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"Earthing" for Protection from EMFs


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
Hi Wallace, thanks for this.

I have been trying a Barefoot Connections Grounding 1/2 Sheet at night in bed - with a UK safe lead (the leads supplied by the US company, Barefoot, are not safe for the UK & European sockets/plug mains voltages).

Although I still wake up several times a night, my sleep is amazingly much deeper and I am starting to remember that 'refreshed' feeling in the morning. I didn't think that would be possible with ME/CFS and it doesn't work every night eg if I am particularly concerned about something - but it is still an unexpected improvement for me. I am still ill, but I am sleeping more deeply. I now no longer need to take my antihistamines to get to sleep for eg.

During the day I use a grounding mat at the laptop and if I am sitting to use the telephone or watch TV too. I am probably now grounded for up to 20 hours p day, but the best benefits come from nightime use when the body is in repair and restore mode.

Is the Lyme org site also for people in the UK and Europe? If so, they might like to check out this latest UK grounding website: www.groundology.com I don't think they sell the night sheets, but they sell pretty much everything else.

Their main advantage is that they supply UK and Europe safe leads (in the UK this is 200K Ohm resistance, whereas the Amercian company send over their 100K leads which are UNSAFE for the UK, do NOT use them in the UK!
ESD leads are safe too, as supplied by the technology industry, but the resistance can be so huge that one doesn't necessarily get the full health benefits).

The UK site also sell straps that can be used around the shoes when outside walking - its FAR too cold not to have socks and shoes out and about in the UK most of the year round actually - so this is a kind of portable, wi fi version of grounding!

I am going to continue the night time earthing/grounding in the hope that other improvements will come over several months - for eg, deep cellular repair of the body. Professional athletes and sportsmen already use this earthing system to recover from training and serious sports injuries, so I reckon those with our condition can benefit hugely too. Its main benefit is to reduce the impact of free radicals (positively charged) by supplying negatively charged electrons direct from the earth's surface. This drastically reduces inflammation and promotes healing of injuries and repair at a cellular level.

Research shows it also 'recalibrates' the nervous system and the endocrine system.


Thank you for posting this Wayne.

I am convinced this is all true and important. I used to run in the dew barefoot for an hour before school every morning when I was a kid and I felt so wonderful!
I liked the Dakota Indian quotation, particularly because there are other cultures which also make efforts to have regular body contact with the earth. In Singapore they have parks with areas where you are supposed to take off your shoes and walk barefoot and I am told they have them in China too. I did this In singapore and it really did make me feel better.

When I was at the Lyme clinic in Germany the doctor said that Lyme makes the body highly susceptible to electromagnetic disturbances (yes he was far moe scientific than me, sorry I cannot give a proper rendition of what he said). They used electric pads on me for 40 minutes a day which may have had a similar effect to the "earthing" equipment described in the first post.


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
Hi Athene,
Can you tell us more about the electric pads the doctors used please? Or do you know where we might find out more?
Were they electromagnetic or electrical? Because the Barefoot grounding system uses electrons only, not EM fields.
Thanks :)


They were "high frequency electro-therapy" pads. I am Googling and I'll post links if I find anything that seems like a good explanation.


Too sick for an identity
Hi All,
...while simultaneously doing some simple EFT tapping exercises​


I think if "earthing" helped people with seizures we'd know about it since epilepsy has been studied much more than us.​


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
EARTHING: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Thanks everyone for all your replies. I just browsed a bit today, and am delighted to see some of the links that were posted. I just ran across another link that might be of interest. It's an audiocast, I believe about an hour long, that was enthusiastically sent to us by a friend of ours. Apparently, it's only available until Sunday, November 28, 12:00 PST.

Scroll down to about the middle of the page, and you will find the above. I haven't listened to it yet, so can't say much more about it. Did want to post it right away however so others will have a chance to listen to it while it's still available.

I'm feeling a bit sheepish about not doing more in the past several months since I first came upon some of this news. I try to give myself some slack on a number of things, but this earthing keeps coming across to me as more of a priority than I've been giving it. Thanks to all for keeping this thread going.

Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
Any thoughts about what shoes to wear?


The message from Dr Sinartra is that with earthing we dont need all these expensive supplements!


Senior Member
from the web blog


AY 9 ~ Clint Ober and Dr. Stephen Sinatra
Posted on November 23, 2010 by adoley

TOPIC : EARTHING: Most Important Health Discovery ever??

