"Earthing" for Protection from EMFs


Senior Member
This is a little bit off topic but, has anyone have any experience with salt crystal lamps?
the claim is that they protects us from EMF.
Someone just mentioned to me that he has one near his computer and another near his tv and radio
and it protects against the bad effects of EMF.
I asked him how do you know that it actually works.
He said that many studies have been done to show the benefits.

Does anyone have any experience with these salt crystal lamps?



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Does anyone have any experience with these salt crystal lamps?

Hi Neil,

Yeah, I've had one in my bedroom for several years. I like it a lot, seems to have sort of a soothing energy to it. As far as it protecting from EMFs? I can see where it might, but don't really feel the protection it might offer compares to the earthing sheet I've been sleeping on for about a month now.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
he tossed and turned until he was banished to the guest room.

Hi Camas,

I appreciated your whole post, but had to chuckle when I read about your boyfriend getting banished to the guest room. :D

That's really interesting that you have noticed more color in body. I would agree with you that it certainly seems to be a good thing, and is likely some sort of detoxing. I also would think the old symptoms you're experiencing is the tracing back of old patterns that is a normal part of healing.

I appreciate your taking the time to update us on your experience. It's a reason for me to also keep track of symptoms that may be reversing themselves. If the benefits of grounding ourselves are cumulative (which I believe they are), then I can see where various kinds of changes could take place of fairy long intervals of time.

I was wondering if you got some kind of special "earthing" moccassins, or if you just picked up a pair locally. My partner and I are both looking at getting some for ourselves. Any tips would be appreciated. :Retro smile:

Best Regards, Wayne

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Questions about grounded outlet

I'm interested in trying the 1/2 sheet. Since I can't run a wire outside to the ground, I'd connect it to a grounded outlet.

I know the sheet comes with something to indicate whether your outlet is grounded or not, but I'd like to find out first before buying the sheet.

If I were to go to a hardware store, what would I ask for? I put "outlet tester" into Amazon's search engine and got a page with lots of products with different kinds of names and descriptions.

I also wondered if this would make a difference. The wall at the head of my bed is made of stone, and electrical outlets were installed into the stone. Do you think an outlet imbedded in stone would affect anything related to the grounding sheet?



Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Hi, Hamletian dreamer, I have just bought the Queen size 1/2 sheet; find it reaches from my shoulders to around my knees, and of course when using a pillow one's head does not contact a full sheet, so feel it does a good job at a lower price. The 1/2 sheet does come with an outlet tester like the ones you can buy at hardware stores, so save your money. But that tester only tells you if the wiring has been connected correctly--it does not tell you if the ground connection itself is a good one--seems in some houses it is, in others not--you would need to contact an electrician to get positive knowledge. I don't think having a stone wall would affect the wiring in any way.

I have not used it long enough, and have been going through a real crash caused by moving, so do not have any strong info on results yet, but it may be helping a bit with sleep, I feel. In any case, I can testify that the 1/2 sheet solution does seem practicable, and you don't need to buy one of those hardware circuit testers. Good luck, and keep us informed! Best, Chris


Senior Member
I was wondering if you got some kind of special "earthing" moccassins, or if you just picked up a pair locally. My partner and I are both looking at getting some for ourselves. Any tips would be appreciated. :Retro smile:

Hey Wayne,

Mine are just regular old fashioned moccasins with leather bottoms. I assume they will work fine for grounding. I got them off Amazon. The brand was Minnetonka, but I should warn that they are very narrow. I usually wear an AA or A width and they barely fit with thin socks.

Good to hear you are sleeping so well!


Senior Member
I know the sheet comes with something to indicate whether your outlet is grounded or not, but I'd like to find out first before buying the sheet.

If I were to go to a hardware store, what would I ask for? I put "outlet tester" into Amazon's search engine and got a page with lots of products with different kinds of names and descriptions.

I believe all you need is a regular receptacle tester (not a GFCI) which you should be able to get for around $5.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Combining the Cortices Technique with Earthing

Hi All,

I used to do an energetic technique called the "Cortices Technique", which could be briefly described as balancing the two hemispheres of the brain. I felt I got benefit from it for a while, even though I now realize I wasn't doing it correctly.

