"Earthing" for Protection from EMFs


Senior Member
on foot pain


Also michael sandlers book on barefoot running. Very comprehensive with mentions of earthing.
discussed in the Sandler book:

Barefoot Medicine. Going shoeless is now recognized as an anti-Alzheimer’s, brain-boosting activity because the sole sensation entices your brain into growing extra, efficient neuron connections. Merzenich believes our brains decline if we “limit the sensory feedback from our feet.” He advocates walking barefoot (to improve balance, posture, and co-ordination functions in the vestibulocerebellum.) Dr. Norman Doidge (author of The Brain That Changes Itself) concurs that skipping shoes will increase brain flexibility and youthfulness, and many podiatrists now advise going barefoot as much as possible. Bare feet are today’s prescription.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi All,

I'm going to a presentation by Vicki Warren next week here in Ashland. She's going to do some training that will include a presentation called, “Creating a Sleeping Sanctuary". She's an expert in electrical fields and cell phone and microwave radiation. She is also featured in the EMF section of Dr. Mercola’s website.

Some links to pass along:

Profile of Vicki Warren

Articles by Vicki Warren

Listing of Almost 100 Topics Being Discussed on the Mercola.com website

...... regarding all things related to EMFs and radiation exposures, and how to protect ourselves from them.

Best, Wayne

I did go to see Vicki Warren this past week. I furiously took notes for a couple hours, as she didn't have any handouts. :( I plan to go over my notes more in the next few days, and do more research to hopefully get some better understandings of various topics she covered. For today, I'll share just three things she mentioned that I thought were particularly interesting.

1) The two "hottest" spots in any residential home are generally the electric box and the electric meter. Vicki said she often sees electric meters right on the other side of people's bedrooms. NOT GOOD. They can send some very powerful EMR for several feet, right through the wall, and often right next to the head of the person sleeping adjacent to the wall.

2) I asked her if various "earthing" products can actually "draw" EMR from various sources, given it's such a grounding tool. I was thinking of how lightening rods are designed to attract lightening strikes and then ground them from there. She said that is indeed the case, and that, in her opinion, sleeping on an earthing sheet should be done in conjunction with turning off the electric circuit to the bedroom at night.

3) She spoke briefly on the detoxification aspects of removing ourselves from EMR fields. Her take is that this detoxification process approximates in time the normal or average life cycle of a cell, or around 18 months. I'll try to explain more of the detoxification aspects after I get around to renewing my notes a little better.

I was glad I went to this talk. Lots of good information; lots of food for thought. One last item: She's from Tennessee, and I asked her if EMR awareness is very high there. She said she is contacted by a lot by parents of children with autism. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to discuss whether she has seen improvements in autistic children after "remediating" their living, and especially sleeping environments. My take however, was that she had.

Best, Wayne


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon

On bodytalks ideas on why we are dehydrated and what we can do about it.

I find it interesting but very annoying that you can not buy a book on it that explains it fully. You have to go on at least a one day course and there is none near me even if I could afford it!!

A stunning contrast to EFT which is free on the web!!!!!

Hi Wallace,

My partner took a bodytalk class from a therapist here in Ashland, and the following book (linked) was part the program. You can buy it at Amazon.com for $14.85. I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but it's by my bedside as a high priority. I'm continuing to do the Cortices Technique with good results, and look forward to expanding my reproitare.




Senior Member

Hi Wallace,

My partner took a bodytalk class from a therapist here in Ashland, and the following book (linked) was part the program. You can buy it at Amazon.com for $14.85. I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but it's by my bedside as a high priority. I'm continuing to do the Cortices Technique with good results, and look forward to expanding my reproitare.


I have the book but its very incomplete , most of the access course isnt in it for example which is very self help. So you can do it by yourself which is very simple.

I suppose if you pass on trade secrets of bodytalk terrible things will happen to you!!!!!

Can it really be free????

I have the book but its very incomplete , most of the access course isnt in it for example which is very self help. So you can do it by yourself which is very simple. With the book you need a partner.

I suppose if you pass on trade secrets of bodytalk terrible things will happen to you!!!!!


