Earthing....Your experience....


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Hi Abha
the GIO is just a grounded bracelet thing that allows you work grounded on the computer or sleep grounded. Like most of the other products, you need a grounded electrical outlet to make it effective or do the rod thing. Dont know about the lightening question, never thought about it.
Guess I've been doing it for about two years now. I also started using something called the MRS 2000, which you can google. Certainly seems to help with my symptoms, but as always, I cant be sure if that is an associative or causative relationship.
Think the website for GIO is GroundItOut - its an american product, but a nutrionalist called Niki Gratrix stocks them in the UK, or did, her websites should come up if you google her name.


I can't believe we are so distorted in our lifestyles that we call it "earthing" when we purchase things to use indoors.
Go outdoors.
Walk on the ground. Lie on the ground. Sleep on the ground. Embrace mother earth.
There's no substitute.
I can't believe we are so distorted in our lifestyles that we call it "earthing" when we purchase things to use indoors.
Go outdoors.
Walk on the ground. Lie on the ground. Sleep on the ground. Embrace mother earth.
There's no substitute.

Definitely the real thing is the best! There are cultures where shallow pits are dug for people who are ill to lie in, surrounded by the earth on three sides to enhance healing.
These products are based on exactly that analysis, that our lifestyles are distorted. The premise is that as organisms we evolved in practically constant contact with the Earth's grounding - contact meaning bare skin or through other animals' skins and furs - and therefore our immune systems (and all our systems) are built to function best under those circumstances. Not just for 1/2 an hour - or even an afternoon - at a time when it's warm enough and private enough to be more bare-skinned than not. Most of us are no longer adapted to that and/or don't have lifestyles that allow that constant degree of contact - especially those of us who live in northern latitudes in the winter (still plenty of snow here! - not much naked-skin grounding these days). Now if I lived outdoors on a South Sea island year-round (with no Lyme-bearing ticks around), sure wouldn't need artificial connectors to maintain the original state of contact with the earth's negative ions!

Abha and golden -
the official Earthing site gives what sound like obligatory caveats to disconnect in order to ensure safety during thunderstorms - it sounds like they don't think it's really important, but legally probably have to say that. Back to the evolutionary model, I'm sure it's natural for Earthed organisms to find shelter during such storms to reduce the chance of lightning strikes, so it's probably wise to unplug...


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I started using an Earthing throw last October (2012). Initially what I noticed was emotional-spiritual: a pervasive sense of well-being/comfort/consolation. ......... So: no cure for CFIDS (yet?!), but I'm convinced it helps to reduce inflammation, at the very least.

Hi Gretac, thanks much for your testimonial. I hadn't heard of the Earthing Throw, so I did a google search, and came up with the following link. It has about a dozen videos describing different products, including the Earthing throw, which sounds like a great product.

Earthingoz Videos

I found these videos to be very helpful in getting a better understanding, not only of the various products, but of some of the basics of earthing as well. I had not been aware that a computer pad I use for my laptop would actually be more helpful if I had part of it under the laptop, and part of it beneath my hands and wrists as I use it.

I also hadn't been aware of how much "voltage" we're exposed to even when we're not using various electronic devices. So when I laid down for my regular afternoon nap (where I'm generally several blankets away from my earthing sheet), I decided to put the computer pad on my body, and drifted off with my hands on it as well. --- Wow, I had the best nap I've had in a long time (two hours worth of very restful sleep). And I didn't have my normal major discombobulation feeling when I woke up either. I did the same thing last night, and again noticed my sleep was better.

Some of my experiences resemble your description of well-being you experienced with the Earthing throw. In addition, I would describe my own as feeling more grounded than I've been able to so far using the earthing sheet and earthing computer pad as I've been doing. Also, I'm feeling like there's less "static" in my body and brain, and am really enjoying a greater sense of relaxation today.

What I primarily picked up from the videos is that earthing products are going to earth to varying degrees, depending on how well they're used. Having more direct contact with the products I currently have seems to be working very well for me. I'm happy to learn about this, as it's really making a difference.

Hi, Wayne
Very cool, your responses re: sleep, less static, etc.!
Yeah, my understanding is that it's the bare skin contact that's important, the more the better.
Part of what's so nice about the throw is that the material itself is very soft and soothing (and organic to boot!); but the computer pad is what worked so well for my friend; and I've been tempted to try the bands and/or patches for more focused use on certain chronic trigger points, though the throw has worked well for those, too.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
I'm in the UK - its been subzero here for a good while, still plenty of lying snow - I would love to lie in the embrace of Mother Earth, but I would freeze to death quite quickly. If you live in a large city, and I do, the novelity of barefoot tends to be diminished by dog shit and syringes.


