I have hesitated to say this, but it is a problem that has arisen over the very recent years and is (indirectly?) relevant to this thread as it relates to the sloppy diagnosis of ME by the clinics and people like Esther Crawley. However, I must emphasise that it is just my observation.
For 30 years I have been involved in providing support in one way or another in ME; co-ordinating groups; organising accredited lectures for doctors and other professionals; or as now just phone and email support.
In recent years I have noted a change in the type of patient from the clinics who contact me.
For example I have one person now who is very ill; who has been sectioned because she failed to respond to the CBT/GET but is now home and being threatened again because she is in bed and failing to function normally. She is being threatened with further measures being taken and she is terrified and I really fear for her. I also fear what she may do to avoid what action these people may do.
BUT some of the people who contact me having been diagnosed with ME ........or rather CFS which they insist is the same as ME.............do not have any form of ME that I recognise. ( Well, they just don't have it.) Yet they are accepted and diagnosed by the clinics as having CFS and therefore ME.
The people who ring me who have ME are very considerate and anxious not to overload me, but the other folk are quite different. They ring me at terribly late hours and ignore my request that they do not do this. ..........and do it repeatedly . They are very demanding and do not understand what it is like to have ME. They clearly, to me, have been misdiagnosed with ME, and to be honest, they are now in the majority. ( One rang me on Sunday and demanded I came to her house and clean it for her! ) They are distressed and in need of help, of that there is no doubt........but they don't, in my opinion, have ME. This is clearly due to the failure of doctors to understand how to diagnose ME. Are these the folk who will be the participants in FITNET and MEGA?