Senior Member
Thanks for your report, Wayne. I look forward to hearing more, particularly about detoxification. I continue to be surprised by the strong detoxification response I've had to just sleeping grounded at night.


Senior Member
turning off the electric circuit to the bedroom at night.

Wayne if you do that your earthing device wont work as you need electricity for it!


The last two days have just been earthing my feet with no ill effects. Plan to continue like this. feet first!!!! Reflexology believes that sorting your feet out and the rest of the body will align itself!


Senior Member
Hey wallace,

When you ground just your feet, aren't you still grounding your entire body?


Senior Member
Hey, all you earthers!

I see that nobody has evaluated the effectiveness of earthing at CureTogether.com yet. How about signing in there and evaluating earthing and the other treatments and lifestyle changes you've tried? I think it's helpful to the whole ME/CFS community to know the experiences of each other. Here's the url for the CFS treatment evaluations:


Check the Infographic, too!

Best regards,



Senior Member
Hey, all you earthers!

I see that nobody has evaluated the effectiveness of earthing at CureTogether.com yet. How about signing in there and evaluating earthing and the other treatments and lifestyle changes you've tried?

Hey Rich,

I plan on doing just that when I've been at this for more than just six weeks. Having used UltraClear and other methods of detoxing, I'm really surprised that simply grounding myself at night would cause such obvious detox symptoms.

You know, I've used methyl B-12 shots for some time in addition to a good coenzyme B complex that contains folate, so I'm part way to your simple methylation treatment. :Retro smile: It has crossed my mind that maybe grounding myself has somehow given these vitamins a bit of a boost.


Senior Member
Hey Rich,

I plan on doing just that when I've been at this for more than just six weeks. Having used UltraClear and other methods of detoxing, I'm really surprised that simply grounding myself at night would cause such obvious detox symptoms.

You know, I've used methyl B-12 shots for some time in addition to a good coenzyme B complex that contains folate, so I'm part way to your simple methylation treatment. :Retro smile: It has crossed my mind that maybe grounding myself has somehow given these vitamins a bit of a boost.


I feel there is a difference in just grounding the feet. Not quite so strong. Time will tell.

I put this Q to Alix:


See Alix reply to me at the end of this comments page.

So far so good with just earthing my feet.


Senior Member
Dr. Mercola's Comments:

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Every modern school of alternative medicine talks about "energy," although they may use a variety of words to describe it. But what is this fundamental "energy" you keep hearing about?

As Dr. Oschman went about to investigate, he found there is very good science that can help demystify this nebulous term.

He wrote a number of articles for a journal published by Churchill Livingstone on the subject, and after some encouragement from the publisher, those articles eventually resulted in two books: Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, and Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance.

Dr. Oschman was also introduced to earthing, or grounding, and his research in this area has turned up some very interesting and compelling information about how the energy from the Earth can help you live a healthier life. He has recently written the Foreword for a new book by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra and M. Zucker, entitled Earthing: the most important health discovery ever? published in 2010 (Basic Health Publications, Inc., Laguna Beach, CA.).

If you're like most people, you probably wear shoes with rubber or plastic soles for the better part of each day. Read on to learn why shoes might be one of the banes of modern existence.

The Emergence of "Earthing"

The concept of earthing, also known as grounding, was initially developed by Clint Ober. Stated in the simplest terms possible, earthing is simply walking barefoot; grounding your body to the Earth.

Oschman was introduced to Ober via Jeff Spencer, the chiropractor for Lance Armstrong's cycling team and an expert in treating professional athletes who I will be interviewing later this year.

"When Clint described the earthing phenomenon to Jeff, Jeff immediately called me and had me fly out to California to meet Clint and talk about what kind of research could be done to find out what is going on," Oschman explains.

"People have known for a long time that walking barefoot feels good. There are places in the world like Germany and Austria and Switzerland with communities where there is a tradition of getting up in the morning and going barefoot."

My own introduction to the concept of earthing was also through Jeff Spencer, some five or six years ago. I found it very intriguing, although I initially approached it with some skepticism. As you will soon see, it's a simple conceptto some it may appear too simple.