I don't think we should call the products earthing. They're not earthing. Maybe they're helpful, but they are not earthing.
No matter where you live, you can get out to earth. Even in NYC we had several big parks.
You could go camping. Camping in wilderness gives you most of everything you need. No toys and gadgets to help you through...a very healing intervention for me.
Use blue filtering glasses at night if on the computer...I'm going to try that. Our light cycles are off.
Swim in cold water--adapt to cold weather walking and exercise--don't just live in doors at 72 degrees> It's not healthy.
Think back to how we evolved. Buying toys...not sure that is really much of an answer, rather a bandaid...

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I can't believe we are so distorted in our lifestyles that we call it "earthing" when we purchase things to use indoors.
Go outdoors.
Walk on the ground. Lie on the ground. Sleep on the ground. Embrace mother earth.
There's no substitute.

I completely agree. Earthing sounds so new age and like a SALE. Just one more gimmick out of absolute desperation and I get it, but..... go outside. No disrespect, so excuse my feeling here. If it works, great....but it sounds as someone else put it, "out there." And not in a small way.

I lived up in NH for a long time and spent many times outdoors with my feet on over 250 acres of my extended families pristine land. Swimming in a lake everyday, a lake that you drank from because it was so clean, standing on rocks and sand and loving it, but guess what? I was still sick and I was the same as any other time of year. I miss the feel of the grass and the smell of the lake, but I didn't get better.

However, I recommend it for well being and because we should be connected to nature and the earth. But, no buying an "earthing blanket" for me.


Hey Spit, I am glad to hear from you (ie on the thread). I *am* kind of interested in cold thermogenesis for our type of conditions, but I have to figure out how I might do it. Camping in winter really turned out great who would have thunk. A month in winter, although some days did hit 70, but some nights got down to 28. Apparently cold water swimming increases your immunity and antioxidants, and cold thermogenesis switches on adaptive mechanisms that can lower inflammation and increase MSH and so on.


Senior Member
I don't think we should call the products earthing. They're not earthing. Maybe they're helpful, but they are not earthing.
No matter where you live, you can get out to earth. Even in NYC we had several big parks.
You could go camping. Camping in wilderness gives you most of everything you need. No toys and gadgets to help you through...a very healing intervention for me.
Use blue filtering glasses at night if on the computer...I'm going to try that. Our light cycles are off.
Swim in cold water--adapt to cold weather walking and exercise--don't just live in doors at 72 degrees> It's not healthy.
Think back to how we evolved. Buying toys...not sure that is really much of an answer, rather a bandaid...

I agree with you, I am becoming gadget girl....

But technically, from an electricians point of view I would think what I am doing is 'earthing'.

Without the earthing sheet I sleep at 4volts.

Standing on grass I am about 0.08

Sleeping with my earthing sheet I am at 0.06- 0.11

I lived outdoors in a tent for at least a couple of years and winters . I would have also used an earthing sheet if I had of had one to get bare skin contact which feels really soothing.

When I am not earthed I wake up and my nightware crackle with static.

Static is really bad for your immune system.

I agree the cold is good for you and cold water is good for the immune system - however I would say it is strongly contra-indicated for people with M.E.

Looking at Ayruvedic medicine too cold is contra indicated for this sort of illness as it increases Vata disturbance.
Its also bad for kidneys and those suffering hypothyroidism.

I like the raw food folk though and respect theire views which is similar regarding the cold. I don't feel I could manage without warm drinks !

I am not totally opposed to digging myself a hole in my garden and going and sleeping in it naked tonight though :)


Ha ha golden. I have a facebook friend who has gone from self described CFS/ME scale of 3 to 7 doing cold thermogenesis and sleeping outside.
There are aspects to earth beyond voltage don't you think. What about infrared, that it absorbs by day and probably gives off at night.


Senior Member
Ha ha golden. I have a facebook friend who has gone from self described CFS/ME scale of 3 to 7 doing cold thermogenesis and sleeping outside.
There are aspects to earth beyond voltage don't you think. What about infrared, that it absorbs by day and probably gives off at night.

I am always very happy to hear of people getting better :) Well done that person.

I always like to learn, when I am able. I have never heard of thermogenesis before...

A quick Google gave me this outline.