WELL, IT IS CERTAINLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT IN OUR LIFETIME. Renowned cardiologist and co- author, Dr. Stephen Sinatra says it is the most important in his 40 years of practicing medicine. For your health and that of those you love, listen to this call, read the book, get educated and get earthed.

Clint Ober who discovered Earthing and has dedicated his life to making Earthing common knowledge throughout the world within the next 25 years, is both a visionary and a pioneer. Clint only finished high school but his commitment to his mission led him to a breakthrough discovery and to become as knowledgeable about this subject as the most renowned scientist. This is the kind of work that results in Nobel prizes.

Clint is so humble a truly inspiring individual who shows what happens when you commit to being of service and listen to your intuition. In an age where chronic disease is rampant, auto-immune illnesses are on the rise, cancers, heart disease and strokes are the #1 cause of death and medical costs continue to skyrocket, Earthing is literally a gigantic wellness pill that you cannot afford to not take. We are electrical beings. Simply by reconnecting to the Earth we fill our bodies with the negative electrons that counteract disease and inflammation in the body. You can earth yourself by simply by standing barefoot on the earth. It doesnt have to cost you anything. But we live in a world where most of us are disconnected from the earth by our lifestyles. That disconnection is literally making us sick. Earthing is as essential to our health just as water, sunlight, fresh fruits, vegetables and exercise are. Just as sunlight gives us Vitamin D, Earthing gives us Vitamin G. We need them both for our health.

Heres just a sampling of what we learned:

-> Why Earthing reduces inflammation the #1 cause of disease and aging
-> How it reduces stress levels in the body and regulates our stress hormones EMFs, electrical pollution and how Earthing can improve this condition
-> All the conditions Earthing helps including insomnia, stress, heart disease, lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic pain, fatigue, recovery from surgery, injury, improving athletic performance, building muscle strength and much more
-> Why you may not have results right away and sometimes get negative results from sleeping earthed
-> How to get grounded at no cost
-> How to get grounded if you live in environments or climates that make walking barefoot difficult
-> How to create an environment that supports grounding
-> How Earthing helps heart conditions and strokes
-> Precautions you must take when you are on medication

Catch all this and more. Go to REPLAY page

Check out the Special Offer

I am passionate about getting the word out about this life-saving information and urge you to please listen to the call and check out the site we have created for you with FAQs and other information.

Buy the book, share the information and Get Earthed Now!!!!

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16 Responses to DAY 9 ~ Clint Ober and Dr. Stephen Sinatra

Berte says:
November 23, 2010 at 1:08 pm

Very interesting, indeed. Now I wonder if lack of grounding is part of the reason why theres loads more MS the further away from the poles you get. But, Id really like to know before ordering do they have these products for European 220V systems?
adoley adoley says:
November 23, 2010 at 6:18 pm

The voltage is irrelevant. Earthing products do not run on electricity. They only carry the energy from the Earth (called Earth, in Europe, and ground in the U.S.) through the cord that is either connected to a ground rod outside or through a properly grounded wall outlet.

If the houses electrical system is not grounded you need to use an Earthing ground rod that has a cord attachment. The cord can be connected with any Earthing product used inside the house. If the house has a grounded electrical system, you will need to get a grounded adapter for North American appliances that fits into your wall outlets. You can likely find a grounded wall outlet adapter at some local electrical supply company. To determine if your outlets are grounded you would have to obtain an outlet checker for use in your country, also at a local electrical supply company. The easiest thing is to use the ground rod, if you have a stand alone house or live on the first two stories of an apartment building. The length of the Earthing ground rod cord is 13 meters.
adoley adoley says:
November 23, 2010 at 6:25 pm

You can get a grounded adapter through amazon.com that works in most European countries

VP 11B Grounded Europe Adapter USA to Europe Heavy Duty Adaptor Plug German Schuko from VCT electronics distributed by Amazon.
http://www.amazon.com/VP-11B-Ground...hdtv-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=16595 3%26creativeASIN%3DB003C1MFYI
Steve Eb says:
November 24, 2010 at 11:36 am

I came across this website which sells various components for grounding/earthing in different countries around the world, including Europe: http://www.groundology.com
Berte says:
November 24, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Duh. *facepalm* Of course current is irrelevant. This house is very well grounded a thick copper wire runs around the whole of it (I know I did the job with my electrician brother). And since the current is irrelevant, I could of course just change the socket. Im feeling very not-so-smart at the moment (or perhaps I should chalk it up to brain fog when I posted my question). Thanks, Adoley!
Ayesha Grice says:
November 23, 2010 at 2:02 pm