Fortunately, Dr. Oschman is now able to provide the scientific groundwork for understanding what actually occurs. In fact, his team has now published about a dozen papers on this topic.

What Happens to You When You Walk Barefoot?

Your skin in general is a very good conductor. You can connect any part of your skin to the Earth, but if you compare various parts there is one that is especially potent, and that's right in the middle of the ball of your foot; a point known to acupuncturists as Kidney 1 (K1).

It's a well-known point that conductively connects to all of the acupuncture meridians and essentially connects to every nook and cranny of your body.

Interestingly, groundingor rather the lack thereofhas a lot to do with the rise of modern diseases.

How is this?

Well, Dr. Oschman's research into grounding has led him to better understand inflammation. I've discussed before, chronic inflammation is a primary cause of virtually all disease, from diabetes to cancer. And by looking at what happens during grounding, the answer to why chronic inflammation is so prevalent, and what is needed to prevent it, is becoming better understood.

When you're grounded (whether it's walking barefoot or being connected electrically on the K1point of your foot or sleeping on grounding sheets), there's a transfer of free electrons from the Earth into your body. And these free electrons are probably the most potent antioxidants known to man.

These antioxidants are responsible for the clinical observations from grounding experiments, such as:

* Beneficial changes in heart rate
* Decreased skin resistance
* Decreased levels of inflammation

To better understand the science behind what happens during grounding and how it impacts the inflammatory response, Dr. Oschman begins by explaining what happens when you experience an injury.

"Even the slightest bump, if you bump the door, your immune system immediately responds by sending white blood cells (neutrophils) to the place of injury

The neutrophils secrete a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) called free radicals, in what's referred to as an oxidative burst... These are like Pac-Man. They are very important molecules that tear things apart.

If bacteria have gotten through your skin, these free radicals will destroy the bacteria very quickly. If you have damaged cells, the free radicals will break them apart so that there is a space for healthy cells to move in and repair the tissues.

That's known as the inflammatory response.

What we have discovered that is truly profound is this: we now understand why you get the inflammatory response, which has five characteristics: pain, redness, heat, loss of range of motion, and swelling. All of those are the five hallmarks of inflammation and it turns out that that doesn't have to happen.

Inflammation, which in medicine is considered an important part of the healing process, is really an artifact caused by lack of electrons in your tissues.

What happens is, the neutrophils deliver the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to the site of injury, but in so doing, some of those free radicals can leak into the surrounding tissue and damage healthy tissue. That's what creates the inflammatory response".

Interestingly, grounding research has now discovered that if you place your feet on the ground after an injury (or on a grounded sheet, or place grounding patches on the balls of your feet), electrons will migrate into your body and spread through your tissues.

Any free radicals that leak into the healthy tissue will immediately be electrically neutralized. This occurs because the electrons are negative, while the free radicals are positive, so they cancel each other out.

"So really what is happening with grounding or earthing is that you're protecting your body from -- I call it, collateral damage," Dr. Oschman says.

"Damage that was not intended to take place but does take place because we have disconnected ourselves from the Earth by putting rubber and plastic on the bottoms of our shoes."

Grounded Sheets Can Provide Better Sleep

The first health benefit of earthing discovered was that people slept better when they were grounded. This was done by bringing the ground into the laboratory or into people's homes to evaluate how well they slept when lying on a grounded sheet.

This is essentially a bed sheet that has silver threads (electrical conductors) embedded in it, which are connected to a grounding device. You simply plug it into a grounding outlet in your room to create a grounding circuit in the sheet.

The findings showed that sleep was improved because their day-night cortisol rhythm evened out. Cortisol is the "stress hormone," and you can't sleep well at night if your cortisol is elevated.

When you sleep better, everything in your physiology works better.

Pain Relief Using Grounding Patches

People also slept better because they experienced a reduction in pain. Using thermography, which picks up heat signatures such as that of inflammation, they were able to determine that inflammation was reduced during these grounding experiments.

According to Dr. Oschman, people with painful inflamed joints would sometimes experience significant relief in as little as 20 minutes of grounding. Grounding patches can be placed either on the ball of your foot (on the K1 spot), or directly on the area that hurts.