On another thread, it talks of what causes a lowering in body temperature. Well this link reminded me, shivering makes me colder!
It can also cause a relapse and give me a lot of pain. I don't know why.

Also eating can make me cold too.

I agree, I bet there are a lot more benefits to being direct with the Earth - although there will be some negatives too. Its a trade off and not perfect.

Could you give an outline of your friends success with M.E? Was she in a plastic tent for example? or a fur /animal skin lined tee-pee?
Ordered an earthing pad for my deskwork at the computer from Groundology in the UK.
However, while I'm waiting, I've invented my own poor man's grounding pad. Go to the supermarket and buy
some ChoreBoy copper scouring pads. Strip some electrical wire at both ends and attach to 2 pads. Then wire
one of them (or both) to your outlet ground or grounding rod and presto...instant grounding pad.

Listened to a lot of the online Mercola / Sinatra / Oschman presentations. The one surprising thing is that no one has researched how long the benefits last after you stop grounding. If they can test your zeta potential or blood before grounding and show the improvement after, I would think it would be easy enough to test after stopping, say in 1 hour increments, to see when one would return to a pre-grounded state. Wonder why there's no data on how long the benefits last. Obviously, I can imaging them saying to good to be grounded as often and as long as possible, but still...
why no data?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Hey Spit, I am glad to hear from you (ie on the thread). I *am* kind of interested in cold thermogenesis for our type of conditions, but I have to figure out how I might do it. Camping in winter really turned out great who would have thunk. A month in winter, although some days did hit 70, but some nights got down to 28. Apparently cold water swimming increases your immunity and antioxidants, and cold thermogenesis switches on adaptive mechanisms that can lower inflammation and increase MSH and so on.

Yo, Jen!! So back in 2011 there was this huge family gathering for my Uncle's birthday party. My brother and I dove into the lake. It was in May, when the snow was still on Mount Sunapee. Well, I couldn't move. I could not swim. I was in the deep water feeling immobile. The shock was to much and I didn't get sick as in having a cold, but I could not sleep and my Fibromyalgia went NUTZO after that. My brother had to swim out and get me. I was seriously in shock and I would have possibly drowned. My body froze.

I am partial to warmth. I love tea and baths and heat. I don't love humidity, but I love heat. The cold kills me. But for example, right now the sun is shining. I was driving home from my doc' s and put my face right in the windshield so I could feel the sun on my face. One of the BEST feelings in the world is the sun on my body. I love it.

COLD?? Pretend you hear a loud buzzer can do!! :eek:

So, Jen, go to Lake Sunapee in NH or any fab lake that is clean and jump in....see how you fare? Hopefully you won't freeze your kahonies off.


LOL Spit. I love heat, too. But I found myself adapting to and enjoying the cold. Very curious.
Golden...the indoor version sounds pretty awful. You lie in a lukewarm bath and put ice cubes in or something like that. Google Jack Kruse and find his blog.
I don't like that idea. OTOH cold water swimming or--one of the guys at my doc's office will go out in the early morning naked and douse himself with a bucket of cold water etc...
I'm sure it's not for everybody and I'm not sure it's for me, but it has me curious.


Senior Member
LOL Spit. I love heat, too. But I found myself adapting to and enjoying the cold. Very curious.
Golden...the indoor version sounds pretty awful. You lie in a lukewarm bath and put ice cubes in or something like that. Google Jack Kruse and find his blog.
I don't like that idea. OTOH cold water swimming or--one of the guys at my doc's office will go out in the early morning naked and douse himself with a bucket of cold water etc...
I'm sure it's not for everybody and I'm not sure it's for me, but it has me curious.

Brrrrrrr :(

Another peculiar thing that happens when I get too cold is I get emotional... I really can't cope. I have theorized this is to do with the kidneys but I don't know. Once I am warmed up again I am ok.

I am not sure I have remembered this right - so forgive me if I am wrong- but some doctors are inducing controlled hypothermia to help with cancer treatments. So, yes, it is a curious thing! :)

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Don't they say to have the shower hot and then switch it cold? That it's proven to help the immune system? I remember that at one time.

I used to love the cold, but then my temp got all messed up due to hormones. Now, I am hot and cold all in one day. BTW, I just ate 3 Cadbury you think that's alright? I am kidding! Of course it's not.

They were for my friends kids at Easter and as having candy in the house for me. 3 CADBURY EGGS...holy cow. Holy crap.

Can you say yeast, sugar rush and immune problems. What happened to me, I can't have sugar in the house at all!!!??


Unknown Quantity
Somewhere in Australia