As several of us have explained before, the effects we're discussing are about
bare skin contact with the earth and how to have that effect regularly in our daily and nightly lives.
moblet said, there's a difference between field and current. Of course the earth's electromagnetic field isn't "stopped"! We're not talking about that. We're talking about actual electrical conductivity, i.e., contact/exchange of ions. Many materials, synthetic and natural, are electrical insulators - that's how we can even have electricity, that's how we survive lightning storms, etc.. And yes, your thin polyester tent floor can indeed insulate you from electrical charges (if it's not soaked through). Now, once an ant chews through it, and your bare skin touches the ground through that hole, contact! Anyone with an electric meter can read the difference: it's that basic.
I'm sure you're well aware that double-blind, random controlled studies are expensive, and not generally funded for alternative approaches in favor of big pharma. Anecdotal evidence always precedes research, but if the idea is not about big pharmaceuticals, you can bet it won't get big funding.
A lot of what you're talking about in the thread above is your own anecdotal experience, but I don't therefore dismiss it: I honor your experience of health and wholeness found in the outdoors - I too value that.
That said, since you asked, there are indeed studies in peer-reviewed journals that help to show the effectiveness of the interventions we're discussing in this forum. Here are two specifics to get you started, as requested:
Applewhite, R. "The effectiveness of a conductive patch and a conductive bed pad in reducing induced human body voltage via the application of earth ground."
European Biology and Bioelectromagnetics 2005; 1: 23-40
Ghaly, M and Teplit, D. "The biologic effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress."
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004, 10(5): 767-776
There are many more articles in these and other journals that cover the effect of earthing/grounding on human physiology, including electrodermal measurements; muscle soreness; neutralizing bio-electrical stress from EMFs and static electricity; reducing inflammation, pain, heartrate variability; etc.
Many of the biomarkers they've documented are related to things we with CFIDS/ME deal with - not least is the apparent anti-inflammatory effect.
Other points you made:
Yes, leather was one example of a semi-conductive material, not an example of purity.
Yes to your last paragraph.
I'm puzzled by your wariness about these effects, since we're talking about something that gets us back in touch with how we evolved, that our 'civilized development' has caused us to lose touch with. I would think you'd find this right in line with all those things you've stated you're inclined toward, with your understanding of EMFs, being outdoors, natural rhythms, etc.
This grounding system is neither high tech nor new age woowoo. It's very basic science that gives us much more time in literal contact with the earth than we can get from just the time we spend barefoot outside.
Is it as good as living naked in touch with the earth all day and night year round, the way we evolved? Maybe not, but it is more doable than that for most of us!
But, to each her own!