The grounding patches are very useful in clinical situations. For example, if you've had surgery, Dr. Oschman recommends placing the patches around the site of the incision to speed the healing process.

Earthing as an Anti-Aging Strategy

One of dominant theories on aging is the free radical theory, which is that aging occurs because of accumulative damage to your body caused by free radicals. You get free radicals when you have an injury or chronic inflammation, from breathing, and from the food you eat, among other things.

While you don't want to completely eliminate ALL free radicals, you do want to maintain a healthy balance of antioxidant electrons in your body to ensure the damage from free radicals doesn't' get out of hand.

Earthing can help accomplish this delicate balance.

There are three kinds of sub-models of the aging process caused by free radicals.

1. DNA damage and mutation due to free radical damage
2. The mitochondrial theory. Mitochondria in every cell in your body carry out oxidative metabolism and a byproduct is free radicals. Eventually the mitochondria wear out or self-destruct due to excess free radicals
3. The protein cross linking theory, which explains why you get wrinkles in your skin. The proteins stick to each other, reducing the efficiency of enzymes

"It looks to me, from my study of biophysics and cell biology, like the body is designed with a semi-conductive fabric that connects everything in the body, including inside of every cell," Dr. Oschman says.

"I refer to this system as the living matrix. Those electrons that enter the bottom of your foot can move anywhere in your body.

Any place where a free radical forms, there are electrons nearby that can neutralize that free radical and prevent any of those processes: mitochondrial damage, cross linking of proteins, and mutation or genetic damage.

So the whole fabric is basically an antioxidant defense system that is in every part of our body.

We have this material called ground substance which is part of the connective tissue. It goes everywhere in the body. It's a gel material and it stores electrons. So that if you go barefoot, you will take in electrons and your body will store them, and they will be available at any point where you might have an injury, or any point where a free radical might form..."

How Grounding Affects Your Blood

Another very important discovery, and one of the most recent, is that grounding thins your blood, making it less viscous. This discovery can have a profound impact on cardiovascular disease, which is now the number one killer in the world.

Virtually every aspect of cardiovascular disease has been correlated with elevated blood viscosity.

Dr. Sinatra has been coaching Dr. Oschman's team in how to measure blood viscosity using a method called zeta potential. It measures the potential on your red blood cells by determining how fast they migrate in an electrical field.

It turns out that when you ground to the earth, your zeta potential quickly rises, which means your red blood cells have more charge on their surface, which forces them apart from each other. This action causes your blood to thin and flow easier. It also causes your blood pressure to drop.

Another obvious implication of this is that by repelling each other, your red blood cells are less inclined to stick together and form a clot. Blood clots don't have to be very big to form like a pulmonary embolus that would kill you instantly, so this is a significant benefit.

Additionally, if your zeta potential is high, which grounding can facilitate, you not only decrease your heart disease risk but also your risk of multi-infarct dementias, where you start losing brain tissue due to micro-clotting in your brain.

The Best Surfaces for Grounding

Clearly, the simplest way to ground is to walk barefoot. But what about urban or city dwellers who are surrounded by asphalt and concrete? Can you ground on those? And what about natural surfaceswhich ones are the most effective?

There are indeed significant differences between various surfaces.

The ideal location for walking barefoot is the beach, close to or in the water, as sea water is a great conductor. Your body also contains mostly water, so it creates a good connection.

A close second would be a grassy area, especially if it's covered with dew, which is what you'd find if you walk early in the morning. According to Dr. Oschman, concrete is a good conductor as long as it hasn't been sealed. Painted concrete does not allow electrons to pass through very well.

Materials like asphalt, wood, and typical insulators like plastic or the soles of your shoes, will not allow electrons to pass through and are not suitable for barefoot grounding.

Why Living in a High-Rise Could be Detrimental to Your Health

Additionally, there's a major difference between standing outside in your bare feet and standing outside in shoes. And, how high up you are, off the surface of the Earth, without being grounded also matters.

Why is this?