I just reviewed it again on this 12-minute video demonstration. I was struck by how much information in this video references our bodies' bio-electrical EMFs that are a natural part of normal brain function (and other parts of our body as well). I think the Cortices Technique fits it in nicely with the topic of "earthing" as it apparently has the ability to negate some of the negative effects of artificial EMFs.

Now that I've learned how to do it correctly (a few minutes ago), I plan to continue to use it regularly. I felt I noticed an immediate difference, but they say the benefits are cumulative, especially if used over at least a 2-3 month period. I think this could be an important piece for myself, so thought I would share it here.

Dannybex shared on this thread that he knows a woman who had CFS for 17 years, and was able to recover 90-95% from using the Cortices and other similar energetic techniques. Who knows, perhaps combining earthing and the Cortices Technique could be a powerful combination that will help some of us, perhaps even substantially.

Best Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
Hi Neil,

Yeah, I've had one in my bedroom for several years. I like it a lot, seems to have sort of a soothing energy to it. As far as it protecting from EMFs? I can see where it might, but don't really feel the protection it might offer compares to the earthing sheet I've been sleeping on for about a month now.


Agree with Wayne


Senior Member
Reporting in on my first month with the grounding sheet. I've not changed anything in my daily routine -- continue to use the same supplements and drugs I've been on for some time.

At about three weeks in I woke up one morning to find I was pink! Pink face, pink lips, pink gums, pink nail beds. This is highly unusual because I've been deathly pale for as long as I can remember. I don't know what else to attribute this too. I don't think it's allergies. Those will sometimes turn my skin red, but also hot and itchy which it is not. And it certainly isn't from being in the sun, since we see so little sun in Portland this time of year.

Unfortunately this apparent increase in blood flow has not translated into feeling better, and I'm wondering if it's contributing to detoxing symptoms. Initially I had a flare up of my interstitial cystitis. That has since calmed down, but now I'm having some asthma and that wired-but-tired sensation. Sleep has been quite difficult the last few nights. All of these are very old symptoms for me -- things I haven't had difficulty with in years. It's interesting to be cycling through these old symptoms. I'm also still perspiring after getting into bed and have been needing more showers. It really does feel like I'm going through some kind of detox.

My boyfriend continues to sleep well. He's convinced the sheet is helping. We went without it one night while it was in the laundry, and he tossed and turned until he was banished to the guest room.

I'm still not sure what it all means, but I'll take it as a good sign that my coloring is so much better and that my boyfriend's sleep is improved.

I also bought a pair of moccasins figuring they'd been the easiest way to ground when I'm puttering around the yard. Haven't had much chance to use them outside yet since were in the midst of the rainy season, but they sure are comfortable for wearing around the house. Haven't had a pair since I was a kid.

I think we need to be patient and not expect instant miracles. This process is going to take time to undo our illness. Nothing is a magic wand! The fact that something is occuring is what is important rather than am I better this week over last week.

I have ordered moccasins from wwwsoftstarshoes.com which you can design yourself!


Senior Member

just ordered a book about it on amazon

google bodytalk and obama and see how he is a fan.

google bodytalk earthing


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi All,

I was feeling particularly discombobulated this morning, and then remembered about the Cortices Technique after seeing this thread on the front page. So I took a minute and did it, and the results were even more noticeable than yesterday. Have to say, I feel soooo much better than before I did it.

Wallace, I did google body talk and Obama and came up with the following article. I thought it was well done and balanced. Plus, there are a number of good comments at the end. Thought I'd post a link here. I continue to think this fits in with earthing and negating some of the harmful effects of artificial EMFs.

Best, Wayne

BodyTalk: Could a new therapy be the answer to all your aches and pains?

Rumoured to be popular with Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama, BodyTalk is now finding converts in Britain.



Senior Member
I think we need to be patient and not expect instant miracles. This process is going to take time to undo our illness. Nothing is a magic wand! The fact that something is occuring is what is important rather than am I better this week over last week.

