From my own experience, dealing with this has made a huge and measurable difference to my life. But then, I was someone with eletrosensitivity who is living in a city on the fifteenth floor. I knew I needed to do something. I had someone come and do a survey on my flat - but you dont really need that, just the right equipment, which you can hire - and found the three places I spent the most time - bed, sofa, on the laptop - all exposed me to very high EMF's. Since then, I've slept grounded, and when I work on the computer, am grounded. I used the sheets that Ober talks about, then Roy Riggs sheets in the UK, I like him, think he's a good guy, and now use also product called the GIO which is american, think the website it grounditout, but you can get in the UK from Niki Gratrix website.
I dont think for a minute this stuff applies to everyone, but it did me, and dealing with it improved energy, sleep, function. Not a cure, but a definite improvement. And no, I'm not getting any kickbacks from anyone.