Dr. Oschman explains:

"The Earth's surface is electrically charged and can push electrons up in your body. So from the top of your head to the Earth, there is a potential, which you don't feel because it doesn't cause any any particular current to flow, even though it can be a couple of hundred volts. If it did, it would give you a shock.

What happens is when the weather changes is that the potential can go up enormously. It can go from a hundred volts per meter to 10,000 volts per meter. That's pre lightning. We're talking about the potential that causes lightning to come to the earth. That voltage is well known and well understood

This is the potential between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere, hundreds of miles up, which is very electrically active; charged by the solar wind, the charged particles that come from the sun.

Those charged particles eventually reach the Earth by lightning and electrify the entire surface of the Earth so that anywhere you touch the Earth, there are electrons. They come originally from the sun, to the ionosphere, to the earth.

There is no lightning happening right here right now but somewhere there is lightning, a constant current flow from the ionosphere to the earth. Those are the electrons that your body needs for your immune system to function properly."

What this means is that the higher up you are, separated from the surface of the Earth, the higher this potential would be, and the worse the implications for your health if you're not grounded.

For example, if you live on the 20th floor of a high-rise and you're not grounded (using grounding technology, of course), the consequences to your health will be more significant than if you lived on the first floor.

Likewise, when you wear rubber- or plastic-soled shoes, you are effectively shielding yourself from this beneficial influx of electrons from the Earth. For optimal immune function, you want these electrons to enter your body, so make sure you take your shoes off now and then!

Easy Ways to Incorporate Grounding Into Your Daily Life

Exercising barefoot outdoors is one of the most wonderful, inexpensive and powerful ways of incorporating earthing into your daily life and will also help speed up tissue repair and ease muscle pain due to strenuous exercise.

Indoors, using a grounding pad is an excellent way to help prevent health ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis, for example. Dr. Oschman also uses a grounding pad beneath his computer desk that he keeps his bare feet on while working.


Senior Member

I feel there is a difference in just grounding the feet. Not quite so strong. Time will tell.

I put this Q to Alix:


See Alix reply to me at the end of this comments page.

So far so good with just earthing my feet.

Thanks, wallace. It's interesting to read that others are having a detox or herx reaction from this too. If I were to start again, I sure wouldn't jump right in with both feet by sleeping grounded all night. I feel like I'm still detoxing (headaches and a bit of rash now), but I'm finally sleeping better.


Senior Member
A Detox Foot Spa Using Sea Salt
Detoxification is a vital part of good health. Using warm water and sea salt, you can encourage toxins to leave your body by way of your feet! Find out how in this article.
The detox foot spa is done by placing the feet in a bowl with warm water and sea salt. It creates a magnetic field of the charged ions and neutralizes oppositely charged particles. It creates a position in the water magnetically attracting toxins and heavy metals in the body, and excreting them through sweat glands and pores of the feet by osmosis which is the process of moving particles at a lower concentration to the higher concentration.

The body has energy meridians that flow through each organ, and the top or bottom of the feet. If the energy becomes stuck we feel emotional and physical discomfort. The foot bath removes these meridians of free radicals and allows energy to flow. In addition, it balances the pH of the body and leaves you feeling revitalized.

A lot of experts have said that extreme toxicity to the body creates a wide range of serious diseases, such as joint swelling and pain, heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes and cancer. To prevent this disease you have to be in harmony with the awareness of body's condition and then be committed to giving the body a good thorough internal detox no less than once in a year. There are many means of detoxification.

The detox foot bath is a new way to cleanse toxins from your body and has been adopted as a popular and effective treatment. This is done through the usage of sea salt. Sea salt is generally obtained through the natural evaporation of seawater. This process has been used mainly in artificial ponds, which are close to the coastline that is secluded. Sea salt consists of 98% sodium chloride with the remaining 2% composed of iron, magnesium and sulfur.

Add a handful of natural sea salt in a bowl with hot water and stir until the granules are dissolved. Sea salt is known to be a natural cleansing agent, drawing toxins from the body of the skin and tissue and encouraging relaxation. It is also rich in minerals. Once you have prepared the bowl with warm water and add the selected ingredients, place it before your partner and ask him to soak his bare feet for at least five minutes. Suggest that he bends over and stretches his toes and feet in the water to exercise the tendons and muscles and release tension. These actions will result in a feeling of relief as the feet start to relax.