I agree, wallace. I don't expect miracles from any treatment. I just try different treatments in hope of chipping away at symptoms. That earthing appears to be having any effect at all is really interesting to me, although I have had some luck with energy medicine in the past. I'm going to keep at since it's so easy to do and, after the initial investment, doesn't cost a thing.


Senior Member

Dr Lee cowden here warns to build up with earthing gradually. obviously everyone is different but I think I need to cut back and will now try one hour a day.

Naturally earthing I will continue as normal.

I have seen tremendously positive health benefits in patients when they kept their treatment unchanged and only started doing progressively more grounding of their bodies to the earth each day. I do not have any stock or ownership in earthi...ng pads nor do I get financial benefit from suggesting this to patients. Cave men & cave women walked on the earth barefooted much of the day & often slept on the ground at night. They were grounded to the earth hours per day. Most present-day humans walk on synthetic non-grounding shoes all day long, sleep on synthetic beds all night long & only get grounding for a few minutes when they take a shower. Because most people don't have the time or correct circumstances to ground to the earth as much as they would benefit from, I have suggested to patients that when the weather permits, they should take their shoes off & sit in a chair with their feet touching the ground (not touching the synthetic carpet, linoleum or wooden floor) while they read a book or do some other task that they needed to be seated for. If patients need more grounding than they can get that way (and some patients appear to require many hours per day), I sometimes suggest they purchase some small-guage insulated, braided speaker wire, a 2-foot-long metal rod & a small pipe-clamp to attach the wire to the rod (total cost less than$10). They drive the metal rod into the earth outside their bedroom window, strip 1" of insulation off the speaker wire, and attach it to the metal rod with the pipe clamp. The wire is then run through the window in such a way that the window still closes. The wire is extended to the place on the bed where the patient sleeps. Approximately one foot of insulation is removed from that end of the wire so that it can be wrapped loosely around the patient's wrist while the patient sleeps. It is important that the patient set a battey-operated alarm clock to awaken in the night to take the wire off the wrist until they have built up to at least 3 hours of use each night (starting with only about 10 minutes). Then they can sleep with it for 8-9 hours without getting excessive detox reaction from grounding (see Connie's comments above). Instead of the speaker wire approach, most find the metalized cloth grounding sheets easier & the cost is approx.$170-200 (includes a plug that can plug into a properly grounded electric outlet in the house & a device to measure each wall outlet to see if the outlets are properly grounded).Steyla, faith, hope & belief are critically important components in getting well, but if you believe that we were created to walk, live & work in the garden (of Eden) and now are living in a fallen, mostly-synthetic, chemically & electromagnetically polluted world, then maybe at least some of the illness is from our not doing each day what we were created to do. I suggest that Jenni & Finette educate themselves more on this topic before commenting here further on this topic.


Senior Member
Bodytalk : Sure it looks like EFT but i want to read more about it as possibly its better than EFT! Hence ordering the book! At bodytalk last conf there had a speaker on earthing so there is a connection.

Yep I am moderately impressed with the one minute exercise


Senior Member
Sure it looks like EFT but i want to read more about it as possibly its better than EFT! Hence ordering the book! At bodytalk last conf there had a speaker on earthing so there is a connection.

Yep I am moderately impressed with the one minute exercise


Senior Member
esday, December 28, 2010
Earthing-In The New Year

The Earthing Institute
Clinton Ober
Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
James Oschman, Ph.D.
Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D.
Martin Zucker

We, and all the folks at Earthing Central, would like to wish all of you and your families a fulfilling and healthy 2011. We would also like to express our thanks for encouraging us with your interest, feedback, and questions. We receive many questions from people who have read the Earthing book and who have started Earthing themselves. We appreciate the questions because they stoke the process of helping us better explain the remarkable phenomenon of Earthing. We know some but certainly far from all of the benefits of Earthing. Often we have to rely on hypothesis and suggestion to describe the mechanisms because the science done to date has only scratched the surface of understanding. We have posted the most commonly-asked questions on the FAQs page atEarthing Institute and we invite you to check them out anytime you have a question. If you dont find what you are looking for there, dont hesitate to contact us at info@earthinginstitute.net

