E. Crawley: Time to end the damaging battle over chronic fatigue syndrome


Senior Member
Well your cult has been openly preaching primary psychological causation for decades. So that might be why. :rolleyes:


Emotional suppression in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): Experimental study
Rimes, K. A., Ashcroft, J. C., Bryan, L. & Chalder, T. 16 May 2016 In : Health Psychology.

Are depression and anxiety associated with disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis?: A prospective study
Matcham, F. A. E., Ali, S., Irving, K., Hotopf, M. H. & Chalder, T. 11 Apr 2016 In : BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS. 17, 1

Understanding fatigue in paediatric multiple sclerosis: a systematic review of clinical and psychosocial factors
Carroll, S., Chalder, T., Hemingway, C., Heyman, I. & Moss-Morris, R. Mar 2016 In : Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 58, 3, p. 229–239

Psychological correlates of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review

Matcham, F., Ali, S., Hotopf, M. & Chalder, T. 1 Jul 2015 In : Clinical Psychology Review. 39, p. 16-29
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“It feels like wearing a giant sandbag.” Adolescent and parent perceptions of fatigue in paediatric multiple sclerosis
Carroll, S., Chalder, T., Hemingway, C., Heyman, I. & Moss-morris, R. 2 Jul 2016 In : EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY.

A Systematic Review of Anxiety Amongst People with Multiple Sclerosis
Butler, E., Matcham, F. & Chalder, T. 11 Oct 2016 In : Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
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Psychological correlates of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review
Matcham, F., Ali, S., Hotopf, M. & Chalder, T. 1 Jul 2015 In : Clinical Psychology Review. 39, p. 16-29
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Childhood stressors in the development of fatigue syndromes: a review of the past 20 years of research
Borsini, A., Hepgul, N., Mondelli, V., Chalder, T., Pariante, C. M. & Mondelli, V. Jul 2014 In : Psychological Medicine. 44, 9, p. 1809-1823

Emotion recognition and emotional theory of mind in chronic fatigue syndrome
Oldershaw, A., Hambrook, D., Rimes, K., Tchanturia, K., Treasure, J., Richards, S., Schmidt, U. & Chalder, T. 2011 In : Psychology & health. 26, 8, p. 989-1005
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Personality and perfectionism in chronic fatigue syndrome: A closer look
Deary, V. & Chalder, T. Apr 2010 In : Psychology & Health. 25, 4, p. 465 - 475
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Cognitive behavioural therapy and psycho-education for chronic fatigue syndrome in young people: reflections from the families' perspective
Dennison, L., Stanbrook, R., Moss-Morris, R., Yardley, L. & Chalder, T. Feb 2010 In : British Journal of Health Psychology. 15, Pt 1, p. 167 - 183
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Chronic fatigue syndrome in adolescents: Do parental expectations of their child's intellectual ability match the child's ability?
Godfrey, E., Cleare, A., Coddington, A., Roberts, A., Weinman, J. & Chalder, T. Aug 2009 In : Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 67, 2, p. 165 - 168
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Salivary cortisol output before and after cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome
Roberts, A. D. L., Papadopoulos, A. S., Wessely, S., Chalder, T. & Cleare, A. J. May 2009 In : Journal of Affective Disorders. 115, 1-2, p. 280 - 286
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A randomised controlled trial of a psycho-educational intervention to aid recovery in infectious mononucleosis
Candy, B., Chalder, T., Cleare, A. J., Wessely, S. & Hotopf, M. Jul 2004 In : Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 57, 1, p. 89-94
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Causal attributions for somatic sensations in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and their partners
Butler, J. A., Chalder, T. & Wessely, S. Jan 2001 In : Psychological Medicine. 31, 1, p. 97-105 , N/AContribution to journal › Article

Chronic fatigue in general practice: is counselling as good as cognitive behaviour therapy? A UK randomised trial
Ridsdale, L., Godfrey, E., Chalder, T., Seed, P., King, M., Wallace, P., Wessely, S. & Fatigue Trialists' Group Jan 2001 In : British Journal of General Practice. 51, 462, p. 19-24
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Chronic fatigue in general pratice: economic evaluation of counselling versus cognitive behaviour therapy
Chisholm, D., Godfrey, E., Ridsdale, L., Chalder, T., King, M., Seed, P., Wallace, P., Wessely, S. & Fatigue Trialists' Group 2001 In : British Journal of General Practice. 51, 462, p. 15 - 18
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Defensive coping styles in chronic fatigue syndrome
Creswell, C. & Chalder, T. 2001 In : Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 51, 4, p. 607 - 610
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No we don't believe it's psychological:bang-head:.
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Crawley is plugging MEGA ( not by name) on Radio Bristol. Crawley claiming she has been "trying for years" to do a large scale biological study.

