your experience I'm guessing they're not all that high.

Fact is that all that can be determined by these methods is on the level of "this strengthens you" or "this weakens you". Valuable information, but nowhere near the level of saying "this will cure you". For a complex condition that requires an incremental multi-dimensional approach it's right on the money, though.
I dont think this point has been mentioned yet ...

But Earthing sheets maximise the bodies healing ability because they are used at night when the body does a lot of its repair work .
This fits with my experience. Earthing during rest and sleep is far more critical to me than earthing during activity.


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
Time to write my experience. Have used while sleeping and most of the day the GIO for 4 days. I think it works, it does something and you can feel it. The first day after sleeping earthed I had the worst nausea ever, was hard to move around and cook my food. They say this is a detox reaction. I have fell asleep in 30 minutes for first time in months. First time in months as well to fell asleep at 00:30 AM. The change isnt a miracle, but I also get to sleep easily when I wake up, or even if I get up and walk around for a while. It also seems it helps with my CPPS, and I am calmer. I still have unrefreshing sleep and feeling very bad all the time, especially mornings, but its certainty a step in the direction of healing, because the last weeks I couldnt get to sleep before 3-6 AM and it was utterly insane. I want to try an earthing rod because everyone says that works the best but for that I will need to move to our house in the countryside which would be a pain in the ass in some aspects, I would need to socialize with the natives!:eek:To get fresh produce for my juicing and stuff.

It could be placebo, but its helping, and thats the point. Lets see how it goes.


Unknown Quantity
Somewhere in Australia
Beyond, that's a pretty significant difference, especially as earthing doesn't kick in immediately for everyone. I don't think it's worth moving house just for the difference an earthing rod would make, as the difference wouldn't be great unless the house you're in is inadequately earthed (and if that's the case it should be fixed urgently from an electrical safety point of view).

I know mine's not placebo because occasionally I've had shallower-than-expected sleep and discovered in the morning that the sheet wasn't plugged in.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
For those of you who use earthing sheets or pads, do you recommend a full sheet that you can tuck in? I'd think the half sheet would get twisted around as you move in the night.