Dear Adoley, thank you for what you do. This series as well as the first one was, to use the kids expression off the chain. Ive been involved in the healing work (energy healing) since the early 70′s and have experienced many different modalities of healing, met many healers through my teacher, the late Isabel M. Hickey. The Earthing audio was of particular interest to me because I always thought there was healing energy coming from the earth but had no scientific proof. Growing up I was called the barefoot Contessa because during the summer months I refused to wear shoes and would tell people if God wanted us to wear shoes we would have been born wearing them. Later in life when I was in my 30′s my teacher, Ms. Hickey would tell us to take off our shoes and put our feet on the earth. She would do that at our annual retreats in Rhode Island. She would say that if we felt disconnected, out of sorts or off balanced, just go outside, take your shoes off and let the healing energy flow through your body. In the 90′s I interned with an organic farmer who told me during my first interview with him listen, there will be no shoes in my garden my garden is a sacred space and you need to feel the healing energy from the soil. Needless to say, I was perfectly in sync with his message. Even today, when I have a client that complains of aches or pains I encourage them to come out side with me, take off their shoes and feel the earths healing energy. Now thanks to you, I have the proof that Im not crazy and that there is a scientific explanation for what Ive been doing almost all my life. At 70 years young, Im still discovering new and exciting things to learn. This life is amazing and Im so happy to have discovered your series that brings me good information and increased joy and happiness.
Jennifer Rodriguez says:
November 23, 2010 at 2:54 pm

I was really impressed by this information. To think that Mother Earth has all we could ever need to heal ourselves. This never ceases to amaze me!
adoley adoley says:
November 23, 2010 at 4:30 pm

Jennifer, you havent come forward to claim your gift for winning the blogger of the week! An email has been sent to you, please respond.

CJ says:
November 23, 2010 at 6:18 pm

My Gosh. I used to wonder why my body felt sooo much better after spending several weeks at the beach each summer. Id lay on the sand and watch the kids swim and think there must be something toxic at my house! I couldnt believe how my symptoms of pain and spasm would dissipate over the summer. I didnt run and jump and swim, I just took the opportunity to lie on the sand with a good book and man, I never realized until this moment what it was that soothed the constant pain Id been having all year long!!!!! This is awesome! Its impossible to thank you enough! Warmest regards, CJ
Mirabelle says:
November 24, 2010 at 12:39 pm

After the initial shock of the cold (a wintry spell here in the UK), it was quite refreshing to walk barefoot in the garden. I never would have thought of doing this at this time of year, but I think I will continue. There seems to be enough evidence to say that it is worth a try.
Thank you, Adoley, for asking all the right questions. It is clear you want us all to get as much as possible from these sessions.
Karen says:
November 24, 2010 at 2:03 pm

Hi Adoley,
This is fascinating. This explains to me why I naturally prefer to be barefoot and even now, in my 50′s, I walk barefoot outside and inside most of the time. The first thing to come off when I step in a house is my shoes. This has always been a big joke to my family members, but Ive never understood why all of them wear shoes so much of the time! I live in a Northern State with cold winters preventing me from going outside barefoot for months, so this explains why I have so many more aches and pains in the winter.

I have a question about the eathing sheet. It comes in king size, but what if you have a smaller bed? Will this size work on any size bed? Do you tuck the sides under the mattress or does it just hang over the sides? I want to get this but holding off on my order until I know for sure this will work on a smaller bed (queen)..

This is another great teleseminar.. You are providing such a great service! Thank you so much.

Have a great Thanksgiving,
Karen says:
November 24, 2010 at 4:31 pm

Found the answer to my question! I was listening to the replay while posting to the blog.. If I had waited just a few minutes before posting, I would have heard you say it will fit any size bed! I have now placed my order and know this is going to make a huge difference in my body pain during the cold winter months!
Carolyn says:
November 24, 2010 at 5:59 pm

This was just what I needed at this time in my life. I consciously try to ground to mother earth daily but liklely with little success. I have a health problem stemming from a root chakra problem that has palgued me for 3o years. Now I know what to do. Thanks you so very much!
Terry Miller, EMT, RMA, Wholistic-Naturopathic practitioner says:
November 25, 2010 at 2:44 am