A detox foot spa is an effective and painless way to eliminate harmful toxins from the body. Its beginning dates back to early times when the Japanese have soaked their aching and tired feet in a hot spring. It is also derived from healing techniques that are used in reflexology. There are a lot of benefits to detoxifying the body via the foot bath. In addition to enhancing the health of your respiratory system, internal organs, and circulatory system, it also enhances your well being.

By Tony Ulrich
Published: 11/15/2010


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Better Sleep and Less Pain for $26

A good friend of ours was enthused about trying the earthing sheet that has been working so well for me, but feeling she couldn't afford it at this time, chose a less expensive route, and ordered a foot and wrist band, along with a necessary 20' coil cord (see below).

I saw her tonight for the first time since she started using these products, and she is absolutely delighted by the results. She has had lots of trouble sleeping for years, but is now sleeping better than ever; she can even nap when she first comes home from work.

She had hoped she might sleep better, given our experiences, but she wasn't expecting a fairly dramatic decrease (she guessed about 50%) in hip and upper thigh pain she's been dealing with for years. She normally could only sleep on her back, but has been finding herself waking up on her sides, the first time this has happened in years.

In short, for about $26 total (products + shipping), she's sleeping significantly better and experiencing much less pain. She's delighted!

Best, Wayne

8-inch adjustable PINK Earthing Foot/Wrist Band

8-inch adjustable Earthing PINK band for foot, wrist, or elbow for stand alone use or with the Earthing Band Kit.

  • Price: $4.95
20-foot coil cord for bands and patches

20-foot coil cord for use with Earthing Band Kit, bands and patches

  • Price: $12.95

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
First night with earthing 1/2 sheet

When I first got into bed last night with the sheet plugged in, I noticed some slight tingling in a lot of different places.

I slept better last night and had some wild, vivid dreams!

I should explain a few things about my sleep situation. I've long struggled with severe insomnia. Some things that affect my sleep are poor methylation, adrenal, and neurotransmitter problems. These situations are all better since I started seeing a terrific integrative doctor, nutritionist, and neurosensory doctor.

Although my sleep situation improved, I didn't really get my life back until I started taking Xyrem. I have fibro and mild narcolepsy.

But I still sleep better if I do something to boost the Xyrem at nighttime. One thing that helps is using the Alpha-Stim. However, if I use it more than twice a week, it's not effective.

Another thing helps is taking Oxytocin sublingually. Like with the Alpha-Stim, I can't take it more than twice a week, or it doesn't help.

Last night I didn't use the Alpha-Stim or take Oxytocin. I just took Xyrem as usual, and my sleep improvement was the same that I get with those two aids.

So I'm excited! I didn't really expect much from using it just once, so it will be interesting to see how it affects me as time goes on.

Although I take all kinds of supplements to support the adrenals, tests show that my cortisol is still extremely high at 4:00 a.m. I've read that earthing can help with cortisol levels. Maybe my next test will show some improvement.


Senior Member
Montreal, Canada
Wouldn't just taking a bath be an easy and effective way to earth/ground yourself? The water is ionized so it's conductive and the drain pipe is earthed/grounded. As a bonus you end up clean and relaxed. :Retro smile:


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Two Great Videos on Earthing

Two Great Videos on "Earthing"
(Scroll down a short ways to click on each one; about 15 minutes total)​

I just discovered these videos in which the author describes her deep desire to get off of a pharmaceutical sleep aid. Earthing enabled her to do it fairly easily, and she explains in detail why. She also describes really well how much she's appreciating her new found ability to sleep well, after suffering for years with severe insomnia.

I feel I've received many benefits from my own earthing protocol, and really appreciated that these videos were able to give me a better understanding of how earthing works to improve our health and well being. The videos also has some great visuals so a person can get a better undertanding of some of the products that are available to help us earth ourselves at all times, something I think is important given the sea of EMFs we live in every day.

Best Regards, Wayne