One of the most interesting questions we received recently was sent in by Ross Dean of Fairfield, Iowa. Mr. Dean asked about good free radicals that participate in protective body functions vs. bad free radicals involved in chronic inflammation. If the free electrons that enter the body through grounding neutralize free radicals, how do they discriminate between the good free radicals and the bad? he wanted to know. Arent the good free radicals also desiring to bond with the free electrons that come in through grounding?

For a precise answer, we went to our electron expert, biophysicist James Oschman, Ph.D. Here is his answer:

Free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential to life. The good free radicals attack bacteria or other pathogens crossing the skin barrier when you have a cut or other injury. They also break down injured cells. These actions are essential to protect the body from infection and to make space for regenerative cells that will repair an injury. The benign ROS are delivered by white blood cells directly to a site of inflammation. They are not readily neutralized by electrons from the earth because they are delivered to a precise location at a very high concentration, and their electron-grabbing activity is precisely focused on damaged cells and pathogens that may have crossed the skin.

In an ungrounded body, free radicals leaking from a site of injury will damage surrounding tissues, which can coagulate into an inflammatory barricade. A local pocket of inflammation is then created that can endure and leak damaging toxins into the system. This is one example of how free radicals become dangerous. We believe the healthy connective tissue matrix of a grounded person will have abundant electrons to neutralize those leaking free radicals and thereby prevent collateral damage to healthy tissues.

Other dangerous ROS are produced during normal metabolism and breathing. You can prevent them from forming if you stop eating and stop breathingobviously not recommended. The leading theory of aging (the free radical theory) is that aging results from the cumulative damage caused by free radicals that come from oxygen in the tissues, from normal metabolism and from environmental toxins. These free radicals are thought to cause aging in three ways:

1) by damaging DNA, leading to mutations and cancer;
2) damaging mitochondria, the energy-producing structures inside cells;
3) by cross-linking proteins, which compromises the functioning of enzymes and also causes wrinkling of the skin.

We believe that all of these mechanisms of age-related free radical damage are slowed significantly by grounding, and that in the grounded body the healthy connective tissue matrix will be populated with enough electrons to neutralize free radicals wherever they form from whatever cause. There is a beneficial feedback effect: the grounded body will not form inflammatory pockets around sites of injury. Injuries will heal quickly. And the connective tissue in the body that is free of inflammatory pockets will be more conductive to electrons (inflammatory barricades are poorly conductive) and therefore will be better able to neutralize free radicals quickly wherever they form from whatever cause.

Some Important Earthing Reminders
We also get questions from a sprinkling of people concerned about their initial Earthing experiences during the first few days or whose expectations of benefits didnt manifest as quickly as they had hoped. We have talked about this in the Earthing book, and also in earlier reports on this website, but the explanation is worth repeating.

In the vast majority of cases, people begin to feel better soon after they start Earthing. They feel no discomfort at all with the Earths energy and adjust to it easily. Remember that sleeping grounded or sitting inside your home or office with bare feet on an Earthing mat is the same as being barefoot outside. Nevertheless, the energy can be strange or even discomforting for some people. They may even experience flu-like symptoms, pain, achiness, or cramps. In practically all of these situations, the experience is temporary, a result of the body normalizing to the natural energy from the Earth. As this process gets underway, your ability to release accumulated toxicity appears to accelerate and become more effective. When detoxification occurs, you can feel worse before you feel better. The feeling might last a few days but it will go away and you will feel renewed and energized afterward. We think that the leg cramps that some people feel may be related to toxins coming out of the tissues. So we advise people to start drinking more water so as to flush out the toxins more readily. The strategy usually works and the cramps disappear. In any case, the better hydrated the body is the more conductive it is. So drinking plenty of good quality water serves health in general and Earthing as well. If someone cant tolerate the initial discomfort we usually recommend they stop Earthing for a couple of days, then begin again, but with shorter sessions, like an hour or two during the day. Then gradually increase the exposure to the point where they can comfortably sleep grounded. It may take a bit of experimentation in these cases, but the rewards are usually well worth sticking with it. It is also possible that Earthing could generate a healing process in the body that causes nerve fibers to function better, resulting in unaccustomed sensations. Generally, such sensations also go away in a short period of time. Everybody benefits in some way, but each of us is different. The benefits can come quickly and dramatically, or subtly and gradually over time. Often people who are very ill or saddled with various symptoms feel the difference dramatically. One older man adamantly told us he didnt feel any difference but then admitted that he didnt get up at night to urinate as frequently as he did before, and often didnt get up at all. Thats a sign of deeper sleep and probably reduction of prostate inflammation. Both are great benefits!

