OK, I'm playing the devils advocate here, personally I think Molly's idea is good, but just pointing out how others might see it. I may be worrying unnecessarily but here goes......
Molly said:
"It would be difficult for anyone to object to this approach as it is giving the children and teenagers the support they need for living with a Chronic disease."
I think there may well be those who would object, the psychiatrists and social services, who may use it against the children and their parents.
They've repeatedly said over the years that being a member of a patient organisation, internet forum etc reinforces patients wrong illness beliefs, worsening the disorder, making it less likely people will recover with CBT/GET. Therefore from their perspective mentors might be seen as harming the children and prolonging their disease by pandering to these misconceptions.
Could they even use it against the parents, that by allowing their child to be mentored by an adult with the disease, these parents are compounding their child's and their own wrong illness belief that they are physically ill, therefore harming their child ?
@Daisymay for your input on this, the points you make are very valuable and we definitely need to be aware of this possibility if setting something like this up.
However, I think this would be quite difficult for them to sustain for the following reasons.
1. EC has been quite clear and publically outspoken in her belief now that ME is a Biological not psychological illness. that needs biological medical research. She herself has said it should not be treated as a psychological illness.
2. I think the public would find it highly questionable and suspicious if such support was refused to children and young people. Is there any other illness/ disease or experience that young people have which such support would not be welcomed?
3. We would not be talking about treatment or cures simply 1 to 1 support by adults who live with this disease on a daily basis and therefore have the lived experience of the problems and difficulties these young people face.
4. We would be offering emotional, moral and practical support, I think it would be difficult to oppose that for any child struggling with any difficulty.
5. If this issue came up, If that were their opinion, then the results and feedback of the support would speak for themselves and they would have to prove their claims of harm, which I think would be very difficult. If it's done professionally through the charities of MEA and Tymes trust I think it could be very awkward for them to have this position, to oppose support to children and young people. I think it would look very abusive to be honest, I mean this is what Child abusers do, they cut off the child and isolate them from other forms of support and other people's opinion so that the child only has access to the adult abusing them. They don't allow the child to hear any opinion other than their own. It is very cult like and highly abusive and I am not sure.
6. EC has talked in the media about coming together, about their not being enough help and support for Young People and their families, well this is the patients playing their role in coming together to support these children and young people.
7. All we hear about is the vocal minority who are trying to deny treatment and support to children and young people, well here is an idea that actually would be us being proactive and positive in supporting children and young people so it would not really fit with the image that is being portrayed of us,