Just a note to add to what Clint and Dr. Sinatra said about the lady who slept well for a time, then got restless again. In addition to EMFs in the bedroom and stress or alcohol/caffeine issues, there are a host of other issues that need to be looked into. This is where a wholistic approach is very helpful. Diet and nutrition also play a key role. A diet that is acidifying to the body can bind up the oxygen and cause stress to the body. Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD wrote a book called The Ph Miracle Diet that explains what diet and nutrition can do for the body.
A slightly alkaline solution can hold 100 times the oxygen than a slightly acidic one can. Your blood has to maintain a Ph of 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. If you dip into the acid range below 6.950, you will go into a coma and die because the acidity binds up oxygen and causes cellular death. Earthing allows more oxygen into the tissues to help the healing process. Meditation with breathing exercises also helps get more oxygen into the body which helps with stress and O2 levels at the same time.
EFT or Meridian tapping can also prove usefull to help aleviate any underlying psychological issues that may be affecting sleep and health. So look at the whole picture. Are you going through stress at work? Are you going through stress with family? The holidays can be the most stressful time of the year for families who are having communication difficulties that may need to be addressed.
For women, hormone levels also play a key role. There are many phyto- estrogens in the processed food we eat that throws off the estrogen/progesterone balance which can affect you greatly. Some of the soy products are also causing side affects such as this. Dr. Joseph Mercolas website has many articles on this and more.
Hope this helps some of you better understand grounding is not a silver bullet or cure-all. It is truly a very BIG development in health. But, you need to use common sense and look at the whole picture.
Be well.
adoley adoley says:
November 25, 2010 at 4:41 pm

Hi Terry,

Thank you for this terrific post offering important distinctions that affect our health. Its wonderful to have so many skilled practitioners as part of this conversation and I appreciate your generosity in sharing your knowledge. As you say theres no one thing that is a silver bullet or cure-all, whether its Earthing, Theta Healing or Quantum Touch or EFT. They are all wonderful tools or modalities that help us heal but we are holistic beings holy and whole unless the whole system is addressed the body cannot truly get back into balance.

Blessings, Adoley
viragini says:
November 26, 2010 at 3:18 pm

Yes ,
very important to see the whole picture.




Senior Member
Thanks for all this info. Not read about this before.

I have been told of three cheap options to try and help reduce electromagnetic stress build up in the body

1. to have a shower or bath
2. to exercise (but of course this is not an option if you are ill)
3. to go to the bottom of the garden and hold a metal pole stuck in the ground

I have tried using a "charge card" before but not sure how much that has helped. I have heard of someone getting on well with a q-link device but I have not tried one.
East Coast, US
Hi Wayne,

This is such an interesting thread and I will re-read it tomorrow when I can process things a bit better.
A friend of mine who is a Shaman told me to walk barefoot on the ground everyday, even in the snow.
I have not taken his advice but I think I will give it a try once it warms up just a bit :)

I also like the Townsend Letter and think I will subscribe to it for a year....so many good articles!



Senior Member
the lymenet discussion

has lengthened somewhat in particular to what shoes to wear. See my other listing of it.

personally I feel sleeping grounded is needed hence the equibment!


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
Wallace, there is a UK site that now sells conductive material grounding straps that can be worn around any type of footwear so that you can remain grounded when walking outside even if you have non conductive soles on your shoes/boots.


Having said that, Clint Ober does recommend that night time is the best time to be grounded as that is when the body is conducting its cellular repairs. The UK site don't sell the 'Barefoot' (US) bed sheets I don't think, but you can order them from the US and then use the UK/Europe safe leads from 'Groundology' if you are in the UK/Europe.

btw the main reason he recommends earthing is that it reduces inflammation and pain in the body and helps to 'recalibrate' the nervous system and restore/improve hormonal function. It also improves the zeta potential of red blood cells ie stops them clumping together - (it also protects against EMF's as this thread suggests).


Senior Member
I am sure the products are fine but personally as this technology is very new I prefer just to buy products approved by clint obers organisation.

I managed to find some leather shoes with leather soles locally. Now I can really feel the ground! All leather shoes are conductive!

Thom Hartmann wrote a short book on walking called #walking the blues away# but he failed to mention the benefit of barefoot walking.

My father wrote a published novel about a pair of magic shoes!!!!


Senior Member
Got my half bedsheet today from earthing .com. With my grounded adaptor I get a definite tingling sensation. Apparently this will last a few days. Very impressed!