Someone with radiant health and who sleeps well may not feel any difference. However, connecting to the Earth helps to preserve and perpetuate good health. In this situation, regard Earthing as a simple, effortless, and natural form of anti-aging and preventive medicine, whether you feel benefits or not.

For people taking medication, we always suggest being alert to the possibility that as they feel better, the dosage level of medication may be able to be reduced. You may experience signs of overdose. If you do, please see your doctor right away. In any case, do not reduce medication without consulting with your doctor. If you are taking any form of blood thinner, whether a prescription medicine like Coumadin, or a nutritional supplement, remember that Earthing has a blood thinning effect. Monitor your blood level very carefully and talk to your doctor about what you are doing. You want to guard against excess thinning and the risk of bleeding.

A new European study to be published this spring indicates that Earthing improves thyroid function. This is something we have known on an observational basis for years. Some people on medication for underactive thyroid have reported feeling palpitations, irregular and/or forceful beating of the heart. This unpleasant symptom can reflect an arrhythmia but is also a common sign of excess thyroid hormone, including thyroid medication. So if you take thyroid medication and start Earthing, be alert to the possibility of medication overdose. If that happens, you may need to cut down on your medication. Many people have been able to do. But please consult with your physician who prescribed the medication.

Earthing Care Tips
We would also like to remind you about taking good care of your Earthing sheets. Remember NO BLEACH when you wash the sheets. Bleach will destroy the conductive silver threads in the sheet that carry the Earths energy. Use gentle laundry detergent, such as the eco-friendly varieties you can purchase in health food stores, or a product like Tide Free and Clear.

Please avoid using creams, lotions, and essential oils on your feet or body before bedtime if you sleep on an Earthing half-sheet, fitted sheet, or recovery bag. The oils contained in these products become absorbed into the fabric of the sheets and can destroy the conductivity of the silver. Try to use such body products at an earlier time. There is no problem with facial creams for people who sleep with pillows. Some years ago conductive Earthing pillows were developed but later discontinued because they were rendered ineffective by people applying facial creams at bedtime. The oils in the creams oxidized and ruined the conductivity of the pillows.

Inspiring Feedback
From the many communications we receive it is amply clear that more and more people are discovering the surprising and health-nurturing benefits of Earthing.
On a daily basis, we hear things like this:

● I have had a miraculous health reversal.
● From a health professional in Portland: Occasionally, I come across a genuine breakthrough in natural health careA low cost idea easy to apply, that anyone can use at home, and that is applicable to everyone regardless of age or body type. Earthing definitely fall into this category.
● From a doctor in Los Angeles: I have been sleeping better now than I have in probably 50 years.
● My husbands snoring stopped.
● This past mothers day my kids gave me the best present I have ever received the Earthing sheet. I have never slept so well in my life since then.
● Its only been six weeks and we are seeing such improvement in our health and well-being.
● Ive been on lots of pain medication for twelve years since an accident. Sleeping grounded got rid of the pain. My life has changed profoundly.
● My 80-year-old aches and pains have diminished 50 per cent. I can do things better and move better.
● My blood pressure has improved.
● From a mechanical engineer in Kennewick, Washington: Ive been using my Earthing sheet and mats for about 5 months and gave sheets to all my sisters and children. Everyone is sleeping better and is experiencing their version of increased vitality. My sister completely turned her life around and all the pieces fell into place which allowed her to pursue her dreams. Its like her connection to the Earth gave her the ability to see exactly what needed to be done. Its very calming for her.
● From a doctor in New York: I am beyond grateful for the relief.