So thats why she's done so many psychosocial studies then.

The interview is basically spin for MEGA and FITNET. surprise..



Senior Member

It's around 10 mins to 33 mins.

Listen to it.

10/10 for marketing and public relations for Esther Crawley:trophy::moneybag::trophy::moneybag:.

Bravo Esther!

0/10 for science and medicine.

This probably breaches BBC impartiality as public funded broadcaster. It was pure marketing and advertisement for Crawley .

Hammond interviewed his employer Crawley and at the end advertised AYME as the charity for further information.

Crawley did not declare she was medical advisor to AYME.

There is conflicts of interest with Crawley with each party.

No counter balance as tymes trust and MEA were not invited.

Complain here:

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Senior Member
I am just listening to the first half, I hadn't realised it's so long

I repeat what I said elsewhere.
I got Ill as a teen. It's just a lie to say all teens sleep too much and act as if sleep "correction", delivered as CBT is some big wonder thing. I slept normal times just lightly and unrefreshing.

Now listening to her defence of PACE…. :( and her saying the reanlysis changes nothing :$

Now listening to her "biology" talk. Hmm. Apparently usa stuff is inconsequential as we are 5 to 10 years away from treatment.. When? Does fitnet or magenta or mega complete? All long or drawn trials 2022

Would love to hear the facts on what I suspect was a refusal around 2010 of the MRC to fund their genetics trial. Probably further damning with of MRC neglect hiding behind supposed to o few /weak applications
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Senior Member
Just listened to the bit I missed.

'Must stop doing these small trials' ( take heed Prof Davis and Dr Naviaux)' EC thinks your work is meaningless and you are wasting your time.

It is far better, Dr Esther Crawley says, to let her spend money on CBT and her MEGA studies on Chronic Fatigue.


I guess she would insist that Whitney should be given CBT as that is the therapy that works. (no, we haven't had the results yet, but that is what they are going to prove.)

What does Janet think of this?

I would like to hear a discussion broadcast between Prof Ron Davis and Prof Crawley.

I have a question. As she acknowledges that there are several different illnesses involved, why does she tell paediatricians that if a child becomes severely ill, they must be labelled with PRS, with all the horrible consequences, including legal proceedings taken against parents, as severe illness isn't on the 'CFS/ME spectrum'.

Someone needs to ask her this question.

She obviously believes that NONE of these illnesses become severe.

I can only conclude she has no experience of ICC-ME.

How appalling that she recommends GET, given the MEA survey!

She is claiming there is no scientific evidence for it. Try listening to the patients.
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Senior Member
Just listened to the bit I missed.

'Must stop doing these small trials' ( take heed Prof Davis and Dr Naviaux)' EC thinks your work is meaningless and you are wasting your time.

It is far better, Dr Esther Crawley says, to let her to spend money on CBT and her MEGA studies on Chronic Fatigue.


I guess she would insist that Whitney should be given CBT as that is the therapy that works. (no, we haven't had the results yet, but that is what they are going to prove.)

What does Janet think of this?

I would like to hear a discussion broadcast between Prof Ron Davis and Prof Crawley.

I have a question. As she acknowledges that there are several different illnesses involved, why does she tell paediatricians that if a child becomes severely ill, they must be labelled with PRS, with all the horrible consequences, including legal proceedings taken against parents, as severe illness isn't on the 'CFS/ME spectrum'.

Someone needs to ask her this question.

She obviously believes that NONE of these illnesses becomes severe.

I can only conclude she has no experience of ICC-ME.

How appalling that she recommends GET, given the MEA survey!

She is claiming there is no scientific evidence for it. Try listening to the patients.

Small trials are all this supposed CBT treated illness can raise funds to privately get going. Doesn't she wonder why?