Today I went for a barefoot walk on concrete. Not nearly as cold as I thought I would be!!! Will definitely make this part of my routine. I intuitively feel this will be very beneficial for me.

How are people doing?

Walk barefoot for health and happiness

Walk 15 minutes a day without footwear and you will let the earth seep into your being. In a month, you will start feeling a new strength, says Manjushree Abhinav.
By Manjushree Abhinav
01 Dec 2008, Citizen Matters
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Because the wind wants to feel your hair, and the earth wants to touch your feet.'
- Kahlil Gibran

We live in nature, but we dont live naturally. We live on the earth, but we dont touch it. Ninety per cent of the time, we hide from the sun. We use hot water to bathe, which is a fast, functional affair. Most of the time we condition the air we breathe. In winter, we keep warm and in summers, we protect ourselves from the heat. We burn most of the vitamin in food before we eat it. In fact, we protect ourselves from all that is natural. And yet, many of us fall ill from time of time, worry about our general health.

Walking with barefoot on the uneven path

Walking barefoot on an uneven path. Pic: Manjushree Abhinav.

This is where naturopathy comes in. Naturopathy is an alternative healing system. Like the name suggests, naturopathy attempts to re-link us with the five elements of nature, namely fire, water, earth, air and space, and thereby heal us.

Let us talk about an important element of nature: mother earth. There is one simple, quick way to get back in touch with the earth: walk barefoot.

Nature has made our feet sensitive. We have a lot of acupressure points on our feet which love to be massaged every now and then. But we deprive our poor feet the right to feel different surfaces by continuously covering them in thick chappals, or walking on flat tiled floor.

Then there is the obsession with clean, soft feet. The choice is simple. Do you want to be pretty and sick or tough and healthy? Health is the wealth that can give you the smile that no beauty parlor can produce.

Lets go back to the first step. No baby ever wore shoes while learning to walk. And the first step was such joy. The baby was trying out the strength of his leg muscles, and suddenly discovered balance by becoming aware of the muscles in his feet. Most children hate wearing shoes, they prefer sandals. Shoes and socks, worn the whole day, render our feet numb. The more comfortable our shoes, the lesser aware we are of our feet.

Walking with barefoot

On stones. (Pic: Manjushree Abhinav)

Walking barefoot on mother earth is like hugging your mother. You might remember the experiment with two groups of baby monkeys. The one who were allowed to hug their mothers lived as compared to the ones who got the milk from plastic bottles.

Nature nourishes and cherishes us in more ways than we are aware. Soil has healing properties. It draws out toxins from the body. Minerals that get lost on their way to us otherwise seep in directly from the touch of mother earth.

Try this experiment. Twice in a day, walk on bare earth for fifteen minutes. If you cant find bare earth, walk on a footpath. Make sure it is not a very smooth footpath though; we want some mud and pebbles. Walk slowly, letting the earth seep into your being. It might be painful at first, but soon the feet will start relishing the massage. Most of your bodily aches and pains will diminish within a week.

If you continue for more than a month, you will start feeling a new strength in your body, feet up. The feet will actually radiate a palpable sense of well being.

Walking with barefoot on the stones

Even closer. (Pic: Manjushree Abhinav)

Walking barefoot is especially good for knee pain, stiffness in the joints, and back pain. A study showed that the incidence of arthritis and varicose veins are much lower in villages, probably because they walk barefoot. Digestion also improves drastically by the acupressure effect of barefoot walking.

But yes, care for the feet that walk bare can include a warm footbath at night, followed by a quick massage with oil. Soaking the feet in warm water for five to ten minutes will, as it is, refresh your entire being. And the massage will soothe the creases and seal in the energy.

Celebrities who walk barefoot

Although he is a little eccentric, M F Hussain is a sprightly old man who radiates energy. Famous for his paintings, the media doesnt tire of musing over his bare feet.

It is written that Jesus Christ walked bare foot, and made his disciples do the same.


Senior Member
Doesn't it partly depend on where you live whether walking bare foot is good. In India and the Middle East it is hot. But in China, where it is colder, they say you lose chi walking around bare foot.


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
Hey Wallace! Great news!!! :D

Let us know how you get on.

Been using mine for about a month now - definitely sleeping better and deeper MOST nights (which I thought was impossible with ME/CFS).

Its not a miracle cure, but it does help most of the time.

Wouldn't dare go back to sleeping without it now ... :D