The gratification we feel after reading and hearing words like this, of lives being so positively touched, is hard to describe. Words also fail us to describe how we personally feel about being messengers for this beautiful discovery or revival of knowledgemessengers, in a sense, for Mother Earths great endowment of health for all mankind. We feel utterly blessed to be able to explore this natural gift, and share the revelations, and spread the word to ever-growing numbers of people.

Looking Forward in 2011
In 2010, the Earthing book was published and created a strong wave of interest for Earthing. After more than 12 years of endlessly and exhaustively explaining the Earthing concept to thousands of people, Clint Ober had his wish: a book that could at last do a lot of the explaining for him. Looking forward, we envision at least several new Earthing studies to be published in 2011, further validating this most remarkable concept from the perspective of science.
In the first half of 2011 we hope to finally get our online Earthing training program going. Many of you have asked about it. We appreciate your patience.

Also in the first half of the year we will have grounded flipflops available. And 100 percent cotton sheets, too. The price of cotton has soared, unfortunately, but not much we can do about it.

We look forward to Earthing capturing mainstream media attention this year. Its too attractive and natural a story to stay under the media radar much longer.

Meanwhile, well keep sending out announcements and reports to you as Earthing developments unfold.
Posted on 12/28 at 11:36 PM


Senior Member
6 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars AN OUTSTANDING BOOK!, August 3, 2010
This review is from: Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? (Paperback)
by Jacob Teitelbaum MD-- Author of From Fatigued to Fantastic!

When was the last time your bare feet touched the earth?

With the soles of shoes being made of insulating materials, cities being covered in asphalt, and most of our homes offering little or no contact with the ground, you may find that it's been a while. This is especially so for people who live in big cities.

For most of human existence, we lived in intimate contact with the earth and soil. People walked barefoot or with leather soled shoes. They also slept in contact with the ground. This is no longer the case.

In this interesting new book by Dr. Stephan Sinatra and Martin Zucker, 2 colleagues that I have great respect for, they team up with Clinton Ober who developed the concept called "Earthing". It is a remarkably simple and (uncommonly) common sense idea, and has been supported by a number of studies done by Mr. Ober.

It notes simply that, just as a house's electrical system needs to be grounded by contact with the earth, so does our body's. If not frequently grounded by touching the ground regularly, this lack of grounding can result in many medical problems. These can include (especially) poor sleep, fatigue, immune dysfunction and pain. The good news? They have found that these problems often quickly resolve by simply going barefoot or sitting on the ground (perhaps reading a book sitting on a beach or the grass) for an extended period.

Western medicine has focused on biochemistry. My impression, from having browsed through the scientific literature from almost a century ago, was that there was a "discouragement" of the then equal interest in biophysics. It seemed that major figures in medicine quickly recognized that if they didn't want to be shut out, they needed to drop their work in biophysics and focus on the then fledgling pharmaceutical industry. In China and the Far East however, they could not afford expensive pharmaceuticals, and biophysics (which in essence is what acupuncture is) got the most attention. This is now slowly starting to change, and medicine is starting to again explore biophysics (e.g. MRI machines, PET Scans, etc).

This new book is on the cutting edge, and offers important guidance for people with fibromyalgia, pain, insomnia, and a host of medical problems.The theories offered are fascinating.For example, the theory that having your bare feet touch the ground can neutralize "free radicals", though initially radical, makes excellent sense when looked at more closely.
Although time will tell how close they are to the mark, in their theories, their simple advice can have dramatic health benefits NOW. This has been well documented in the studies they present.

Although well grounded scientifically, this book is also easy reading for nonmedical/non-science readers. It is fun, enlightening, and offers simple practical tips that have helped many people regain their health. I am happy to recommend it!